Inheritors of The Earth by Gordon Eklund and Poul Anderson – book review

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There are three types of people on the planet:
The Robots, the Superiors, and the Inheritors.
The NPCs, the HUMANS, and the ELITE
The zombies, the humans, and the Orcs
The normies, the humans, and the cave beast.
The Edomites, the humans, and the Amolokites.
The Gentiles, the humans, and the Jacobites.

You see how this goes. It’s a fun game. Try it some time.

All Science Fiction is predictive programming. Consider the ongoing exposure of the Inheritors. We are living through the paradigm shift. (Unless you take the vaccine and die.) This story is prophecy. A glimpse into the battle of heaven and earth. Of good and evil. As it is in heaven, is now and forever will be. As above so below.

There is nothing new under the sun. We know about world changing resets and civilization collapse from our ‘history’ books. What we are experiencing right now is nothing less than a world wide paradigm shift.

If you are human, you know what is happening. You know there is nothing that can stop the change. We can only be part of this moment.

Covering your child’s face WILL NOT prevent them from seeing the horror of reality.

Let them see. Let them breathe. DO NOT COVER YOUR CHILD’S MOUTH AND NOSE.

Read a book. If only to distract you from your goddamn screens that are programming you for destruction. Good luck, humans.

Inheritors of Earth by Gordon Eklund & Poul Anderson

Book last read: 2021-05-30 19:42:21

Chapter 2: Three
Chapter progress: 10.85%
Highlight: Self-pity: the most common of human frailties next to jealousy.

Chapter 3: Four
Chapter progress: 13.21%
Highlight: The average man—or woman—simply did not care enough about anything to kill.

Notes: Vaccine cult of death

Chapter 5: Six
Chapter progress: 26.42%
Highlight: It is genocide conducted for no reason beyond brief and transitory power.

Notes: Pharmaceutical death cult

Chapter 6: Seven
Chapter progress: 31.6%
Highlight: You’re not crazy, Anna,” he had said. “If you are, so am I, and dozens more. We’re the only sane ones. That’s the point. It’s the rest-the poor humans—who
are crazy.

Chapter 9: Ten
Chapter progress: 42.45%
Highlight: Let the war come, he thought. Hadn’t the human race— didn’t the present state of the world testify to this—hadn’t they proved themselves unworthy to rule?

Notes: The collapse is imminent 

Chapter 12: Thirteen
Chapter progress: 50.94%
Highlight: The cows were spotted black and white but, in spite of the fact that he was one of the world’s ten largest suppliers of natural milk, he didn’t know one breed of dairy cattle from another.
Notes: Bill Gates

Chapter 12: Thirteen
Chapter progress: 50.94%
Highlight: The scene was so ridiculous he didn’t see how it could fool anyone. But it did—it fooled almost everyone.

Notes: Morons believe the news

Chapter 12: Thirteen
Chapter progress: 51.42%
Highlight: Then came brief shots of the various so-called leaders of the world. Talking, talking, talking. Endlessly droning their pitiful cliches.
Notes: Garbage politics

Chapter 12: Thirteen
Chapter progress: 51.89%
Highlight: . A war was coming. All of them—civilized and primitive alike—wished to avoid the conflict. Yet, in spite of this unanimity, they would fail. To Ford, it was a sad, sad joke.
Notes: Most people are morons

Chapter 12: Thirteen
Chapter progress: 51.89%
Highlight: The stock market continued to do surprisingly well
Notes: Legacy markets are fake

Chapter 12: Thirteen
Chapter progress: 51.89%
Highlight: Even with war only days away, they continued to play their games.

Notes: As in the days of Noah. Morons continue to be morons

Chapter 12: Thirteen
Chapter progress: 52.36%
Highlight: Ford thought—and most Inheritors agreed—that they must be the children of some awesome extraterrestrial race which, for reasons of its own, had sent seed spores drifting across space. Whether the arrival of these spores on Earth was deliberate could not, of course, be determined; but sometimes Ford had a dream
in which, after conquering Earth, he and the other Inheritors one day looked up
into the sky and saw a fleet of starships coming down to rest; the ships, of
course, carried their ancestors.

Chapter 13: Fourteen
Chapter progress: 54.72%
Highlight: At a glance, she noted Middlemarch, The Princess Casamassima,
Howard’s End, The Red and the Black, An American Tragedy, Tender Is the Night,

Chapter 14: Fifteen
Chapter progress: 58.02%
Highlight: The most difficult part of learning how to be human, he was discovering, was knowing how to tell the difference between illusion and reality.

Notes: The morons will never be human

Chapter 15: Sixteen
Chapter progress: 62.74%
Highlight: gestalt

Chapter 15: Sixteen
Chapter progress: 63.68%
Highlight: The Tibetan Book of the Dead—or the I Ching— would top student bestseller lists.

Chapter 16: Seventeen
Chapter progress: 67.45%
Highlight: My work is science—not crazy mysticism.”
“The two are not incompatible.

Chapter 17: Eighteen
Chapter progress: 68.87%
Highlight: In our present society, privacy and secrecy are quite extinct.

Chapter 18: Nineteen
Chapter progress: 73.58%
Highlight: Telepathy— especially over any considerable distance—was a chancy means of contact, but since it avoided any possibility of government interception, the Inheritors always tried to resort to it when immediate communication was a necessity.

Chapter 18: Nineteen
Chapter progress: 74.53%
Highlight: The result of this failure would be to even the conflict, to cause a grand stalemate which, in turn, would tempt both sides into building and using nuclear and chemical weapons. And that, of course, was the whole idea.

Notes: They are going to kill us

Chapter 18: Nineteen
Chapter progress: 75.0%
Highlight: Suicide was an act reserved for those animals granted—or cursed by—a dim flickering of intelligence.

Chapter 19: Twenty
Chapter progress: 77.36%
Highlight: It’s all been known beforehand. Have you ever read the Bible? The
Book of the Apocalypse? This is it. It was written down beforehand.

Chapter 19: Twenty
Chapter progress: 78.3%
Highlight: The nightly headlines streamed here. In spite of herself, she read the words: “WAR… MOBILIZATION… WARNING…THREAT… ANDROIDS… ATTACK…

Chapter 20: Twenty-One
Chapter progress: 82.08%
Highlight: The profession moved toward obsolescence—it would soon be as unnecessary as ditch-diggers, bootleggers, or Indian scouts.

Chapter 20: Twenty-One
Chapter progress: 82.55%
Highlight: In any man-machine relationship, Alec’s father believed, one party must
dominate—and he felt it had to be— and ought to be—the man.

Chapter 20: Twenty-One
Chapter progress: 83.49%
Highlight: They would, of course, be coming soon. He would not be permitted to remain free for long but, if nothing else, he had found the time to see the truth and that was something they would never be able to take away from him.

Notes: It’s happening

Chapter 20: Twenty-One
Chapter progress: 83.49%
Highlight: There would be no glory in this new war—no courage or love or self-sacrifice. It was science’s war—quick, clean, efficient. And meaningless.


Chapter 20: Twenty-One
Chapter progress: 84.43%
Highlight: Her mind was dead. She radiated nothing. What was she? An automaton? An android? A product of pure science—devoid of thought, feeling, love?

Notes: The robot zombies are being vaccinated

Chapter 22: Twenty-Three
Chapter progress: 90.09%
Highlight: Women are—to me—to us—an alien species.

Chapter 22: Twenty-Three
Chapter progress: 90.57%
Highlight: I hope I’m not being patronizing when I say that I believe women—at their best—to possess all the worthier characteristics of men, plus several others that none of us will ever know.

Chapter 22: Twenty-Three
Chapter progress: 91.51%
Highlight: He tries to comprehend poetry through science.

Chapter 22: Twenty-Three
Chapter progress: 92.45%
Highlight: What one boy is permitted, surely a whole race deserves as well.

Chapter 23: Twenty-Four
Chapter progress: 96.7%
Highlight: Their domain is limited to the Earth. Ours now spans the universe. They are harmless creatures now.”

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