We found 154 results for your search.

Five Weeks in a Balloon by Jules Verne book review

Views: 77Five Weeks in a Balloon by Jules Verne Fantastic story about the reconnoiter and imminent colonial domain of Africa. The Euro people floated their balloons over Africa and America in search of the most valuable assets, using the basket as a floating turret to hunt wild game and savages (Hamites and Lamanites). Dropping anchor… Continue reading Five Weeks in a Balloon by Jules Verne book review

America Before The Key To Earth’s Lost Civilization by Graham Hancock – book review

Views: 106At this point in the game you should understand: ALL HISTORY the endowment enriched ‘academic’ organizations have shoveled into the debt-ridden student-plebes is complete BULLSHIT. None of it is true. Your history is FAKE AS FUCK. Just like the PCR test, just like this FAKE PANDEMIC, just like face mask wearing children— CDC, WHO… Continue reading America Before The Key To Earth’s Lost Civilization by Graham Hancock – book review


Views: 3239 Track all markets on TradingView ***XRP is a centralized SCAM. Mannarino Shill. BUYER BEWARE.***

The Prince and The Pauper by Mark Twain – book review

Views: 125I was fearful this book would be a terrible reminder of our Disney hellscape, croney crapitalism, changing places, freaky Friday, Cinderella garbage story. Even the fine vaccinated morons at Pixar couldn’t mess this up. Mark Twain is a master. His writing is transcendent. In this time of great revelations (of morons exposing themselves to… Continue reading The Prince and The Pauper by Mark Twain – book review