She Was Sitting in My Spot. Victor Hugo. Apocalypse Science.

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I didn’t mean to chase her away.

She promptly got up, packed her belongings, and vacated the premises.

Before she left, WE had the opportunity to talk about Victor Hugo and Les Misérables, (book review forthcoming). After she indicated being a fan of the abridged play.

I asked her the difference between INSURRECTION and REVOLUTION?

I asked her why the batteries in my laptops have failed?

I asked her if she thought Les Misérables was a Pro-Revolution story?

I asked her how to pronounce Jean Valjean.

I told her the difference between REVOLUTION and INSURRECTION.

The former ALWAYS FAILS, (as Les Misérables conveys), the latter is a LIE and ALWAYS succeeds.

She told me, “We all want different things.”

I told her we generally all desire peace and harmony.

NOT propaganda and LIES.

She left shortly thereafter.

Good day to you my beautiful rainbow blouse wearing friend.

It was a t-shirt.

Maybe it was a smock?

I Love You.



Did you know: Victor Hugo stood at his writing desk.

Did you know: Victor Hugo includes no less than four chapters on the history and construction of the PARIS SEWER in Les Misérables . (Unabridged version ONLY.)

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