The cover image alone is worth at least one-thousand wizard credits.
Let’s talk about it over a bottle of red.
Afterwards, we’ll sit on the sea shore and talk some more.
You look like heaven in your dress, leather ribbon round your middle. A circlet of gold in your hair.
Would it be possible to see you this evening in the Great Pyramid? Just the two of us and thirteen candles.
We’ll build a fire and play some music. You can tell me about your first joys in life. What are your dreams? Vanilla and/or chocolate? What’s your favorite flower?
Your smile rules the realm. Checkpoint reached.
The King in Yellow. I don’t know what to make of it, except to say it’s prophecy. A special code for lovers. We speak in idioms. The symbolism is getting loathsome. How bout I just tell you, straight up, no idioms or symbolism: YOU are IRRESISTIBLE!
Quaff the frothy tips from a carpenter’s cup.
Crazy coincidences,
Freaky-friday feeling,
Just from knowing the other exists!
Great collection of falconry terms. A falcon that attacks from above is called a “noble” bird. Whereas, a falcon that attacks from ground is ‘ignoble’.
How to turn Muse into Lover. How to turn marble statue into Flesh and Blood. The King in Yellow. đđâ¤ď¸
Tractate Middoth. The money is hidden in a Hebrew book. Your woman is heir to a great fortune. It was totally worth it. Even your mother-in-law is manageable. Tractate Middoth
P.’s Correspondence. The old men are old. Their ideas have long since passed. It’s best to consume yourself in battle. Go down with the ship like a good captain. No country for old men. P.’s Correspondence.
The Inmost Light. Mr. Black, being of occult practice, captures his wife’s soul in opal flame. The exact seance cannot be detailed. The beautiful wife of Mr. Black is trapped in the tessellating beams of a jewel. The Inmost Light.
I hope this romance never ends.
The White People. Your nursemaid tells many fantastic stories and does the strangest things. When walking through a garden forest, your nursemaid can summon fairies, and dance with fauns living in the woods.
You thought it was fanciful memories from your childhood.
Your nursemaid’s stories could never be true?
Then, one day, by accident, you summon the white fairy, and realize with surprise and a little horror, that all the stories your nursemaid told were TRUE! The White People.
The Birthmark. He wanted to take your character. He wanted you for himself. He gave you the elixir of death in the guise of life. Dr. Fuckface is an asshole. The Birthmark.
For Art’s Sake. Brother Charlie is a pusillanimous moron. Annihilated by lies and photography. Queer culture is a pogram. Burgess Martin’s queer culture is a paid advertisement.
His sexuality is a commercial.
Get real. For Art’s Sake.
BTW: I’ve always despised horror. I found all of these stories extremely gratifying. Thank you Osie Turner for compiling this horrific book.
The Devil in Manuscript. The King in Yellow. Edited by Osie Turner Book Review.

My highlights and annotations:
The Devil in Manuscript And Other Tales of Forbidden Books by Osie Turner & Arthur Machen & Algernon Blackwood & Nathaniel Hawthorne & Tod Robbins & M.R. James & Robert Chambers
Book last read: 2025-03-03 07:37:17
Percentage read: 100%
Chapter 0: The Tractate Middoth By M.R. James
Chapter progress: 2.99%
Highlight: On the third evening of his stay he was on such terms with them as to be asked to spend the evening in their private sitting-room.
Notes: Join me in my private sitting room.
Chapter 0: The Tractate Middoth By M.R. James
Chapter progress: 3.26%
Highlight: But if you think it in the least likely that I could be of use, I do beg you to tell me
Notes: If there’s ANYTHING I can do for YOU!
Chapter 0: The Tractate Middoth By M.R. James
Chapter progress: 3.8%
Highlight: mendaciously,
Notes: Not telling the truth. Lying.
Chapter 0: The Tractate Middoth By M.R. James
Chapter progress: 3.8%
Highlight: when Iâm gone youâll find an envelope in my desk directed to you, and inside it something that would help you to find it, if only you have
Notes: Private keys.
Chapter 0: The Tractate Middoth By M.R. James
Chapter progress: 5.71%
Highlight: There is no great difficulty in imagining the steps by which William Garrett, from being an assistant in a great library, attained to his present position of prospective owner of Bretfield Manor, now in the occupation of his mother-in-law, Mrs Mary Simpson.
Notes: Hehe. Great happily ever after ending.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 6.52%
Highlight: There are many, I think, who eat dry crusts and drink water, with a joy infinitely sharper than anything within the experience of the ‘practical’ epicure.”
Notes: Sacrifice and sanctity.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 6.52%
Highlight: He abused the teetotal sect with ferocity,
Notes: The ascetic is a teetotaler.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 6.52%
Highlight: Great people of all kinds forsake the imperfect copies and go to the perfect originals.
Notes: Muses.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 6.52%
Highlight: The merely carnal, sensual man can no more be a great sinner than he can be a great saint.
Notes: Agreed.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 6.52%
Highlight: our wickedness and our goodness are alike second-rate, unimportant.
Notes: Luke warm faith.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 6.79%
Highlight: You may believe me that sin in its proper sense is very rare; it is probable that there have been far fewer sinners than saints.
Notes: fact check
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 7.07%
Highlight: Then the essence of sin really isâ”
"In the taking of heaven by storm,
Notes: Deep.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 7.07%
Highlight: We attach such an enormous importance to the ‘sin’ of meddling with our pockets (and our wives) that we have quite forgotten the awfulness of real sin.
Notes: Theft and adultry not real sin?
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 7.34%
Highlight: The saint endeavours to recover a gift which he has lost; the sinner tries to obtain something which was never his. In brief, he repeats the Fall.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 7.61%
Highlight: children and women feel this horror you speak of,
Notes: Natural predilection of sensing evil in others.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 7.61%
Highlight: our higher senses are so blunted, we are so drenched with materialism, that we should probably fail to recognize real wickedness if we encountered it.”
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 8.15%
Highlight: And as one may give all one’s goods to the poor, and yet lack charity; so, remember, one may avoid every crime and yet be a sinner
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 8.15%
Highlight: we venerate the saints, but we don’t ‘like’ them as well as our friends.
Notes: Interesting.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 8.15%
Highlight: It is the infernal miracle as holiness is the supernal.
Notes: Sin.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 8.42%
Highlight: No palĂŚontologist could show you a live pterodactyl.
Notes: Dinosaurs are Jesuit hoax. Smithsonian.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 8.7%
Highlight: He fondled the faded binding.
"I knew the girl who wrote this,
Notes: Write me a letter.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 8.97%
Highlight: Then there are the Ceremonies, which are all of them important, but some are more delightful than othersâthere are the White Ceremonies, and the Green Ceremonies, and the Scarlet Ceremonies. The Scarlet Ceremonies are the best,
Notes: Rites and ceremonies.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 8.97%
Highlight: And I must not say who the Nymphs are, or the DĂ´ls, or Jeelo, or what voolas mean.
Notes: It’s our secret.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 9.51%
Highlight: It was all so still and silent, and the sky was heavy and grey and sad, like a wicked voorish dome in Deep Dendo.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 9.51%
Highlight: I sang the songs I thought of; songs full of words that must not be spoken or written down.
Notes: Special secret song. RHCP Mother’s Milk
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 10.05%
Highlight: the ferns there have a sweet, rich smell like what oozes out of fir trees.
Notes: Nice.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 10.33%
Highlight: It was a great well, large like a bath, and with the shining, glittering green moss about it, it looked like a great white jewel, with green jewels all round.
Notes: Meet you at the well.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 10.6%
Highlight: she was so lovely that everybody said that her eyes were greener than the emeralds, that her lips were redder than the ruby, that her skin was whiter than the diamonds, and that her hair was brighter than the golden crown.
Notes: Isn’t she wonderful.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 10.87%
Highlight: what I had seen was so wonderful and so strange and beautiful.
Notes: The Experience
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 11.68%
Highlight: And he went home and lived a long time, but he would never kiss any other lady because he had kissed the queen of the fairies, and he would never drink common wine anymore, because he had drunk enchanted wine.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 11.68%
Highlight: And by the fountain a lovely lady was sitting, who was the queen of the fairies, and she told the man that she had changed herself into a stag to bring him there because she loved him so much.
Notes: Chasing the white stag.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 12.77%
Highlight: And she could do what they called shib-show, which was a very wonderful enchantment.
Notes: Shib-show
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 13.59%
Highlight: And all alone on the hill I wondered what was true. I had seen something very amazing and very lovely,
Notes: You are the spark.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 13.59%
Highlight: And there was another very ancient game of dancing and winding and turning, by which you could take a person out of himself and hide him away as long as you liked, and his body went walking about quite empty, without any sense in it.
Chapter 1: The White People by Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 14.95%
Highlight: Powerful and sovereign medicines, which are, of necessity, virulent poisons also, are kept in a locked cabinet.
Chapter 2: The Devil in Manuscript By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 16.3%
Highlight: They have drawn me aside from the beaten path of the world, and led me into a strange sort of solitude,
Notes: The stories i tell myself.
Chapter 2: The Devil in Manuscript By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 16.3%
Highlight: Have you felt nothing of the same influence?
Notes: Gravity of our cymatic power.
Chapter 2: The Devil in Manuscript By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 16.85%
Highlight: often a delicious stream of thought would gush out upon the page at once, like water sparkling up suddenly in the desert;
Notes: You are a fountain of water.
Chapter 2: The Devil in Manuscript By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 16.85%
Highlight: a bad author is always his own great admirer.
Chapter 2: The Devil in Manuscript By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 17.12%
Highlight: I have been eloquent and poetical and humorous in a dream,âand behold! it is all nonsense,
Chapter 2: The Devil in Manuscript By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 17.12%
Highlight: My treasure of fairy coin is changed to worthless dross.
Notes: Hehe
Chapter 2: The Devil in Manuscript By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 17.66%
Highlight: What is more potent than fire!
Chapter 2: The Devil in Manuscript By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 17.93%
Highlight: My brain has set the town on fire!
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 18.75%
Highlight: Chicago, for a moment paralyzed after a second great fire, had risen from its ruins, white and imperial, and more beautiful than the white city which had been built for its plaything in 1893.
Notes: Worlds fair burn reference.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 19.02%
Highlight: the exclusion of foreign-born Jews as a measure of self-preservation, the settlement of the new independent negro state of Suanee,
Notes: lol
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 19.29%
Highlight: I had bought and read for the first time, The King in Yellow. I remember after finishing the first act that it occurred to me that I had better stop. I started up and flung the book into the fireplace; the volume struck the barred grate and fell open on the hearth in the firelight. If I had not caught a glimpse of the opening words in the second act I should never have finished it, but as I stooped to pick it up, my eyes became riveted to the open page, and with a cry of terror, or perhaps it was of joy so poignant that I suffered in every nerve,
Notes: The King in Yellow
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 19.29%
Highlight: all felt that human nature could not bear the strain, nor thrive on words in which the essence of purest poison lurked.
Notes: The purest poison.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 19.29%
Highlight: I snatched the thing out of the coals and crept shaking to my bedroom, where I read it and reread it, and wept and laughed and trembled with a horror which at times assails me yet.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 20.38%
Highlight: His mind is a wonder chamber, from which he can extract treasures that you and I would give years of our life to acquire.”‘
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 20.92%
Highlight: the profession of a Repairer of Reputations is lucrative.
Notes: Prepare my reputation.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 21.47%
Highlight: We are now in communication with ten thousand men,” he muttered. “We can count on one hundred thousand within the first twenty-eight hours, and in forty-eight hours the state will rise en masse. The country follows the state, and the portion that will not, I mean California and the Northwest, might better never have been inhabited. I shall not send
Notes: Color revolution.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 21.47%
Highlight: They were a fine lot of fellows, in their pale blue, tight-fitting jackets, jaunty busbies and white riding breeches with the double yellow stripe, into which their limbs seemed moulded.
Notes: Costume finery.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 21.47%
Highlight: The ambition of Caesar and of Napoleon pales before that which could not rest until it had seized the minds of men and controlled even their unborn thoughts,
Notes: AI smartphone feedback modulation. UNBORN THOUGHTs.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 21.74%
Highlight: the freshly turned earth smelled
Notes: Sweet and spicy.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 22.28%
Highlight: He’s not well bred, to put it generously; he is hideously deformed; his head is the head of a criminally insane person. You know
Notes: The savant.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 22.83%
Highlight: I do not care to explain just yet what I have on hand, but it is an investment which will pay more than mere gold, silver and precious stones. It will secure the happiness and prosperity of a continentâyes, a hemisphere!
Notes: The treasure!
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 23.1%
Highlight: Why don’t you give up your books and studies, Mr. Castaigne, and take a tramp among the mountains somewhere or other? You used to be fond of fishing. Take a cast or two at the trout in the Rangelys.
Notes: Hehe
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 23.37%
Highlight: And all the time I kept repeating between my clenched teeth, “The day has come! the day has come!
Notes: Good enchantment.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 23.64%
Highlight: See here, old fellow,” he began, “I’ve got something to suggest to you. It’s four years now that you’ve shut yourself up here like an owl, never going anywhere, never taking any healthy exercise, never doing a damn thing but poring over those books up there on the mantelpiece.”
Notes: The intercession.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 23.91%
Highlight: I don’t care if the thing is, as they say, the very supreme essence of art. It’s a crime to have written it, and I for one shall never open its pages.
Notes: Forbidden text.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 25.27%
Highlight: I believe I listened as much to the music of his spurs and sabre as I did to his boyish babble,
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 25.82%
Highlight: I was King! The first grey pencillings of dawn would raise a tempest which would shake two hemispheres.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 25.82%
Highlight: Don’t act as if you think I am insane.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 25.82%
Highlight: It is done, it is done! Let the nations rise and look upon their King!
Notes: Speak and spell.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 27.17%
Highlight: She was wonderfully beautiful,
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 29.62%
Highlight: Next morning Alcide packed my valise, and leaving him in charge of my apartments I took the Orient express for Constantinople.
Notes: Free thought, action, and movement.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 29.62%
Highlight: Geneviève lies before the Madonna in the marble room. The Madonna bends tenderly above her, and Geneviève smiles back into that calm face that never would have been except for her.
Notes: Marble statues from silica solution.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 29.89%
Highlight: and yet I felt the longing growing daily to look upon her face, to
Notes: Indeed. I cannot stop thinking of you.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 29.89%
Highlight: the sense of breathless expectancy
Notes: Anticipation! What’s going to happen? Let’s find out!
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 30.16%
Highlight: Geneviève lay in the shadow under the Madonna, and yet, through her white arms, I saw the pale azure vein, and beneath her softly clasped hands the folds of her dress were tinged with rose, as if from some faint warm light
Notes: The Venus marble room.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 30.16%
Highlight: drawn by the strength of my life’s passion
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 30.16%
Highlight: I saw Geneviève lying beside it.
Notes: Wolf-skin rug. Sssssss
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 30.43%
Highlight: she emptied water and fish into an aquarium at the end of the conservatory,
Notes: It’s all coming true!
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 30.43%
Highlight: Madonna smiled, as Geneviève lifted her flushed face from her marble couch and opened her
Notes: Venus statue alive!
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 30.71%
Highlight: my architect’s books say about the custom in early times to consecrate the choir as soon as it was built, and that the nave, being finished sometimes half a century later, often did not get any blessing at all:
Notes: The church choir is more important than the church.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 30.71%
Highlight: taste reigned supreme, self-controlled, dignified and
Notes: Tasteful.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 31.25%
Highlight: Good riddance!” I thought, “with your wicked music!
Notes: Hehe
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 31.79%
Highlight: On one corner stood a barrow full of yellow jonquils, pale violets from the Riviera, dark Russian violets, and white Roman hyacinths in a golden cloud of mimosa.
Notes: I love you.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 33.15%
Highlight: Why should certain chords in music make me think of the brown and golden tints of autumn foliage?
Notes: Good question.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 33.42%
Highlight: I called Tessie, the model. She came and leaned over my chair blowing rings of smoke into the
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 33.42%
Highlight: She slipped on a Japanese robe and walked to the window.
Notes: It’s you in a Kimono.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 33.7%
Highlight: she came out to implore me to button her waist where she
Notes: From behind a dressing screen.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 34.78%
Highlight: he thought nothing of squandering half-a-dollar for ice-cream and oysters to celebrate his entry as clerk into the woollen department of Macy’s.
Notes: lol
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 35.05%
Highlight: prayed inwardly that fate would keep her away from men like me and throw into her path nothing but Ed Burkes and Jimmy McCormicks, bless her
Notes: Hehe
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 35.33%
Highlight: What a precious triple donkey I had made of myself!
Notes: Hehe
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 35.6%
Highlight: I had led an easy-going reckless life, taking what invited me of pleasure, deploring and sometimes bitterly regretting consequences.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 36.14%
Highlight: Have you found the Yellow Sign?”
“Have you found the Yellow Sign?”
“Have you found the Yellow Sign?”
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 36.41%
Highlight: Her long black hair was bound above her forehead with a circlet of turquoises, and the ends, curled about her glittering girdle.
Notes: shining stars of heaven. It’s you!
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 36.68%
Highlight: began to feel ashamed of my irritation and looked about for something to occupy me.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 36.96%
Highlight: I looked at Tessie and saw it was too late. She had opened The King in Yellow.
Notes: ÂĄ!
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 36.96%
Highlight: words which are more precious than jewels, more soothing than music, more
Notes: ÂĄ!
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 36.96%
Highlight: Oh the sin of writing such words,âwords which are clear as crystal, limpid and musical as bubbling springs, words which sparkle and glow like the poisoned diamonds of the Medicis!
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 37.23%
Highlight: midnight sounded from the misty spires in the fog-wrapped city.
Notes: I’m with you, hand in hand. Our souls are alighted and brimming with power.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 37.77%
Highlight: The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of a man with a maid.
Notes: i know the way.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 38.04%
Highlight: At the same instant hurried steps sounded among the heather, and a girl sprang into the covert in front.
Notes: The falconer priestess!
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 38.32%
Highlight: I had been so astonished, so lost in admiration of the scene before my eyes, that it had not occurred to me that here was my salvation.
Notes: The Experience.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 38.86%
Highlight: I had clean forgotten my fatigue in her presence, and I
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 39.13%
Highlight: Clear and mellow her voice sounded
Notes: Chansonettes de sa Facon
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 39.13%
Highlight: She took the cup and touched it with her lips, then lowering it turned to me and
Notes: I love you!
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 39.67%
Highlight: Her slender figure was exquisitely set off in the homespun hunting-gown edged with silver,
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 39.95%
Highlight: I would rather die than forget one word of what you have said!” I blurted out, while my cheeks burned. “She will think me mad,” I added to myself, but she turned to me with sparkling eyes.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 39.95%
Highlight: I knew I would give my life to touch with my lips those rosy palmsâI understood now that from the moment when I looked into her dark eyes there on the moor last night I had loved her. My great and sudden passion held me speechless.
Notes: Sigh⌠Lovesick all over again.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 39.95%
Highlight: and then Pelagie trotted out with a tray on which stood two bowls of milk, a loaf of white bread, fruit, a platter of honey-comb, and a flagon of deep red wine.
Notes: Let’s breakfast together.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 39.95%
Highlight: Yes, I am ill at ease for love of you.” And as she did not stir nor answer, the same power moved my lips in spite of me and I said, “I, who am unworthy of the lightest of your thoughts, I who abuse hospitality and repay your gentle courtesy with bold presumption, I love you.
Notes: I love you.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 40.22%
Highlight: her eyes sought mine with a questioning glance which made me tremble with delight.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 40.49%
Highlight: She rose and took my hand again with a childlike innocence of possession, and we walked through the garden and fruit trees to a grassy lawn which was bordered by a brook.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 40.76%
Highlight: I am yours,” I answered gravely.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 40.76%
Highlight: She seated herself on the bank of the stream among the falcons and I threw myself at her feet to listen.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 41.03%
Highlight: Then I took her in my arms and kissed her on the lips,
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 41.85%
Highlight: Truth is an honest thief, she brings
Notes: Deep.
Chapter 3: The King in Yellow By Robert W. Chambers
Chapter progress: 42.12%
Highlight: Think how he wandered, for her sake, year after year through hostile lands, yearning
Notes: Endure my friend.
Chapter 4: The Man Who Found Out (A Nightmare) by Algernon Blackwood
Chapter progress: 42.93%
Highlight: curious combination of logic and âillumination
Chapter 4: The Man Who Found Out (A Nightmare) by Algernon Blackwood
Chapter progress: 42.93%
Highlight: inspiration, I hold, is of the nature of interior Vision, and all our best knowledge has comeâsuch is my confirmed beliefâas a sudden revelation to the brain prepared to receive it
Notes: Holy Spirit
Chapter 4: The Man Who Found Out (A Nightmare) by Algernon Blackwood
Chapter progress: 44.02%
Highlight: I found what I went to seek. The vision never once failed me. It led me straight to the place like a star in the heavens. I foundâthe Tablets of the Gods.
Notes: What do they say?
Chapter 4: The Man Who Found Out (A Nightmare) by Algernon Blackwood
Chapter progress: 44.29%
Highlight: The splendid mental powers remained indeed undimmed, but the incentive to use themâto use them for the help of othersâhad gone.
Notes: Agreed.
Chapter 4: The Man Who Found Out (A Nightmare) by Algernon Blackwood
Chapter progress: 44.29%
Highlight: The central fires had gone out. Nothing was worth doing, thinking, working for. There was nothing to work for any longer!
Notes: They own everything. Greed is dead.
Chapter 4: The Man Who Found Out (A Nightmare) by Algernon Blackwood
Chapter progress: 45.11%
Highlight: Now,â he thought, taking it up with a sudden violence to conceal his nervousness, ânow for the great solution. Now to learn the meaning of the worlds, and why mankind was made, and why discipline is worthwhile, and sacrifice and pain the true law of advancement.
Notes: Stay tuned ladies and gentlemen.
Chapter 4: The Man Who Found Out (A Nightmare) by Algernon Blackwood
Chapter progress: 45.38%
Highlight: There is no such thing as time!
Chapter 4: The Man Who Found Out (A Nightmare) by Algernon Blackwood
Chapter progress: 45.38%
Highlight: Although his actions and movements were absolutely steady and controlled, it was clear that he was on the edge of violent action.
Chapter 4: The Man Who Found Out (A Nightmare) by Algernon Blackwood
Chapter progress: 45.92%
Highlight: I have had a moment of absolute clear visionâof merciless clairvoyance.
Chapter 4: The Man Who Found Out (A Nightmare) by Algernon Blackwood
Chapter progress: 46.2%
Highlight: you came in like a lion, you went out like a lamb.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 47.01%
Highlight: My unfortunate friend P. has lost the thread of his life by the interposition of long intervals of partially disordered reason.
Notes: Lol
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 47.01%
Highlight: In my opinion, all this is not so much a delusion as a partly wilful and partly involuntary sport of the imagination, to which his disease has imparted such morbid energy that he beholds these spectral scenes and characters with no less distinctness than a play upon the stage, and with somewhat more of illusive credence.
Notes: Pantomime.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 47.28%
Highlight: would not be a little odd, if, after missing his object while seeking it by the light of reason, he should prove to have stumbled upon it in his misty excursions beyond the limits
Notes: It’s odd.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 47.55%
Highlight: I am verging, I suppose, on that period of life when present scenes and events make but feeble impressions in comparison with those of yore; so that I must reconcile myself to be more and more the prisoner of Memory, who merely lets me hop about a little
Notes: No country for old men.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 47.55%
Highlight: Daily custom grows up about us like a stone wall, and consolidates itself into almost as material an entity as mankind’s strongest architecture.
Notes: Ceremonies, rites, and ritual.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 47.83%
Highlight: Puseyites;
Notes: Edward Pusey.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 48.37%
Highlight: Positively he no longer understands his own
Notes: What is happening?
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 48.37%
Highlight: whatever could wound the sensibility of any mortal, except a pagan, a republican, or a dissenter, has been unrelentingly blotted out, and its place supplied by unexceptionable verses
Notes: Self censorship.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 48.64%
Highlight: But, to say the truth, a prodigiously fat man always impresses me as a kind of hobgoblin; in the very extravagance of his mortal system I find something akin to the immateriality of a ghost.
Notes: Fat people already dead.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 48.64%
Highlight: His white hair floats like a snowdrift around his face, in which are seen the furrows of intellect and passion, like the channels of headlong torrents that have foamed themselves away.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 48.91%
Highlight: And yet he but indistinctly knew wherefore he was weeping.
Notes: Your lullaby is why i am weeping. https://youtu.be/xn7QOzKJbCE?list=OLAK5uy_nfEJGvHxHkR3IxwQaQn2r-6oeMZ8VLdqo
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 49.18%
Highlight: The world, nowadays, requires a more earnest purpose, a deeper moral, and a closer and homelier truth than he was qualified to supply it with.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 49.18%
Highlight: pecuniary
Notes: Relating to or consisting of money.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 49.73%
Highlight: Prometheus Unbound
Notes: Shelley.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 49.73%
Highlight: The realityâthat which I know to be suchâhangs like remnants of tattered scenery over the intolerably prominent illusion. Let
Notes: here lies the truth.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 50.0%
Highlight: They are like the successive steps of a staircase, the lowest of which, in the depth of chaos, is as essential to the support of the whole as the highest and final one resting upon the threshold of the heavens.
Notes: Inspiration and action.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 50.27%
Highlight: One hates to allow such a man the privilege of growing old and infirm.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 50.82%
Highlight: The universe is waiting to respond to the highest word that the best child of time and immortality can utter.
Notes: Speak to me.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 50.82%
Highlight: Our race is on the eve of its final triumph. Man is within the last stride of perfection; Woman, redeemed from the thraldom against which our sibyl uplifts so powerful and so sad a remonstrance, stands equal by his side or communes for herself with angels; the Earth, sympathizing with her children’s happier state, has clothed herself in such luxuriant and loving beauty as no eye ever witnessed since our first parents saw the sun rise over dewy Eden.
Notes: I stand beside Eve in a garden. The ripest fruit within reach. We harvest the vine together.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 50.82%
Highlight: it demands a poet’s eye to contemplate the splendor of such
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 51.36%
Highlight: It behooves actors, more than all other men of publicity, to vanish from the scene betimes. Being at best but painted shadows flickering on the wall and empty sounds that echo anther’s thought, it is a sad disenchantment when the colors begin to fade and the
Notes: Vanish from scene.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 51.36%
Highlight: John Neal, who almost turned my boyish brain with his romances;
Notes: https://books.google.com/books?id=7rJBAAAAYAAJ
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 51.63%
Highlight: amanuensis
Notes: Literary or artistic assistant.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 51.9%
Highlight: And does he meditate an epic on the war between Mexico and Texas with machinery contrived on the principle of the steam-engine, as being the nearest to celestial agency that our epoch can boast?
Notes: Joel Barlow – Very difficult to find text.
Chapter 5: P.â s Correspondence By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 51.9%
Highlight: Let every man manufacture his own nonsense,
Chapter 6: The Inmost Light By Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 52.72%
Highlight: I could write genuine poetry under the influence of olives and red wine.
Chapter 6: The Inmost Light By Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 52.99%
Highlight: remunerative.
Notes: Financially rewarding.
Chapter 6: The Inmost Light By Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 54.35%
Highlight: there was a mist of flowing yellow hair, as it were an aureole of glory round the visage of a satyr.
Notes: Faun in the window.
Chapter 6: The Inmost Light By Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 56.52%
Highlight: Once around the grass, and twice around the lass, and thrice around the maple-tree.
Notes: Speak and spell.
Chapter 6: The Inmost Light By Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 58.7%
Highlight: I suppose he had become possessed with the idea of some great treasure, and fancied himself a wealthy man in the midst of all his misery.
Chapter 6: The Inmost Light By Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 58.7%
Highlight: Ah, well, you may be right; but yet I am sure you are not.
Notes: Hehe
Chapter 6: The Inmost Light By Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 59.78%
Highlight: You have heard of Q, I think. Remember, I hold your life in my hands.
Notes: We see you.
Chapter 6: The Inmost Light By Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 60.05%
Highlight: within it shone the blue of far skies, and the green of the sea by the shore, and the red of the ruby, and deep violet rays, and in the middle of all it seemed aflame as if a fountain of fire rose up, and fell, and rose again with sparks like stars for drops.
Notes: You are the spark!
Chapter 6: The Inmost Light By Arthur Machen
Chapter progress: 60.87%
Highlight: But the power to draw back, the power to stand before the doors that now opened wide before me and not to enter in, had long ago been absent; the way was closed, and I could only pass onward.
Notes: Onward!
Chapter 7: The Birthmark By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 61.96%
Highlight: it was not unusual for the love of science to rival the love of woman in its depth and absorbing energy.
Notes: My love for you is exact science.
Chapter 7: The Birthmark By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 64.13%
Highlight: It is terrible to possess such power, or even to dream of possessing it.”
Chapter 7: The Birthmark By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Chapter progress: 64.67%
Highlight: his most splendid successes were almost invariably failures,
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 66.85%
Highlight: You must meet Burgess Martin,
Notes: Consider new identity.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 66.85%
Highlight: was then a senior at Columbia University
Notes: Lol
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 67.39%
Highlight: The man exuded an unpleasant atmosphere, an atmosphere very difficult to resist.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 67.39%
Highlight: Genius is one of the most irritating traits in others. To acknowledge it, one must bend the stiff neck of self-pride.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 67.66%
Highlight: His work fairly bristles with penny-whistle platitudes.
Notes: Hehe
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 67.66%
Highlight: puerile,
Notes: Childishly silly. Immature.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 67.66%
Highlight: My college career had formed me into the usual type of undergraduate to whom the institutions of the university were sacred matters not lightly to be tampered with.
Notes: Terribly formed person.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 68.48%
Highlight: No one is actually modest and only fools pretend to be.
Notes: Agreed.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 69.02%
Highlight: My father provided me with an ample income to pursue my artistic studies and I was not slow in spending it and making acquaintances in the Latin quarter.
Notes: meet you in the Latin quarter.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 69.29%
Highlight: A true artist can have but one mistressâhis art,
Notes: Fact check.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 69.57%
Highlight: Now, as I look back on it, I think it was his atmosphereâthat ever-present atmosphere of personal powerâwhich we could not forgive him
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 73.64%
Highlight: mental suggestion cannot form even a weak-minded person into a murderer. Your tale doesn’t ring true to life.”
Notes: Doogy Houser MD
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 74.18%
Highlight: It is primitive but human to resist the prying eyes of genius.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 75.82%
Highlight: It’s quite safe to stage a resurrection.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 76.9%
Highlight: sobriquet.
Notes: Nickname.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 77.45%
Highlight: His voice, even when raised, impressed no oneâit was like the droning of a
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 78.8%
Highlight: You’d never acknowledge anything was good till a band of learned asses told you so.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 80.16%
Highlight: What was a genius, after all, but a mental abnormalityâa creature bordering on insanity and tolerated only because it could amuse?
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 81.79%
Highlight: The decent, sensible thing is to hide one’s inner feelings from the worldânot to parade them through the streets,
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 82.61%
Highlight: A man who would do such a thing, should be beaten to death!
Notes: They’re going to kill me.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 82.88%
Highlight: he’s a pompous jelly bag
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 83.15%
Highlight: Can there be such a thing as hypnotic writing,
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 85.6%
Highlight: For the first time in human history, education had joined hands with crime.
Notes: Covid extortion scam.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 86.68%
Highlight: A genius never underestimates his work.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 89.13%
Highlight: During that time, I prospered exceedingly. Each year brought me greater wealth, a larger circle of acquaintances, and more material luxuries of every kind. I had won the respect of a great many people who envied me my position in the worldâpeople who little guessed what I had sacrificed in order to climb.
Notes: God bless.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 91.3%
Highlight: How can anyone gain the fineness and fullness of living without first feasting on the lives of others?”
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 91.85%
Highlight: There is no fear which man can experience so gripping, so subduing, as fear of the supernatural.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 91.85%
Highlight: When I think of what I have suffered, when I think of what art has suffered, I can have no more tolerance for stupidity.
Notes: Google is dead.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 91.85%
Highlight: Why is man invariably blinded by the obvious?
Notes: Good question.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 92.12%
Highlight: This man stood in my pathâin the path of art.
Notes: FBI and google facebook goons.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 92.39%
Highlight: Man lives to learn; why cannot he die to learn?
Notes: Good question.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 92.39%
Highlight: Perhaps I did not have the courage to brave life, but I had the courage to brave death.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 92.66%
Highlight: No doubt you will be unable to appreciate the supreme sacrifice of a strong natureâthe sacrifice of human flesh, of human love, on the altar of the museâthat sacrifice to kindle the immortal flame of genius and create the indestructible.
Notes: snake alert.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 93.21%
Highlight: Surely true inspiration lifted the artist out of the shell in which he lived his normal days.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 93.48%
Highlight: Therefore I must tear out my heart so that my head might rise above the stars.
Chapter 8: For Art’s Sake by Tod Robbins
Chapter progress: 93.75%
Highlight: It was plain to see that he adored her and that he was extremely jealous as are most weak minded persons.