The GROW BARREL is a design of my creation that incorporates hydro/aquaponics, auto bell-siphon, and deep grow-bed technologies.
The sound of the bell siphon like a verdant waterfall. Nutrients in porous crags of pleasant pebbles, the music of moving water.
The roots of your plants alive in oxidizing rivers, feeding from even tide of water soluble fertilizer.

It’s a repurposed 30 gallon blue poly plastic barrel.
It includes a stand pipe with bell housing for automatic flood and drain root stimulation. The bell siphon.
Place the Grow Barrel on level ground.
Place the bell housing over the stand pipe.
Fill grow bed with expanded clay grow media. (Not included.)
Fill grow bed with nutrient solution. (Not included.)
The Grow Barrel automatically drains when nutrient solution reaches top of the stand-pipe. Electricity NOT REQUIRED.
Use a pump to repeat the process, or, capture the water in external bucket and use your physical muscles to pour the solution back into grow bed. (People power – no electric required.)
The Grow Barrel is the easiest way to grow your herbs and vegetables.
The sound of the bell siphon like a verdant waterfall, nutrients in porous crags of pleasant pebbles, the music of moving water.
The roots of your plants alive in oxidizing rivers, feeding from even tide of water soluble fertilizer.
GROW BARREL by Pepper.Works