Enchanted Pilgrimage by Clifford D. Simak
I have to admit, I’ve never read Tolkien. It’s a proud measure for me as a reader, to say with confidence, my carnal flesh has never been blemished by GRADE A CHAOS CULT programming contained in Tolkien’s, Lord of The Rings.
Folks, it’s some kind of wicked magic. These damn books.
The Holy Spirit is telling me to STAY AWAY FROM HARRY POTTER and Tolkien.
For God’s sake! There are spells and sorcery contained in the text. DO NOT EXPOSE YOUR CHILDREN to this molesting magical force!
THEY WANT YOU TO READ IT, and if you don’t read it, you are still under the spells and weird symbols found in THE FILM(s).
Upside down people and rituals being performed on sound stage during filming.
I imagine this fantastic book, Enchanted Pilgrimage by Clifford D. Simak, is similar in nature to Tolkien. The simple pleasure of Orcs, Trolls, and Brownies. Enchanted places with Gnomes, Hellhounds, and Marsh people, doing strange things with robots.
A great way to forget about ongoing NIGHTMARE WORLD of satanic lies and revelations.
Father, protect me from these damn demons.

Some of my highlights:
Enchanted Pilgrimage by Clifford D. Simak
Book last read: 2022-07-15 21:10:09
Percentage read: 100%
Chapter 3: 2
Chapter progress: 2.87%
Highlight: Sometimes from many falsehoods one may garner certain truths.
Chapter 4: 3
Chapter progress: 5.74%
Highlight: The books, I can assure you, are used with no evil intent. Only for instruction against the perils of heresy.
Chapter 8: 7
Chapter progress: 13.4%
Highlight: He had bins of nuts and corn, dried berries, a good supply of roots and seeds.
Notes: Apocalypse science.
Chapter 11: 10
Chapter progress: 19.62%
Highlight: It is only by sticking to our business and staying strictly out of matters that are no affair of ours that we can survive at all.
Notes: American Revolution II
Chapter 11: 10
Chapter progress: 21.53%
Highlight: When its agents turn bad, and most of them turn bad, they become a law unto themselves.
Notes: CIA
Chapter 11: 10
Chapter progress: 22.01%
Highlight: we had to leave the most of it, only taking out all mention of the Old Ones. In its place we inserted a story based on legend, a very obscure legend that Mark had come upon in his reading of some ancient tome.
Notes: Altering the script.
Chapter 11: 10
Chapter progress: 22.49%
Highlight: there is a vast difference between a lowly scholar going out into the Wasteland on an academic and intellectual search and a minion of the Church charging into it with fire and steel.
Notes: Church congregation and academic endowment people are same people.
Chapter 11: 10
Chapter progress: 22.49%
Highlight: Can’t you see the power and glory that would descend upon a churchly human who found old heathen books and consigned them to the flames?
Chapter 12: 11
Chapter progress: 23.92%
Highlight: wild rice, smoked fish, cornmeal, sparse fare, but sustaining and easy to carry.
Notes: Apocalypse science. Food stores.
Chapter 17: 16
Chapter progress: 33.97%
Highlight: It was not until the humans began chopping down the forest, failing to spare the sacred trees and the enchanted glens, not until they began building roads and cities, that there was animosity.
Chapter 17: 16
Chapter progress: 35.41%
Highlight: The reaching after knowledge becomes a purpose that bears no relationship to reality.
Notes: University garbage people of academy.
Chapter 17: 16
Chapter progress: 36.36%
Highlight: He uses the cloak of the Inquisition for his own bloodthirsty purposes; he has made it a political arm rather than ecclesiastical.
Notes: CDC
Chapter 21: 20
Chapter progress: 45.45%
Highlight: I can assure you that it is not magic. There is no magic in my world. You have to come to this world to find magic.
Notes: Somebody get me out of here.
Chapter 21: 20
Chapter progress: 46.89%
Highlight: The little dog sat down and, with his good hindleg, fell to scratching fleas.
Notes: Fleas is phantasy land.
Chapter 21: 20
Chapter progress: 47.37%
Highlight: The Chaos Beast, perhaps. And He Who Broods Upon the Mountain.
Notes: Endowment enriched chaos cult.
Chapter 22: 21
Chapter progress: 48.33%
Highlight: I try to keep an open mind. How otherwise would one learn anything?
Notes: Everything they taught you was a lie.
Chapter 22: 21
Chapter progress: 49.28%
Highlight: Why do you try to make me small and stupid?”
Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 22: 21
Chapter progress: 49.28%
Highlight: It’s science. It’s technology. It’s a way of doing things.
Notes: Vaccine injury death bloom.
Chapter 22: 21
Chapter progress: 49.76%
Highlight: They had to diverge because they were irreconcilable. They, or the people in them, were following different paths.
Notes: GMO people. Farewell.
Chapter 22: 21
Chapter progress: 50.72%
Highlight: Scholars, as a rule, are honorable.
Notes: Face mask lies.
Chapter 22: 21
Chapter progress: 51.67%
Highlight: His tongue moved in agony, and the scream bubbled in his throat. Teeth flashed again and his genitals were torn away. Almost as if by reflex action, he bent forward to clutch at the area where they had been.
Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 23: 22
Chapter progress: 55.02%
Highlight: Once, Sir Scholar, that would have meant war to the very hilt.
Notes: Injecting population w AIDS.
Chapter 23: 22
Chapter progress: 55.5%
Highlight: Is not one secure in his own habitation? Must the world come pouring in on him? Why are all of you standing there? Tell me what is going on.”
Notes: FBI
Chapter 23: 22
Chapter progress: 55.98%
Highlight: As a man who tried his best to have me killed, I have slight compunction over whatever happens to you.
Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 23: 22
Chapter progress: 56.46%
Highlight: A bastard such as you has no right to live.
Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 24: 23
Chapter progress: 57.42%
Highlight: He was an intelligent and perceptive human, and it was a delight to talk with him.
Chapter 24: 23
Chapter progress: 57.42%
Highlight: Despite their pretty faces and the winsomeness of them, they are nothing but maws attached to enormous guts.
Notes: CDC
Chapter 24: 23
Chapter progress: 58.85%
Highlight: I have long since done with foolishness. Come to think of it, I was never foolish. I have arrived at that time of life when sleeping in my burrow and sitting at its entrance to watch the world go by is all I need and want.
Chapter 27: 26
Chapter progress: 62.68%
Highlight: At one time it must have been an imposing pile, but now it was half in ruins.
Notes: USA
Chapter 28: 27
Chapter progress: 66.03%
Highlight: But a sickness came upon the land, a rottenness.
Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 28: 27
Chapter progress: 67.46%
Highlight: Chivalry is dead. It didn’t last too long. It was a rotten idea while it did.
Chapter 33: 32
Chapter progress: 77.51%
Highlight: There has been so much strangeness that we have become numbed to it.
Chapter 35: 34
Chapter progress: 80.86%
Highlight: They were short, squat men clothed in furs and carrying stone-tipped spears.
Notes: Esau caveman.
Chapter 37: 36
Chapter progress: 87.56%
Highlight: They sound very much like the flying saucers with which my world is both amused and plagued.
Notes: CIA obfuscation.
Chapter 37: 36
Chapter progress: 87.56%
Highlight: Maybe it was because this thing you call a weapon was too far out of its time,
Notes: Face mask witchcraft.
Chapter 37: 36
Chapter progress: 88.52%
Highlight: You are blind to everything but magic.
Notes: Corporate science.