The Science Fiction MUST COME TO AN END.
Here’s a book about infinite power from alternate universes, the big bang, transsexual threesomes, lunar colonies, space ships, particle physics, church of science, and government/university garbage people, LIES, LIES, LIES.
Put down your science fiction. You’ve had enough.
Isaac Asimov believes NASA astronauts did not say the following,
You people better wake up.
The crash is going to be mind bending for you.

Some of my highlights:
The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov
Book last read: 2023-04-19 21:50:41
Percentage read: 100%
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 4.95%
Highlight: Of such things, petty annoyance and aimless thrusts, is history made.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 5.94%
Highlight: plutonium-186.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 6.44%
Highlight: It’s emitting
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 6.93%
Highlight: He’s a pygmy with only one talent, the ability to convince others he’s a giant.”
Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 6.93%
Highlight: It meant free energy without limit and without problems.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 7.43%
Highlight: it was extraordinarily difficult to get the details of that seminar and quite
Notes: Alphabet censorship.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 8.42%
Highlight: para-Universe
Notes: Garbage reality. Metaverse.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 8.91%
Highlight: This means that protons are more easily held together against their own electrostatic attraction and that a nucleus requires fewer neutrons to produce stability.
Notes: Particle physics is a lie.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 9.41%
Highlight: Inter-Universe
Notes: More clever than a face mask. SCIENCE FICTION.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 9.9%
Highlight: We have so little to go on.
Notes: Techno science.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 10.89%
Highlight: cultural imperialism of the Romans had left nothing behind
Notes: Vatican banking religion.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 10.89%
Highlight: I will not have mysticism here.
Notes: Face mask death ritual for children.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 11.39%
Highlight: It was because he was dating a graduate student in the Department of Romance
Notes: academic garbage people are vaccine damaged.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 12.38%
Highlight: I’m an archaeologist,
Notes: Lol
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 13.86%
Highlight: the para-men will do most of the work anyway.
Notes: Keep your garments clean.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 14.36%
Highlight: had lunch at the Faculty Club with a group of the higher officials of the university, including, of course, the president.
Notes: Peer reviewed academic ass kissing. Endowment collapse.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 14.85%
Highlight: received an advisory appointment, rich in prestige,
Notes: peer reviewed ass kissing. Academic endowment collapse.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 15.35%
Highlight: Even if he isn’t an Einstein or an Oppenheimer
Notes: Techno snake science.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 15.35%
Highlight: para-theory
Notes: Virology.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 16.83%
Highlight: The Electron Pump takes advantage of a road that is downhill both ways. The Electron Pump—”
Lamont looked back at the title of the
Notes: DARPA sales pitch.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 16.83%
Highlight: It was the feel of Truth.
Notes: Holy spirit.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 17.82%
Highlight: You mean the head of the Committee on Technology and the Environment?
Notes: Alphabet
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 17.82%
Highlight: You don’t know para-theory.
Notes: Particle phake physics.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 18.81%
Highlight: The men at this station survive by virtue of their jellyfish quality.
Notes: Alphabet
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 20.3%
Highlight: What the public wants is their own individual comfort.
Notes: Face mask vaccine death cult.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 20.3%
Highlight: my powers, on paper, are enormous,
Notes: Alphabet
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 20.3%
Highlight: You don’t make demands of a senator
Notes: USA
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 20.79%
Highlight: He would rather see the Sun explode.
Notes: End the FED.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 22.77%
Highlight: We’ve been told by gerontologists over and over that there is nothing, in theory, to stand in the way of human immortality, but so far not enough attention has been concentrated on this.
Notes: Only snakes want to live longer in nightmare debt based system.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 22.77%
Highlight: mankind no longer has to work for a living.
Notes: Techno snake trans-human.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 24.26%
Highlight: What does bother me is that Physical Reviews rejected my paper.”
Notes: Lol
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 24.75%
Highlight: There’s something so damned undignified at going to destruction through sheer thickheaded stupidity. What’s the use of being men if that’s how you have to die.”
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 24.75%
Highlight: we’re playing a game in which the stakes are all the world and every living creature on
Notes: Supernatural deception.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 25.25%
Highlight: Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.’ I’m no god and I’ll contend no longer.
Chapter 6: I. Against Stupidity …
Chapter progress: 25.25%
Highlight: They’ll say you’re lying; that it’s a hoax you’ve concocted to save your psychotically-conceived nightmare.
Notes: Covid hoax.
Chapter 7: II. … The Gods Themselves …
Chapter progress: 27.72%
Highlight: but he would not change his own body for either.
Notes: Trans negative.
Chapter 7: II. … The Gods Themselves …
Chapter progress: 29.21%
Highlight: Tritt, as often as not, was tired and vaguely angry when it was all over.
Notes: Post techno coitus space.
Chapter 7: II. … The Gods Themselves …
Chapter progress: 31.68%
Highlight: He slid into Odeen and Odeen slid into him.
Notes: science queer fiction.
Chapter 7: II. … The Gods Themselves …
Chapter progress: 36.63%
Highlight: all the stars are coming to an end. The Universe is coming to an end.”
Notes: Glory glory. Prison planet end of time.
Chapter 7: II. … The Gods Themselves …
Chapter progress: 39.6%
Highlight: No one was properly interested in the triad but Tritt.
Notes: Sci fi threesome.
Chapter 7: II. … The Gods Themselves …
Chapter progress: 41.58%
Highlight: Emotionals shouldn’t act like Rationals.”
Notes: Science fact.
Chapter 7: II. … The Gods Themselves …
Chapter progress: 43.07%
Highlight: the seven stars were seven suns that were very distant, and that there were many other stars that were even more distant and were too dim to be seen.
Notes: Techno space religion.
Chapter 7: II. … The Gods Themselves …
Chapter progress: 44.55%
Highlight: both with each other and with him (her) self.
Notes: Science trans fiction.
Chapter 7: II. … The Gods Themselves …
Chapter progress: 46.04%
Highlight: You understand, first, that everything is made up of tiny particles called atoms and that these are made up of still tinier subatomic particles.
Notes: Techno space religion.
Chapter 7: II. … The Gods Themselves …
Chapter progress: 47.03%
Highlight: It was so easy to forget the uncounted stars that could not be seen except by special instruments.
Notes: Snake instruments by science.
Chapter 7: II. … The Gods Themselves …
Chapter progress: 53.47%
Highlight: They are prepared to destroy a whole world of other-beings for their benefit; a whole Universe if they have to.
Notes: The United States Federal Reserve central banking cartel.
Chapter 7: II. … The Gods Themselves …
Chapter progress: 57.43%
Highlight: and all the world seemed pouring into his/her sharpening senses.
Notes: Trans world.
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 58.42%
Highlight: With the Moon’s gravity one-sixth that of Earth, it isn’t really hard to understand that people
Notes: Go to the moon u dumb bastards.
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 61.88%
Highlight: Earth has lost its nerve.
Notes: World wide pandemic hoax.
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 62.38%
Highlight: With Earth in retreat from technology, the Moon is where the action is.”
Notes: Get the fuck off the planet techno space religion.
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 62.38%
Highlight: The population is two billion now from its six billion peak.”
“Earth is much better for that, isn’t it?”
“Oh, undoubtedly, though I wish there had been a better way of achieving the drop.…
Notes: Bill Gates mandatory vaccine.
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 62.38%
Highlight: “I take it you refer to the program on genetic engineering.”
Notes: messenger RNA vaccine so called.
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 62.87%
Highlight: The only close-knit group of ten thousand human brains that are, in principle and by emotion, science-oriented.
Notes: Snake orientation.
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 63.37%
Highlight: trans-terrestrial
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 65.35%
Highlight: If you ate a real steak, you’d probably gag at the fat and fiber.”
Notes: Meat eater on the moon.
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 67.33%
Highlight: I’ve seen the classic motion pictures of the early astronauts that all school children see and the movements are like those underwater.
Notes: International swim station. Nasa program.
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 69.8%
Highlight: He may be a physicist in his own mind, but the fact is that he isn’t trained as a physicist and he doesn’t work as one.
Notes: E=mc go fuck yourself.
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 70.79%
Highlight: Power has its own market value not necessarily measured in credit-bills.
Notes: USD fake money.
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 76.73%
Highlight: She pointed to the brilliant curve of the Earth in the southern
Notes: Lol
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 77.72%
Highlight: Look at those stars!”
Notes: Nasa cant see stars from moon.
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 80.2%
Highlight: Go back to your own world and let your gravity pull your breasts down to your knees.
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 81.19%
Highlight: All they have to do is refuse to believe it means death.
Notes: Alphabet
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 86.14%
Highlight: unconscionable usury.
Notes: Sos
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 88.61%
Highlight: Possibly the infinity of the continuum; aleph-one, rather than aleph-null.
Notes: Scientific religious method.
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 89.11%
Highlight: We were in the crater shadow anyway and it was just like night. Stars and all.”
Notes: Apollo astro nots all claimed stars not visible from moon.
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 89.6%
Highlight: The constellation Orion was above it, a hunter rising up out of the brilliant curved chair of Earth. The horizon glittered in the dim
Notes: 33.3 we see you.
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 90.1%
Highlight: He says that enclosure in the caverns of the Moon may actually suit it best of all, for that is but a larger version of its enclosure in the cavern of the skull.
Notes: The human brain.
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 96.04%
Highlight: It’s clear I can get a position in any suitable university or government agency on Earth.”
Notes: Science commie fiction.
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 96.53%
Highlight: The good name of science
Notes: Face mask on children.
Chapter 8: III. … Contend in Vain?
Chapter progress: 98.02%
Highlight: There is no way Earthmen can impose
Notes: Lizards.