This alien invasion story was published in 1974.
Predictive programs include:
Over Population
Economic Collapse
Societal Collapse
Destruction of White House
Destruction of Washington DC
Depopulation Agenda
One world alliance to fight aliens.
A trillion dollars worth of jewels.
Money laundering.
Wash trading. (Jewels) References to teletypes and news wire. Film cameras. Washington DC secretary hussies.
When they arrive from the future with a trillion dollars worth of jewels, only the US and British governments can be trusted to wash the funds, slowly incorporating diamonds into market so as not to cause too much financial disruption.
Basically, the “Predator” films plus time travel.
Our Children’s Children by Clifford D. Simak
My highlights and annotations:
Our Children’s Children by Clifford D. Simak
Book last read: 2023-09-22 21:18:54 Percentage read: 100%
Chapter 2: 1 Highlight Chapter progress: 3.35% Highlight: We are fleeing from the end of the human race.
Chapter 3: 2 Annotation Chapter progress: 5.03% Highlight: There’s something screwy going on, Notes: They are wearing the face mask again.
Chapter 4: 3 Annotation Chapter progress: 6.15% Highlight: You’ll have to handle it on an emergency basis until we can settle on some plan. Notes: Covid cult of death.
Chapter 4: 3 Annotation Chapter progress: 6.7% Highlight: We’re all in this together; Notes: Face mask injection death science.
Chapter 4: 3 Annotation Chapter progress: 7.26% Highlight: We have too many people now. Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 5: 4 Annotation Chapter progress: 8.94% Highlight: armed forces will be assigned the job of getting these people under shelter and providing food and other necessities for them. Notes: Forced injection FEMA camps
Chapter 6: 5 Annotation Chapter progress: 10.61% Highlight: The army was having trouble. Notes: Covid mrna heart cancer injection after effects.
Chapter 12: 11 Annotation Chapter progress: 20.67% Highlight: As a nation we have helped and still are helping other less-favored peoples. Notes: We will kill you if you reject our petro dollar. USA
Chapter 12: 11 Annotation Chapter progress: 22.35% Highlight: Given a few thousand years we will have developed deep space capability and probably will be gone from Earth. Notes: GTFO planet Elon Musk.
Chapter 12: 11 Annotation Chapter progress: 22.91% Highlight: Here is the chance, if you will take it, to reduce your population to more acceptable numbers. Notes: Gfys Bill Gates
Chapter 14: 13 Annotation Chapter progress: 25.14% Highlight: The people have a right to know. Notes: Terror, lies, and fear.
Chapter 18: 17 Annotation Chapter progress: 30.17% Highlight: We have too many people as it is. Notes: GTFO planet Bill Gates
Chapter 18: 17 Annotation Chapter progress: 30.73% Highlight: The taxpaying public would never stand for it. Notes: Lol
Chapter 20: 19 Annotation Chapter progress: 35.75% Highlight: Could it all, he wondered, be a matter of delusion, of mass hysteria? Notes: Covid scam
Chapter 22: 21 Annotation Chapter progress: 39.11% Highlight: As a rule a crisis will build up; you can see it coming and be halfway ready for it. Notes: Collapse imminent.
Chapter 24: 23 Annotation Chapter progress: 43.02% Highlight: The aliens are bisexual creatures. Notes: Snake alert.
Chapter 25: 24 Annotation Chapter progress: 45.81% Highlight: The public is more tax-conscious than it has ever been and something like this could bring about a confiscatory tax.”
Notes: Gfys
Chapter 25: 24 Annotation Chapter progress: 45.81% Highlight: These people have a lingo of their own and so far as people like you and I may be concerned it’s a foreign language we never knew existed.”
Notes: Secret society snake worshippers.
Chapter 26: 25 Highlight Chapter progress: 48.6% Highlight: Economic collapse, perhaps, is the best name for it. Probably some ethical collapse as well. A time of mounting inflation that reached ridiculous heights, matched by a mounting cynicism, a loss of faith in government, which contributed to the failure of government, a growing gap of resources and understanding between the rich and poor. It all grew up and up and then it all collapsed.
Chapter 28: 27 Annotation Chapter progress: 51.4% Highlight: Albert Einstein of our time.”
Notes: Snake
Chapter 28: 27 Highlight Chapter progress: 52.51% Highlight: economic and social collapse.
Chapter 28: 27 Highlight Chapter progress: 53.07% Highlight: I have, just a few minutes ago, signed an executive order declaring a national emergency. Under that order, a bank and trading holiday has been declared. This means that no banks or other financial institutions will open their doors for business, or transact any business, until further notice. Under the order all trading in stocks, shares and bonds, or in any commodities, will be suspended until further notice. All prices, salaries and wages will be frozen.
Chapter 31: 30 Annotation Chapter progress: 62.01% Highlight: seemed to offer no chance at all of any benefit or return. Notes: Higgs Boson God particle research CERN.
Chapter 32: 31 Annotation Chapter progress: 64.25% Highlight: And we know that, if dumped upon the market all at once, these stones would ruin prices. But if they were fed into the market, a few at a time, surreptitiously, they would have but small effect. Notes: Jewels.
Chapter 32: 31 Annotation Chapter progress: 64.8% Highlight: There is, as well, the matter of trust. On the basis of history, we knew there were few governments we could trust—actually, only two, you and the British. Notes: Lol
Chapter 33: 32 Highlight Chapter progress: 65.92% Highlight: overpopulation and the economic problems which could spring from it.
Chapter 33: 32 Annotation Chapter progress: 67.6% Highlight: The men in Washington, at Whitehall and in the Kremlin may be wrong on many points, but their various publics must realize that they are acting not out of the perversity of stupidity, but in honest good faith, doing what they consider proper to be done.
Notes: Lol
Chapter 33: 32 Annotation Chapter progress: 67.6% Highlight: I am hereby enrolling myself as charter member in the Keep Your Mouth Shut, Enoch Club. The membership is wide open and I invite all of you to join.
Notes: Face mask death science.
Chapter 36: 35 Annotation Chapter progress: 73.18% Highlight: I wasn’t a sleek, competent Washington hussy any longer; Notes: I was a whore.
Chapter 36: 35 Annotation Chapter progress: 73.74% Highlight: Monsters running loose,” she said. “Too many mouths to feed. Everyone fighting one another or getting set to fight. Notes: Prepare yourself.
Chapter 37: 36 Annotation Chapter progress: 76.54% Highlight: It will be even more costly than a war. It will maybe break us. It may bankrupt the world, but what would you have us do? Notes: Alien invasion.
Chapter 40: 39 Highlight Chapter progress: 81.56% Highlight: We would be better off without them.
Chapter 40: 39 Highlight Chapter progress: 81.56% Highlight: The dollar will be worth nothing and prices will go up.
Chapter 40: 39 Annotation Chapter progress: 81.56% Highlight: It’s a Commie plot, I tell you. A dirty Commie plot. I don’t know how they worked it, Notes: Covid scam.
Chapter 40: 39 Annotation Chapter progress: 82.12% Highlight: Something we don’t understand is very much afoot.”
Notes: Government issued “virus” test.
Chapter 44: 43 Highlight Chapter progress: 87.71% Highlight: I never pay attention to someone who tries to stop me. I got work to do and I can’t fool around.