Sincerely, The Lizard People
Category: News
Credible news from the other side
PLEASE NOTE: We won’t be able to provide healthcare. CHECK OUT THIS GREAT VACCINE WE HAVE FOR YOU!
Lizard Person Sales Pitch
Autonomous Shitting Machine. The Pinnacle of Modern Technology!
Easily accepts programming Vibrates on the lowest frequencies Distribution and population control Easily control their lifespan Terminate system processes remotely
Side Effects May Include Bloody Diarrhea and Death
Prepare for the food shortage and your vaccine. Put your mask ON.
I Hope The Vaccine Gives You Diarrhea For The Rest of Your Life.
Correction: I Hope The Vaccine DOESN’T Give You Diarrhea For The Rest of Your Life. Put your mask ON.
Ensure your mask is ON.
Dying Song
Your Body Thrives on Carbon Dioxide
Overseer Science. Make sure your mask is covering your mouth AND nose. Cinch it tight. Like a noose.
Sterilizing Your Children is Better Than Wearing a Mask
Overseer Gates. Put your mask on. Prepare for the food shortage and your vaccine.
Are You Going To Wear Your Mask During The Food Shortage?
Yes. I will follow the Lizard People Straight To Hell. They know what’s best for me and my family. I am being told the truth.