The Princess and Curdie by George MacDonald book review

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Curdie is gifted the power of discernment by Irene’s silver haired grandmother living in the garret.

Curdie sets out for the king’s castle.

Curdie finds the King on his deathbed, Irene is desperate. The city is in default. The people in denial. Entire retinue of commie sellouts.

The doctor is slowly killing the king with tainted wine; calling it medicine, but it’s really poison, like the covid vaccine.

Curdie arrives with his loyal daemon. Her crew of disfigured shadow creatures take care of business.

Introducing Lina, faithful daemon, goblin dog of Curdie.

A shadow creature, deformed through her WICKEDNESS in PREVIOUS LIFE.

The people are cursed.

  • Clean town of all unrepentant lizard people.
  • Remove turncoat commies.
  • Perform full accounting.
  • Rally round the family.
  • With a pocket full of shells.

Curdie and the Princess are married.

They rule the city.

They run it very well.

Make full accounting.

Entire city in DEFAULT.

USA Covid Extortion Scam.

The Princess and Curdie by MacDonald, George book review

My annotations and highlights:

See also:

The Princess and Curdie by MacDonald, George

Book last read: 2024-03-28 20:34:53
Percentage read: 100%

Chapter 1: CHAPTER 1 The Mountain
Chapter progress: 1.84%
Highlight: it is a huge power of buried sunlight – that is what it is.
Notes: Center of earth.

Chapter 1: CHAPTER 1 The Mountain
Chapter progress: 3.68%
Highlight: and the judges whom he set to portion out righteousness among the people, that so they might learn it themselves, and come to do without judges at all.
Notes: Do away w judges.

Chapter 2: CHAPTER 2 The White Pigeon
Chapter progress: 5.52%
Highlight: he was getting rather stupid – one of the chief signs of which was that he believed less and less in things he had never seen.

Chapter 2: CHAPTER 2 The White Pigeon
Chapter progress: 5.52%
Highlight: He was gradually changing into a commonplace man.

Chapter 2: CHAPTER 2 The White Pigeon
Chapter progress: 5.52%
Highlight: There is this difference between the growth of some human beings and that of others: in the one case it is a continuous dying, in the other a continuous resurrection.

Chapter 2: CHAPTER 2 The White Pigeon
Chapter progress: 6.13%
Highlight: The child is not meant to die, but to be forever fresh born.
Notes: The man child.

Chapter 3: CHAPTER 3 The Mistress of the Silver Moon
Chapter progress: 8.59%
Highlight: Those whose business it is to open doors, so often mistake and shut them!
Notes: Commie gate keepers.

Chapter 3: CHAPTER 3 The Mistress of the Silver Moon
Chapter progress: 9.82%
Highlight: Where there is one sun there are many moons

Chapter 3: CHAPTER 3 The Mistress of the Silver Moon
Chapter progress: 11.04%
Highlight: Remember, then, that whoever does not mean good is always in danger of harm.

Chapter 3: CHAPTER 3 The Mistress of the Silver Moon
Chapter progress: 11.66%
Highlight: Do better, and grow better, and be better. And never kill anything without a good reason for it.
Notes: knowing is half the battle.

Chapter 3: CHAPTER 3 The Mistress of the Silver Moon
Chapter progress: 11.66%
Highlight: When people don’t care to be better they must be doing everything wrong.

Chapter 3: CHAPTER 3 The Mistress of the Silver Moon
Chapter progress: 11.66%
Highlight: I was doing the wrong of never wanting or trying to be better.

Chapter 3: CHAPTER 3 The Mistress of the Silver Moon
Chapter progress: 12.88%
Highlight: It is a bad thing indeed to forget one who has told us the truth.
Notes: Amen.

Chapter 4: CHAPTER 4 Curdie’s Father and Mother
Chapter progress: 13.5%
Highlight: I suspect there is nothing a man can be so grateful for as that to which he has the most right.

Chapter 4: CHAPTER 4 Curdie’s Father and Mother
Chapter progress: 15.34%
Highlight: Then dream often, my son; for there must then be more truth in your dreams than in your waking thoughts.

Chapter 6: CHAPTER 6 The Emerald
Chapter progress: 19.63%
Highlight: lambent,
Notes: Glowing, gleaming, and flickering.

Chapter 7: CHAPTER 7 What Is in a Name?
Chapter progress: 21.47%
Highlight: It is a great privilege to be poor, Peter – one that no man ever coveted, and but a very few have sought to retain, but one that yet many have learned to prize.

Chapter 7: CHAPTER 7 What Is in a Name?
Chapter progress: 21.47%
Highlight: Things come to the poor that can’t get in at the door of the rich.

Chapter 7: CHAPTER 7 What Is in a Name?
Chapter progress: 22.09%
Highlight: Of all things time is the cheapest.

Chapter 7: CHAPTER 7 What Is in a Name?
Chapter progress: 23.31%
Highlight: But those who know me well, know me whatever new dress or shape or name I may be in; and by and by you will have learned to do so too.

Chapter 7: CHAPTER 7 What Is in a Name?
Chapter progress: 23.93%
Highlight: and father and son went home to wife and mother – two persons in one rich, happy woman.

Chapter 8: CHAPTER 8 Curdie’s Mission
Chapter progress: 24.54%
Highlight: It is greed and laziness and selfishness, not hunger or weariness or cold, that take the dignity out of a man, and make him look mean.

Chapter 8: CHAPTER 8 Curdie’s Mission
Chapter progress: 25.15%
Highlight: A great wheel of fire, turning and turning, and flashing out blue lights!

Chapter 8: CHAPTER 8 Curdie’s Mission
Chapter progress: 26.99%
Highlight: He was in terrible fear lest it should conquer him.
Notes: Commies everywhere.

Chapter 8: CHAPTER 8 Curdie’s Mission
Chapter progress: 28.22%
Highlight: To such a person there is in general no insult like the truth.
Notes: Covid extortion scam. Face mask BDSM ritual.

Chapter 8: CHAPTER 8 Curdie’s Mission
Chapter progress: 30.06%
Highlight: Be true and honest and fearless, and all shall go well with you and your work, and all with whom your work lies,

Chapter 9: CHAPTER 9 Hands
Chapter progress: 31.29%
Highlight: If that is all your new gift can do, it won’t make a warlock of you,

Chapter 13: CHAPTER 13 The Baker’s Wife
Chapter progress: 39.88%
Highlight: Commerce and self-interest, they said, had got the better of violence, and the troubles of the past were whelmed in the riches that flowed in at their open gates.
Notes: Face mask required.

Chapter 15: CHAPTER 15 Derba and Barbara
Chapter progress: 46.01%
Highlight: Surely no trouble will come to you for being good to strangers.’
Notes: Help us, God.

Chapter 16: CHAPTER 16 The Mattock
Chapter progress: 47.85%
Highlight: the thought, instead of making his dungeon gloomier by the contrast, made a light in his soul that destroyed the power of darkness and captivity.
Notes: All covid commies raptured.

Chapter 16: CHAPTER 16 The Mattock
Chapter progress: 47.85%
Highlight: what greater pleasure could they have than to see a stranger abused by the officers of justice?
Notes: FBI

Chapter 16: CHAPTER 16 The Mattock
Chapter progress: 48.47%
Highlight: The next moment, in at the door of the vault bounded Lina,
Notes: Faithful daemon. Goblin dog, Lina.

Chapter 18: CHAPTER 18 The King’s Kitchen
Chapter progress: 54.6%
Highlight: for he had come to think that so long as a man wants to do right he may go where he can:
Notes: Vaccine passport required.

Chapter 19: CHAPTER 19 The King’s Chamber
Chapter progress: 55.83%
Highlight: I am not the little princess any more. I have grown up since I saw you last, Mr Miner.

Chapter 20: CHAPTER 20 Counterplotting
Chapter progress: 59.51%
Highlight: he must have the princess of one mind with him, and they must work together.
Notes: Curdie.

Chapter 20: CHAPTER 20 Counterplotting
Chapter progress: 59.51%
Highlight: Another thing was clear to him – that with such traitors no terms of honour were either binding or possible, and that, short of lying, he might use any means to foil them.

Chapter 20: CHAPTER 20 Counterplotting
Chapter progress: 60.12%
Highlight: lying and selfishness and inhospitality and dishonesty everywhere;
Notes: Covid extortion scam.

Chapter 20: CHAPTER 20 Counterplotting
Chapter progress: 60.12%
Highlight: for I tell you, by the gift she gave me of testing hands, that this man is a snake.
Notes: Snake alert!

Chapter 21: CHAPTER 21 The Loaf
Chapter progress: 63.8%
Highlight: Lina slid through the servants like a shapeless terror through a guilty mind,

Chapter 22: CHAPTER 22 The Lord Chamberlain
Chapter progress: 65.64%
Highlight: His Lordship began to doubt the doctor’s fidelity to the conspiracy.
Notes: USA Covid extortion scam.

Chapter 22: CHAPTER 22 The Lord Chamberlain
Chapter progress: 66.87%
Highlight: Where there is no truth there can be no faith.
Notes: USA face mask BDSM ritual.

Chapter 23: CHAPTER 23 Dr Kelman
Chapter progress: 68.1%
Highlight: the truth is a strange thing here, and they don’t know it when they see it.
Notes: USA covid extortion scam.

Chapter 23: CHAPTER 23 Dr Kelman
Chapter progress: 68.71%
Highlight: Evil teachers, unknown to him, had crept into the schools; there was a general decay of truth and right principle at least in the city; and as that set the example to the nation, it must spread.

Chapter 23: CHAPTER 23 Dr Kelman
Chapter progress: 69.33%
Highlight: for it was no other demon than the doctor himself who had been coming every night, and giving him a slow poison.
Notes: Covid injections

Chapter 27: CHAPTER 27 More Vengeance
Chapter progress: 80.37%
Highlight: they would at once levy severer taxes, and pick a quarrel with the most powerful of their neighbours.
Notes: Prophecy fulfilled.

Chapter 27: CHAPTER 27 More Vengeance
Chapter progress: 81.6%
Highlight: Not one was allowed to escape.

Chapter 27: CHAPTER 27 More Vengeance
Chapter progress: 81.6%
Highlight: the avengers persecuted the miscreants, until the last of them was shivering outside the palace gates, with hardly sense enough left to know where to turn.

Chapter 28: CHAPTER 28 The Preacher
Chapter progress: 82.82%
Highlight: peculation;
Notes: Covid extortion.

Chapter 28: CHAPTER 28 The Preacher
Chapter progress: 84.05%
Highlight: Where it was all to end, who could tell!
Notes: Apr 8 total solar eclipse.

Chapter 28: CHAPTER 28 The Preacher
Chapter progress: 84.66%
Highlight: be ready to take arms at the first summons.

Chapter 28: CHAPTER 28 The Preacher
Chapter progress: 85.28%
Highlight: The gluttonous magistrate had been pulled from his bed in the dark, by beings of which he could see nothing but the flaming eyes,

Chapter 29: CHAPTER 29 Barbara
Chapter progress: 86.5%
Highlight: They were soon friends, for the best people understand each other the easiest,

Chapter 31: CHAPTER 31 The Sacrifice
Chapter progress: 88.96%
Highlight: Legserpent
Notes: Daemon creature.

Chapter 31: CHAPTER 31 The Sacrifice
Chapter progress: 90.8%
Highlight: and from her hair the water of her weeping dropped like sunset rain in the light of the roses.
Notes: Pretty when crying.

Chapter 32: CHAPTER 32 The King’s Army
Chapter progress: 92.02%
Highlight: He who takes his life in his hand is the only soldier.
Notes: FBI and law enforcement at your door for rejecting face mask.

Chapter 32: CHAPTER 32 The King’s Army
Chapter progress: 92.02%
Highlight: Were I not a man I would be a woman such as you.’

Chapter 32: CHAPTER 32 The King’s Army
Chapter progress: 92.64%
Highlight: Please, King Papa,’ she said, ‘can I not have my white pony?

Chapter 33: CHAPTER 33 The Battle
Chapter progress: 95.71%
Highlight: ceaselessly pursued and buffeted by the white-winged army of heaven.

Chapter 34: CHAPTER 34 Judgement
Chapter progress: 96.32%
Highlight: The nation was victorious, but the people were conquered.

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