A Choice of Gods by Clifford D. Simak book review

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What will happen when all of these sick people die? Will the “Indians” return to the land? Will the gentiles go back to their home? Will the robots continue in the faith, creating the Project that contacts God in the center of the universe?

Will the people ever make it back?

No, I think not.

The evolution of man happens in the blink of an eye, not in millions and millions of years like these morons want us to believe.

Some of my highlights:

A Choice of Gods by Clifford D. Simak

Book last read: 2022-03-18 21:23:23
Percentage read: 100%

Chapter 3: 2
Chapter progress: 7.93%
Highlight: It had been the last thing in her mind. But when a tree speaks to one, what is one to do?


Chapter 3: 2
Chapter progress: 8.54%
Highlight: Their concern should not be with the stars and all that they might find to amuse themselves out there; any human’s one concern rightfully should be the condition of his immortal soul.

Notes: Dissolve religion of NASA

Chapter 3: 2
Chapter progress: 8.54%
Highlight: And what business did they have, Hezekiah asked, with a touch of bitterness, to be out among the stars?
Notes: Nobody wants to live on mars.

Chapter 3: 2
Chapter progress: 8.54%
Highlight: For who am I, he thought, to interfere with or dispute even such a simple thing as the falling of a leaf.

Notes: Robots do not think like this.

Chapter 3: 2
Chapter progress: 9.15%
Highlight: Were they, in sinful pride, aspiring to something reserved for the human race?
Notes: Yes.

Chapter 3: 2
Chapter progress: 9.15%
Highlight: Could entities that had no souls minister to the Lord?
Notes: No.

Chapter 4: 3
Chapter progress: 12.2%
Highlight: You never went to the stars and you may be better off for never having gone.
Notes: Get off planet, lizard people.

Chapter 4: 3
Chapter progress: 12.2%
Highlight: We had only a few hundred years of the white man’s way and they had been far from good years.
Notes: It’s over.

Chapter 4: 3
Chapter progress: 12.8%
Highlight: We have become competent observers and we gain our satisfaction from our observations, achieving minor triumphs when we are able to reach some solid understanding.

Chapter 4: 3
Chapter progress: 13.41%
Highlight: Somewhere we may have taken the wrong turning, accepted the wrong values and permitted our concern with technology to mask our real and valid purpose.
Notes: Happening now.

Chapter 4: 3
Chapter progress: 14.02%
Highlight: As if you stumbled across a pit of concentrated evil.
Notes: Bill Gates

Chapter 4: 3
Chapter progress: 16.46%
Highlight: No. Thank you very much. We’ll accept the corn and flour and all the rest of it, but we can’t accept the help of robots.
Notes: No robots allowed.

Chapter 6: 5
Chapter progress: 23.78%
Highlight: It had been a victim of man’s mismanagement, of his overwhelming concept of property and profit.
Notes: Spirit

Chapter 7: 6
Chapter progress: 25.0%
Highlight: It seems to be a social axiom that as misery and privation increase for the many, the few rise ever higher in luxury and comfort, feeding on the misery.
Notes: Bill Gates

Chapter 8: 7
Chapter progress: 30.49%
Highlight: For this was not a fellow man lying on the bench, could not be a fellow man; a robot was not fellow to a man.
Notes: Elon Musk

Chapter 10: 9
Chapter progress: 34.15%
Highlight: We robots are quite different. We are content to serve.
Notes: Serve Satan.

Chapter 11: 10
Chapter progress: 40.24%
Highlight: It must be that what is needed is a different outlook, a lifting of the pressures that a particular brand of technology imposes not only on a race, but on each human being.
Notes: Central banking

Chapter 15: 14
Chapter progress: 51.22%
Highlight: Shakespeare, Proust, Plato, Aristotle, Virgil, Gibbon, Locke, Euripides, Aristophanes, Tolstoy, Pascal, Chaucer, Montaigne, Hemingway, Wolfe, Steinbeck, Faulkner

Chapter 25: 24
Chapter progress: 73.78%
Highlight: I have become, I think, like an old dog sleeping in the sun, with the significant difference that the old dog expects nothing of itself.

Notes: Sela.

Chapter 25: 24
Chapter progress: 75.0%
Highlight: And yet the fact remains that robot, rather than man, has kept not only Christianity, but the very idea of religion alive.
Notes: Robots will keep serving lies.

Chapter 29: 28
Chapter progress: 82.93%
Highlight: All I heard was what the common people knew or could read in their publications.
Notes: Lies and fake history.

Chapter 31: 30
Chapter progress: 85.98%
Highlight: When they reach the mountain top, they find they can see farther than they’ve ever seen before and with greater clarity and, if by this time they’re not past all caring, may bemoan that they must approach the end of their lives before they can see with this marvelous clarity, which does little for them now, but might, in earlier years, have been of incalculable value.

Notes: Old men.

Chapter 31: 30
Chapter progress: 86.59%
Highlight: For the loss had been the loss of many things we were better off without. Rather than losing, we gained a chance for a second start.

Notes: Religion of science.

Chapter 32: 31
Chapter progress: 89.63%
Highlight: A technological civilization is never satisfied. It is based on profit and progress, its own brand of progress. It must expand or die.

Chapter 32: 31
Chapter progress: 90.85%
Highlight: With what we have now Earth would have economic value as an outpost, as a base, as an agricultural planet. It would be worth our while.
Notes: Elon Musk lobotomy.

Chapter 32: 31
Chapter progress: 90.85%
Highlight: Societies had been smashed, cultures erased, human lives and hopes used up, all decency ignored.
Notes: The corporation of the united states.

Chapter 34: 33
Chapter progress: 93.9%
Highlight: Or was there an affinity, an understanding, between the two of them that could not exist between the Principle and a human, or any other biologic form of life?
Notes: Bill Gates and Satan.

Chapter 35: 34
Chapter progress: 95.73%
Highlight: But the Indians will stay here and what about the Indians? Of all of us, they may be the most important segment of the human race.
Notes: Code speak for Israelite.


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