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Do you want to read a book about burning a 19 year old girl alive at the stake? If so, allow me to introduce you to this Mark Twain book: Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc.

The first part of Joan’s story begins in Domremy in 1410. The children in the village dance with fairies around their favorite tree. Fantastic summer fun of frolic and jocularity, the fairies keep the stinging insects away and delight in the purity of the children’s company, especially Joan of Arc’s extreme piety and perfection.

Then somebody complains about the fairies and the priest of Domremy banishes the fairies away from the tree back to hell where they belong. Some kind of foreshadow going on here.

Joan is visited by the Archageal Michael who tells her to raise an army and return France to the rightful king, banishing the goddamn English for at least one thousand years. So begins the second part of the story.

Here’s a 17 year old illiterate girl who knows nothing of wars or even how to ride a horse. Joan of Arc, we are to believe, raises an army of frightened French troops who have been trounced by The English for the last one hundred years (The One Hundred Years War).

She proceeds to esteem herself with the old time Generals and lead several battles of victory, regaining cities that were in the hands of The Goddamn English for nearly a century.

The third part of the story is the difficult, dungeon, death, fire and brimstone part. Joan is captured and sold to The Goddamn English. She is put through many ridiculous ‘trials’ that attempt to prove her prophetic voices were in league with Satan. Her attire of male battle dress is strictly forbidden by the church and therefore she must be burned up at the stake. The Holy Church seeking justice in the blowing smoke of burning flesh.

Yes, it appears Joan of Arc was burned to death for wearing pants. Have a nice day.

Some of my highlights:

Chapter 326: Chapter 4 Joan Tames the Mad Man
Chapter progress: 18.82%
Highlight: I tried to think up some good way of explaining why I had run away and left a little girl at the mercy of a maniac armed with an ax, but all of the explanations that offered themselves to me seemed so cheap and shabby that I gave the matter up and remained still.
Notes: On allowing the children in face mask for remainder of life. CDC god fornication.

Chapter 327: Chapter 5 Domremy Pillaged and Burned
Chapter progress: 18.85%
Highlight: “I would I might see thy head struck from thy body!” — then, after a pause, and crossing herself— “if it were the will of God.
Notes: A young Joan of Arc to Bill Gates

Chapter 327: Chapter 5 Domremy Pillaged and Burned
Chapter progress: 18.86%
Highlight: For it was so ordered that the very ones among us who were most fascinated with mutilated and bloody death were to live their lives in peace, while that other, who had a native and deep horror of it, must presently go forth and have it as a familiar spectacle every day on the field of battle.

Notes: The screen zombies will not fight yet be content with their debauchery.

Chapter 328: Chapter 6 Joan and Archangel Michael
Chapter progress: 18.92%
Highlight: Joan, I have been thinking the thing all over last night, and have concluded that we have been in the wrong all this time; that the case of France is desperate; that it has been desperate ever since Agincourt; and that to-day it is more than desperate, it is hopeless.
Notes: On the hopeless United States

Chapter 328: Chapter 6 Joan and Archangel Michael
Chapter progress: 18.92%
Highlight: They speak as plainly as the figures in a merchant’s account-book. One has only to add the two columns up to see that the French house is bankrupt, that one-half of its property is already in the English sheriff’s hands and the other half in nobody’s — except those of irresponsible raiders and robbers confessing allegiance to nobody.
Notes: On the United States being owned by the CCP and Bill Gates.

Chapter 335: Chapter 4 Joan Leads Us Through the Enemy
Chapter progress: 19.26%
Highlight: She would sacrifice herself — and her best self; that is, her truthfulness — to save her cause; but only that; she would not buy her life at that cost; whereas our war-ethics permitted the purchase of our lives, or any mere military advantage, small or great, by deception.
Notes: Sacrificing honor for the cause

Chapter 335: Chapter 4 Joan Leads Us Through the Enemy
Chapter progress: 19.26%
Highlight: none are so ready to find fault with others as those who do things worthy of blame themselves.
Notes: The coming blame game of vaccine contagion and death.

Chapter 336: Chapter 5 We Pierce the Last Ambuscades
Chapter progress: 19.32%
Highlight: It is a marvel that any man in such desperate case as is the King can moon around in this torpid way, and see his all go to ruin without lifting a finger to stay the disaster.
Notes: Death to the united states under the scourge of CDC and WHO tyranny

Chapter 336: Chapter 5 We Pierce the Last Ambuscades
Chapter progress: 19.37%
Highlight: If an enemy carried these in the right words, the exact words, and no word missing, yet left out the persuasions of gesture and supplicating tone and beseeching looks that inform the words and make them live, where were the value of that argument — whom could it convince?
Notes: Morons in face mask have no hope in real communication

Chapter 337: Chapter 6 Joan Convinces the King
Chapter progress: 19.39%
Highlight: and it is preserved to this day in the Treasury of Orleans, with two of her swords, and her banner, and other things now sacred because they had belonged to her.
Notes: Is this irl?

Chapter 337: Chapter 6 Joan Convinces the King
Chapter progress: 19.39%
Highlight: Yes, she was a poem, she was a dream, she was a spirit when she was clothed in that.

Notes: On pretty dress. (worn by a real woman)

Chapter 337: Chapter 6 Joan Convinces the King
Chapter progress: 19.4%
Highlight: They had the look of people who are under the enchantment of a vision.

Notes: Morons overwhelmed by the technology of god (lucifer)

Chapter 339: Chapter 8 Joan Persuades Her Inquisitors
Chapter progress: 19.53%
Highlight: casuists
Notes: CDC casuists and sophists

Chapter 342: Chapter 11 The War March Is Begun
Chapter progress: 19.69%
Highlight: When a person in Joan of Arc’s position tells a man he is brave, he believes it; and believing it is enough; in fact, to believe yourself brave is to be brave; it is the one only essential thing.
Notes: On being brave

Chapter 347: Chapter 16 The Finding of the Dwarf
Chapter progress: 19.94%
Highlight: it was then that you saw that she was too beautiful to be of the earth, or at any rate that there was a subtle something somewhere about her beauty that differed it from the human types of your experience and exalted it above them.

Notes: Too beautiful for this earth.

Chapter 351: Chapter 20 Joan Makes Cowards Brave Victors
Chapter progress: 20.1%
Highlight: pusillanimous

Chapter 354: Chapter 23 Joan Inspires the Tawdry King
Chapter progress: 20.29%
Highlight: But we are all that way: when we know a thing we have only scorn for other people who don’t happen to know it.
Notes: The vaccine is going to kill you.

Chapter 356: Chapter 25 At Last – Forward!
Chapter progress: 20.39%
Highlight: They had Joan of Arc; and under that leadership their legs would lose the art and mystery of running.

Notes: The running must stop

Chapter 356: Chapter 25 At Last – Forward!
Chapter progress: 20.41%
Highlight: for I could have kissed Catherine better than anybody, and more and longer; yet was not thought of for that office, and I so famished for it.

Chapter 357: Chapter 26 The Last Doubts Scattered
Chapter progress: 20.43%
Highlight: There are some that never know how to change. Circumstances may change, but those people are never able to see that they have got to change too, to meet those circumstances. All that they know is the one beaten track that their fathers and grandfathers have followed and that they themselves have followed in their turn.
Notes: On ability to change

Chapter 358: Chapter 27 How Joan Took Jargeau
Chapter progress: 20.47%
Highlight: He was prouder of being wounded than a really modest person would be of being killed.
Notes: On the boistrous Paladin

Chapter 363: Chapter 31 France Begins to Live Again
Chapter progress: 20.64%
Highlight: Shall we judge battles by the numbers killed and the ruin wrought? Or shall we not rather judge them by the results which flowed from them?
Notes: We have won the priviledge of being injected by the federal government

Chapter 365: Chapter 33 Joan’s Five Great Deeds
Chapter progress: 20.7%
Highlight: How did she know it? It was simple: she was a peasant. That tells the whole story. She was of the people and knew the people; those others moved in a loftier sphere and knew nothing much about them.
Notes: The ignorant nobles.

Chapter 368: Chapter 36 Joan Hears News from Home
Chapter progress: 20.88%
Highlight: They could not unglue their minds from those grandeurs, and were always wrenching the conversation out of its groove and dragging the matter of animals into it, so that they could say “my horse” here, and “my horse” there and yonder and all around, and taste the words and lick their chops over them, and spread their legs and hitch their thumbs in their armpits, and feel as the good God feels when He looks out on His fleets of constellations plowing the awful deeps of space and reflects with satisfaction that they are His — all His.
Notes: On how to write a sentence.

Chapter 368: Chapter 36 Joan Hears News from Home
Chapter progress: 20.89%
Highlight: Ah, that shows you the power of music, that magician of magicians, who lifts his wand and says his mysterious word and all things real pass away and the phantoms of your mind walk before you clothed in flesh.

Notes: On the power of music.

Chapter 369: Chapter 37 Again to Arms
Chapter progress: 20.94%
Highlight: Yes, beings in a great many respects like ourselves. And I believe that some day they will find this out, too — and then! Well, then I think they will rise up and demand to be regarded as part of the race, and that by consequence there will be trouble.
Notes: On the forthcoming class war.

Chapter 369: Chapter 37 Again to Arms
Chapter progress: 20.94%
Highlight: not. I believe that some day it will be found out that peasants are people.
Notes: On the miserable face mask people

Chapter 369: Chapter 37 Again to Arms
Chapter progress: 20.95%
Highlight: I have carried the conviction in my heart that our peasants are not merely animals, beasts of burden put here by the good God to produce food and comfort for the “nation,” but something more and better. You look incredulous.
Notes: The incredulous thought of the awakening.

Chapter 371: Chapter 39 We Win, But the King Balks
Chapter progress: 21.09%
Highlight: She was a match for the others, but a conspiracy — ah, nobody is a match for that,
Notes: On conspiracy

Chapter 373: Chapter 41 The Maid Will March No More
Chapter progress: 21.15%
Highlight: She was the sort that endure in silence.
Notes: On enduring to the end

Chapter 375: Chapter 1 The Maid in Chains
Chapter progress: 21.21%
Highlight: Was that reptile Tremouille busy at the King’s ear?
Notes: On the mention of reptilians.

Chapter 381: Chapter 7 Craft That Was in Vain
Chapter progress: 21.52%
Highlight: “If I be not in a state of Grace, I pray God place me in it; if I be in it, I pray God keep me so.”

Chapter 382: Chapter 8 Joan Tells of Her Visions
Chapter progress: 21.57%
Highlight: Was the court discouraged? No. Naturally it was very much surprised, very much astonished, to find its work baffling and difficult instead of simple and easy, but it had powerful allies in the shape of hunger, cold, fatigue, persecution, deception, and treachery;
Notes: On the treachery of the courts

Chapter 383: Chapter 9 Her Sure Deliverance Foretold
Chapter progress: 21.6%
Highlight: Naturally, everybody was troubled, for a prophecy is a grisly and awful thing, whether one thinks it ascends from hell or comes down from heaven.
Notes: On the nature of prophesy.

Chapter 386: Chapter 12 Joan’s Master-Stroke Diverted
Chapter progress: 21.75%
Highlight: It was shabby work for those grave men to be engaged in; for they well knew one of Joan’s reasons for clinging to the male dress was, that soldiers of the guard were always present in her room whether she was asleep or awake, and that the male dress was a better protection for her modesty than the other.

Notes: The church burned Joan of Arc at the stake for wearing pants.

Chapter 386: Chapter 12 Joan’s Master-Stroke Diverted
Chapter progress: 21.77%
Highlight: Submit to whatever comes; do not grieve for your martyrdom; from it you will ascend into the Kingdom of Paradise.
Notes: Endure to the end.

Chapter 392: Chapter 18 Condemned Yet Unafraid
Chapter progress: 22.06%
Highlight: What should he do in heaven? he did not know anybody there.
Notes: Bill Gates only knows people in hell.

Chapter 393: Chapter 19 Our Last Hopes of Rescue Fail
Chapter progress: 22.1%
Highlight: But we were young, you know, and youth hopeth all things, believeth all things.

Notes: On youthful ignorance.

Chapter 394: Chapter 20 The Betrayal
Chapter progress: 22.16%
Highlight: You shall abjure instantly, or instantly be burnt!”
Notes: On appropriate things to say at Bill Gates’ Nuremburg trial.

Chapter 395: Chapter 21 Respited Only for Torture
Chapter progress: 22.19%
Highlight: He was a doughty soldier, but when it came to the intellectuals — when it came to delicate chicane, and scheming, and trickery — he couldn’t see any further through a millstone than another.
Notes: The confusion an fall of the technocrats.

Chapter 396: Chapter 22 Joan Gives the Fatal Answer
Chapter progress: 22.21%
Highlight: . We are so strangely made; the memories that could make us happy pass away; it is the memories that break our hearts that abide.

Notes: Raise the vibration.

Chapter 396: Chapter 22 Joan Gives the Fatal Answer
Chapter progress: 22.24%
Highlight: Conditions had been a good thing to concede, temporarily, and for advantage; but they have served their turn — let something of a fresher sort and of more consequence be considered.
Notes: On the rule of law in The United States.

Chapter 396: Chapter 22 Joan Gives the Fatal Answer
Chapter progress: 22.26%
Highlight: think of a man destroying a friendless poor girl and then having the heart to laugh at it:

Notes: Fauci insisting the children cover their face.

Chapter 397: Chapter 23 The Time Is at Hand
Chapter progress: 22.32%
Highlight: All laws, human and divine, were alike to that man — he respected none of them.
Notes: On Bill Gates

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