I’m glad I picked this one up. Kurt Vonnegut is always a favorite, this is my first experience with his “science fiction”. A very clever double cross story of interplanetary and time travel hijinks.
My old self would’ve mused at the unique way Vonnegut routs the believers. God is a joke, and Vonnegut has all the punch lines.
But now, with apocalyptic forces manifesting under the dome, Vonnegut has written the perfect treatise on why believing in sex magic and money (screen time lies, children in S&M face mask, CDC science), is empty, without meaning, like a group of Endowment enriched cult members programming you for destruction (Academia), THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. The beings from Tralfamadore.
Enjoy this very clever book about your meaningless life, and why the morons put their sorry children in S&M face mask.
They will believe anything they see on their screens. TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD.
Elon Musk, your origin story and “business success” ARE FRAUDULENT, screen time lies for the morons. Your “x-technology” and paypal allowance was given to you by the synagogue of satan, just like BILL GATES. GET THE FUCK OFF THE PLANET. GO TO MARS you lying bastards.

Some of highlights:
The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut
Book last read: 2022-10-07 08:18:52
Percentage read: 100%
Chapter 5: Chapter 1 – Between Timid and Timbuktu
Chapter progress: 3.66%
Highlight: The bounties of space, of infinite outwardness, were three: empty heroics, low comedy, and pointless death.
Notes: NASA
Chapter 5: Chapter 1 – Between Timid and Timbuktu
Chapter progress: 8.9%
Highlight: everything that ever has been always will be, and everything that ever will be always has been.
Chapter 5: Chapter 1 – Between Timid and Timbuktu
Chapter progress: 9.42%
Highlight: Waltham Kittredge’s The American Philosopher Kings.
Chapter 5: Chapter 1 – Between Timid and Timbuktu
Chapter progress: 10.47%
Highlight: there was nothing good to be said for the exploration of space.
Notes: NASA
Chapter 5: Chapter 1 – Between Timid and Timbuktu
Chapter progress: 10.99%
Highlight: Have we not builded of steel and pride an abomination far taller than the Tower of Babel of old? And did we not mean, like those builders of old, to get right into Heaven with it? And haven’t we heard it said many times that the language of scientists is international? They all use the same Latin and Greek words for things, and they all talk the language of numbers.
Notes: NASA
Chapter 5: Chapter 1 – Between Timid and Timbuktu
Chapter progress: 10.99%
Highlight: Don’t look to rockets for salvation—look to your homes and churches!
Chapter 5: Chapter 1 – Between Timid and Timbuktu
Chapter progress: 11.52%
Highlight: Where would you rather be tomorrow—on Mars or in the
Notes: Elon Musk Nasa fakery.
Chapter 5: Chapter 1 – Between Timid and Timbuktu
Chapter progress: 11.52%
Highlight: The people on God’s space ship can go swimming, and walk in the sunshine and play baseball and go ice skating and go for family rides in the family automobile on Sunday after church and a family chicken dinner!”
Notes: Spaceship Earth.
Chapter 5: Chapter 1 – Between Timid and Timbuktu
Chapter progress: 14.66%
Highlight: “We’ve got a right to know what’s going on!” she
Notes: Fake pandemic.
Chapter 6: Chapter 2 – Cheers in the Wirehouse
Chapter progress: 15.71%
Highlight: sold out all his holdings in Galactic Spacecraft, the corporation that had the custody of the great rocket ship called The Whale. He had done this to destroy every connection between himself and the only known means of getting to Mars.
Notes: Elon Musk
Chapter 6: Chapter 2 – Cheers in the Wirehouse
Chapter progress: 16.23%
Highlight: The stock had fallen to 6 in ten trading sessions, and now lay there, trembling fractional points.
Notes: SpaceX
Chapter 6: Chapter 2 – Cheers in the Wirehouse
Chapter progress: 18.32%
Highlight: You could have told me this stock-market crash was coming!
Notes: Preapre for collapse.
Chapter 6: Chapter 2 – Cheers in the Wirehouse
Chapter progress: 18.85%
Highlight: Billions of dollars are going to be spent on unmanned space ships, just to make work.
Notes: Prophecy fulfilled.
Chapter 6: Chapter 2 – Cheers in the Wirehouse
Chapter progress: 19.9%
Highlight: His eyes felt like cinders. His mouth tasted like horseblanket purée.
Chapter 6: Chapter 2 – Cheers in the Wirehouse
Chapter progress: 19.9%
Highlight: Space can absorb the productivity of a trillion planets the size of earth. We could build and fire rockets forever, and never fill up space and never learn all there is to know about it.
Notes: Fake space fake economy.
Chapter 6: Chapter 2 – Cheers in the Wirehouse
Chapter progress: 20.42%
Highlight: everybody else was just waiting for you to fall asleep, so they could put you on a rocket ship and shoot you at Mars.
Notes: Elon Musk.
Chapter 7: Chapter 3 – United Hotcake Preferred
Chapter progress: 23.04%
Highlight: He was an anarchist, though he never got into any trouble about it, except with his wife.
Chapter 7: Chapter 3 – United Hotcake Preferred
Chapter progress: 25.65%
Highlight: A single industrial bureaucrat, if he is sufficiently vital and nervous, should be able to create a ton of meaningless papers a year for the Bureau of Internal Revenue to examine.
Chapter 7: Chapter 3 – United Hotcake Preferred
Chapter progress: 28.8%
Highlight: Martian surgeons installed radio antennas in their skulls in order that the recruits might be radio-controlled.
Notes: Elon Musk.
Chapter 8: Chapter 4 – Tent Rentals
Chapter progress: 31.41%
Highlight: The third man in the second squad of the first platoon of the second company of the third battalion of the second regiment of the First Martian Assault Infantry Division was a private who had been broken from lieutenant-colonel three years before. He had been on Mars for eight years.
Notes: Space force. Hehe
Chapter 8: Chapter 4 – Tent Rentals
Chapter progress: 32.98%
Highlight: At the hospital they gave Unk a small sample of the pain his antenna would stick him with if he ever did anything wrong.
Notes: Elon Musk
Chapter 8: Chapter 4 – Tent Rentals
Chapter progress: 32.98%
Highlight: These were oxygen pills that made up for the fact that there wasn’t any oxygen in the Martian atmosphere.
Notes: Gtfo. Elon Musk.
Chapter 9: Chapter 5 – Letter from an Unknown Hero
Chapter progress: 37.17%
Highlight: It is a freak of military custom that the lowliest private can command his equals and noncommissioned superiors to attention, if he is the first to detect the presence of a commissioned officer in any roofed-over structure not in a combat area.
Chapter 9: Chapter 5 – Letter from an Unknown Hero
Chapter progress: 37.7%
Highlight: The advantages of a system of secret commanders are obvious. Any rebellion within the Army of Mars would be directed against the wrong people. And, in time of war, the enemy could exterminate the entire Martian officer class without disturbing the Army of Mars in the least.
Notes: Insurection people take note.
Chapter 9: Chapter 5 – Letter from an Unknown Hero
Chapter progress: 40.84%
Highlight: Everybody on Mars came from Earth. They thought they would be better off on Mars. Nobody can remember what was so bad about Earth.
Notes: Elon Musk
Chapter 9: Chapter 5 – Letter from an Unknown Hero
Chapter progress: 41.36%
Highlight: He didn’t even know why there had to be an Army of Mars in the first place.
Notes: Space force
Chapter 9: Chapter 5 – Letter from an Unknown Hero
Chapter progress: 41.36%
Highlight: the big trouble with dumb bastards is that they are too dumb to believe there is such a thing as being smart.
Chapter 9: Chapter 5 – Letter from an Unknown Hero
Chapter progress: 42.93%
Highlight: Brown man, white man, yellow man—surrender or die. Brown man, white man, yellow man—surrender or die.
Chapter 9: Chapter 5 – Letter from an Unknown Hero
Chapter progress: 42.93%
Highlight: The writer was such a lover of truth that he would expose himself to any amount of pain in order to add to his store of truth.
Chapter 9: Chapter 5 – Letter from an Unknown Hero
Chapter progress: 42.93%
Highlight: The smiles spoke of sheep who, under proper conditions, could commit murder gladly.
Chapter 9: Chapter 5 – Letter from an Unknown Hero
Chapter progress: 42.93%
Highlight: It made him his own hero in very trying times.
Chapter 10: Chapter 6 – A Deserter in Time of War
Chapter progress: 45.55%
Highlight: They would do anything to make his glory grow.
Notes: Corporate leaders on Bill Gates.
Chapter 10: Chapter 6 – A Deserter in Time of War
Chapter progress: 46.07%
Highlight: Being the boy’s father entitled him to nothing. Being an official investigator entitled him to anything he
Notes: Prophecy fulfilled.
Chapter 10: Chapter 6 – A Deserter in Time of War
Chapter progress: 47.64%
Highlight: Schliemann Breathing is at its simplest in a benign but useless atmosphere like that of Mars.
Notes: Go to mars Elon Musk.
Chapter 10: Chapter 6 – A Deserter in Time of War
Chapter progress: 47.64%
Highlight: Schliemann breathing, of course, is a technique that enables human beings to survive in a vacuum or in an inhospitable atmosphere without the use of helmets or other cumbersome respiratory gear.
Notes: Go to hell Elon Musk.
Chapter 10: Chapter 6 – A Deserter in Time of War
Chapter progress: 48.17%
Highlight: She moved through the ranks, snipping off lengths of adhesive, sealing mouths with them.
Notes: Face mask death cult. CDC
Chapter 10: Chapter 6 – A Deserter in Time of War
Chapter progress: 48.69%
Highlight: Break every link with air and mist,Seal every open vent;Make throat as tight as miser’s fist,Keep life within you pent.
Notes: Face mask sonnet.
Chapter 10: Chapter 6 – A Deserter in Time of War
Chapter progress: 50.79%
Highlight: He was commander-in-chief of everything Martian.
Notes: Get off the planet, Elon Musk.
Chapter 10: Chapter 6 – A Deserter in Time of War
Chapter progress: 51.31%
Highlight: The lieutenant-colonel in his gaudy uniform was made to feel like what he really was, after all—a strutting clown.
Chapter 12: Chapter 8 – In a Hollywood Night Club
Chapter progress: 59.16%
Highlight: Hunger, envy, ambition, fear, indignation, religion, and sexual lust are irrelevant and unknown.
Chapter 14: Chapter 10 – An Age of Miracles
Chapter progress: 71.2%
Highlight: There were women who had received by dint of dumb luck the terrific advantage of beauty. They had annihilated that unfair advantage with frumpish clothes, bad posture, chewing gum, and a ghoulish use of cosmetics.
Chapter 14: Chapter 10 – An Age of Miracles
Chapter progress: 71.73%
Highlight: No one could then reproach you for taking advantage of the random ways of luck.
Chapter 14: Chapter 10 – An Age of Miracles
Chapter progress: 77.49%
Highlight: thirty-third persons
Notes: Secret society x code.
Chapter 14: Chapter 10 – An Age of Miracles
Chapter progress: 79.06%
Highlight: She had dreamed of a big, angry, arrogant free-thinker.
Chapter 15: Chapter 11 – We Hate Malachi Constant Because …
Chapter progress: 79.58%
Highlight: We are angered by Malachi Constant,” said Rumfoord up in his treetop, “because he did nothing to deserve his billions, and because he did nothing unselfish or imaginative with his billions.
Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 15: Chapter 11 – We Hate Malachi Constant Because …
Chapter progress: 79.58%
Highlight: because he used the fantastic fruits of his fantastic good luck to finance an unending demonstration that man is a pig. He wallowed in sycophants.
Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 15: Chapter 11 – We Hate Malachi Constant Because …
Chapter progress: 80.63%
Highlight: you are taking all mistaken ideas about the meaning of luck, all misused wealth and power, and all disgusting pastimes with you.
Notes: Bill Gates and Elon Musk
Chapter 15: Chapter 11 – We Hate Malachi Constant Because …
Chapter progress: 81.68%
Highlight: I haven’t understood a single thing that’s happened to me since I reached Earth.
Chapter 16: Chapter 12 – The Gentleman from Tralfamadore
Chapter progress: 84.29%
Highlight: Either you understand at once what it is,” he told Rumfoord, “or there is no sense in trying to
Notes: Hypnotic anarchy.
Chapter 16: Chapter 12 – The Gentleman from Tralfamadore
Chapter progress: 85.86%
Highlight: There was nothing offensive in this love. That is to say, it wasn’t homosexual. It couldn’t be, since Salo had no sex.
Notes: Inoffensive robots.
Chapter 16: Chapter 12 – The Gentleman from Tralfamadore
Chapter progress: 87.43%
Highlight: Man and dog spent most of their time by the pool, monitoring signals from their other selves through space and time.
Chapter 16: Chapter 12 – The Gentleman from Tralfamadore
Chapter progress: 90.05%
Highlight: isn’t as though I were dying or something. Everything that ever was always will be, and everything that ever will be always was.
Chapter 16: Chapter 12 – The Gentleman from Tralfamadore
Chapter progress: 91.1%
Highlight: We have taken part for the last time,” said Constant loudly, “in experiments and fights and festivals we don’t like or understand!
Notes: CIA
Chapter 16: Chapter 12 – The Gentleman from Tralfamadore
Chapter progress: 92.67%
Highlight: A Universe schemed in mercy would have kept man and dog together.
Chapter 16: Chapter 12 – The Gentleman from Tralfamadore
Chapter progress: 93.19%
Highlight: Everything that every Earthling has ever done has been warped by creatures on a planet one-hundred-and-fifty thousand light years away.
Notes: Obey
Chapter 16: Chapter 12 – The Gentleman from Tralfamadore
Chapter progress: 93.19%
Highlight: Perhaps Earthlings will now be free to develop and follow their own inclinations, as they have not been free to do for thousands of years.
Notes: Awake from your slumber.