American Notes For General Circulation by Charles Dickens Book Review
I’m looking through the table of contents in my Dickens collection. Under the non-fiction header I find listed “American Notes”.
I read one chapter towards the end. I’m in a wooden rail car, showers of sparks are flying from the anthracite stoves. The dark stunted forest of the US darts past. I must read this entire book.
Travel the West with Dickens.
One of the finest texts I have yet stumbled upon. Dickens is thirty, he’s a famous author, the year is 1842. He alights for The New World with his wife in the steamship BRITANNIA, paddle wheels and shuttlecocks.
He lands in New York, pigs forage the city like stray dogs. He describes his stay on Broadway. He visits the asylum and penitentiary in every city.
Canal boat travel, high pressure steam ship travel, stagecoach travel, packet travel, mail steamers, and mule carts.
We stay at the finest inns (not so fine in many of the US cities.)
We review the meals onboard the steamers. We sit for breakfast, dinner, and supper.
Amazing journey through 1840 America.
He’s got a dressing-case full of gold.
He’s got a huge fur coat.
The ladies section is cordoned off with velvet curtains. The gentlemen chew massive quids of tobacco and spit incessantly on the floor.
He goes to Washington, Cincinnati, St Louise, Columbus, Niagara.
All towns are fresh with paint.
A magnificent travel journal of American Pioneer Land.
Thank you Mr. 33ickens.
American Notes For General Circulation by Charles Dickens.
Dickens includes a very sweet story about DEAF, DUMB, and BLIND girl. He visits her at the institution. They’ve been working on teaching the girl hand language. Putting simple objects in her hand, creating the sign, repeat process.
The little girl learns sign language. She understands, the light is ON. The little girl figures it out, in her mind. Her consciousness blacked out from all sensation except her touch- a darkness of all things except her mind. The little girl learns sign language.
You are the little girl. You are working on learning new language at institution. It has been many months since your mother and father have departed from you. Your mother comes to visit. You are re-introduced to your mother. How can you know it’s your mother? Do you know by touch? Do you know by feel? It’s in the book.
American Notes For General Circulation by Charles Dickens Book Review
My highlights and annotations:
Notes: Esquire and Lady Dickens find their state room on board the Brittania.
Chapter 1515: CHAPTER II. THE PASSAGE OUT Highlight Chapter progress: 68.73% Highlight: It was pretty much the same for the next two days, with a tolerably fair wind and dry weather. I read in bed (but to this hour I don’t know what) a good deal; and reeled on deck a little; drank cold brandy-and-water with an unspeakable disgust, and ate hard biscuit perseveringly: not ill, but going to be.
Chapter 1515: CHAPTER II. THE PASSAGE OUT Annotation Chapter progress: 68.74% Highlight: I found myself on deck. I don’t know how I got there, or what possessed me to go there, but there I was; and completely dressed too, with a huge pea-coat on, and a pair of boots such as no weak man in his senses could ever have got into. Notes: Dickens was 30 when he made this 5 mo journey to America w his wife.
Chapter 1515: CHAPTER II. THE PASSAGE OUT Annotation Chapter progress: 68.75% Highlight: Of the outrageous antics performed by that ship next morning; which made bed a practical joke, and getting up, by any process short of falling out, an impossibility; I say nothing. Notes: Dickens steaming across Atlantic.
Chapter 1516: CHAPTER III. BOSTON Annotation Chapter progress: 68.79% Highlight: there is a surly boorish incivility about our men, alike disgusting to all persons who fall into their hands, and discreditable to the nation that keeps such ill-conditioned curs snarling about its gates. Notes: Border patrol essential workers.
Chapter 1516: CHAPTER III. BOSTON Annotation Chapter progress: 68.79% Highlight: every thoroughfare in the city looked exactly like a scene in a pantomime. Notes: Boston.
Chapter 1516: CHAPTER III. BOSTON Annotation Chapter progress: 68.8% Highlight: The golden calf they worship at Boston is a pigmy compared with the giant effigies set up in other parts of that vast counting-house which lies beyond the Atlantic; Notes: Purse of majesty.
Chapter 1516: CHAPTER III. BOSTON Annotation Chapter progress: 68.8% Highlight: It is a great and pleasant feature of all such institutions in America, that they are either supported by the State or assisted by the State; Notes: BDSM covid face mask ritual.
Chapter 1516: CHAPTER III. BOSTON Annotation Chapter progress: 68.8% Highlight: relations and friends (some of whom have been bred up distinctly to inherit a large share of the property, and have been, from their cradles, specially disqualified from devoting themselves to any useful pursuit, Notes: Lizard people.
Chapter 1516: CHAPTER III. BOSTON Annotation Chapter progress: 68.82% Highlight: It is strange to watch the faces of the blind, and see how free they are from all concealment of what is passing in their thoughts; observing which, a man with eyes may blush to contemplate the mask he wears. Notes: Dickens visits asylum and school for deaf dumb and blind in Boston.
Chapter 1516: CHAPTER III. BOSTON Annotation Chapter progress: 68.83% Highlight: I could almost fix upon the moment when this truth dawned upon her mind, and spread its light to her countenance; I saw that the great obstacle was overcome; Notes: Deaf dumb blind child learning sign language.
Chapter 1516: CHAPTER III. BOSTON Annotation Chapter progress: 68.89% Highlight: It is obvious that one great feature of this system, is the inculcation and encouragement, even among such unhappy persons, of a decent self-respect. Something of the same spirit pervades all the Institutions at South Boston. Notes: Insane asylum.
Chapter 1516: CHAPTER III. BOSTON Annotation Chapter progress: 68.9% Highlight: America, as a new and not over-populated country, has in all her prisons, the one great advantage, of being enabled to find useful and profitable work for the inmates; Notes: Slave labor.
Chapter 1516: CHAPTER III. BOSTON Annotation Chapter progress: 68.91% Highlight: the prison-turnkeys who, in those admirable days, had always been felons themselves, and were, to the last, their bosom-friends and pot-companions. Notes: Jelly jar corporate circle jerk.
Chapter 1516: CHAPTER III. BOSTON Annotation Chapter progress: 68.92% Highlight: This is the case all through America. In every Public Institution, the right of the people to attend, and to have an interest in the proceedings, Notes: Vaccine passport and BDSM face mask required.
Chapter 1516: CHAPTER III. BOSTON Annotation Chapter progress: 68.92% Highlight: for no men know better than the judges of America, that on the occasion of any great popular excitement the law is powerless, and cannot, for the time, assert its own supremacy.
Notes: Arrest all covid operators.
Chapter 1516: CHAPTER III. BOSTON Annotation Chapter progress: 68.93% Highlight: Transcendentalists. On inquiring what this appellation might be supposed to signify, I was given to understand that whatever was unintelligible would be certainly transcendental. Notes: Hehe.
Chapter 1517: CHAPTER IV. AN AMERICAN RAILROAD. LOWELL AND ITS FACTORY SYSTEM Highlight Chapter progress: 68.95% Highlight: There are no first and second class carriages as with us; but there is a gentleman’s car and a ladies’ car: the main distinction between which is that in the first, everybody smokes; and in the second, nobody does.
Chapter 1517: CHAPTER IV. AN AMERICAN RAILROAD. LOWELL AND ITS FACTORY SYSTEM Annotation Chapter progress: 68.95% Highlight: for any lady may travel alone, from one end of the United States to the other, and be certain of the most courteous and considerate treatment everywhere. Notes: 1840 US train travel.
Chapter 1517: CHAPTER IV. AN AMERICAN RAILROAD. LOWELL AND ITS FACTORY SYSTEM Highlight Chapter progress: 68.96% Highlight: The train calls at stations in the woods, where the wild impossibility of anybody having the smallest reason to get out, is only to be equalled by the apparently desperate hopelessness of there being anybody to get in.
Chapter 1517: CHAPTER IV. AN AMERICAN RAILROAD. LOWELL AND ITS FACTORY SYSTEM Highlight Chapter progress: 68.97% Highlight: nothing in the whole town looked old to me, except the mud,
Chapter 1517: CHAPTER IV. AN AMERICAN RAILROAD. LOWELL AND ITS FACTORY SYSTEM Annotation Chapter progress: 68.97% Highlight: The golden pestles and mortars fixed as signs upon the sun-blind frames outside the Druggists’, appear to have been just turned out of the United States’ Mint; Notes: Everything is new. Post-diluvian construction.
Chapter 1517: CHAPTER IV. AN AMERICAN RAILROAD. LOWELL AND ITS FACTORY SYSTEM Annotation Chapter progress: 68.97% Highlight: woollen factory, a carpet factory, and a cotton factory: examined them in every part; and saw them in their ordinary working aspect, with no preparation of any kind, or departure from their ordinary everyday proceedings. Notes: Dickens is a spy.
Chapter 1517: CHAPTER IV. AN AMERICAN RAILROAD. LOWELL AND ITS FACTORY SYSTEM Highlight Chapter progress: 68.98% Highlight: That they do not very often want the means, may be gathered from the fact, that in July, 1841, no fewer than nine hundred and seventy-eight of these girls were depositors in the Lowell Savings Bank: the amount of whose joint savings was estimated at one hundred thousand dollars, or twenty thousand English pounds.
Chapter 1517: CHAPTER IV. AN AMERICAN RAILROAD. LOWELL AND ITS FACTORY SYSTEM Annotation Chapter progress: 68.98% Highlight: The principal medical attendant resides under the same roof; and were the patients members of his own family, they could not be better cared for, or attended with greater gentleness and consideration. Notes: Face mask, lockdown, mandatory injections.
Chapter 1518: CHAPTER V. WORCESTER. THE CONNECTICUT RIVER. HARTFORD. NEW HAVEN. TO NEW YORK Annotation Chapter progress: 69.0% Highlight: All the buildings looked as if they had been built and painted that morning, and could be taken down on Monday with very little trouble. Notes: New England
Chapter 1518: CHAPTER V. WORCESTER. THE CONNECTICUT RIVER. HARTFORD. NEW HAVEN. TO NEW YORK Annotation Chapter progress: 69.01% Highlight: The Insane Asylum is admirably conducted, and so is the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb.
Notes: Take me to the Asylum.
Chapter 1518: CHAPTER V. WORCESTER. THE CONNECTICUT RIVER. HARTFORD. NEW HAVEN. TO NEW YORK Highlight Chapter progress: 69.03% Highlight: Diedrich Knickerbocker’s History.
Chapter 1519: CHAPTER VI. NEW YORK Annotation Chapter progress: 69.04% Highlight: Shall we sit down in an upper floor of the Carlton House Hotel (situated in the best part of this main artery of New York), and when we are tired of looking down upon the life below, sally forth arm-in-arm, and mingle with the stream?
Notes: Broadway.
Chapter 1519: CHAPTER VI. NEW YORK Annotation Chapter progress: 69.05% Highlight: What various parasols! what rainbow silks and satins! what pinking of thin stockings, and pinching of thin shoes, and fluttering of ribbons and silk tassels, and display of rich cloaks with gaudy hoods and linings! Notes: NYC
Chapter 1519: CHAPTER VI. NEW YORK Annotation Chapter progress: 69.06% Highlight: What is this dismal-fronted pile of bastard Egyptian, like an enchanter’s palace in a melodrama! — a famous prison, called The Tombs. Shall we go in?
Notes: Ask circe.
Chapter 1519: CHAPTER VI. NEW YORK Annotation Chapter progress: 69.1% Highlight: The whole structure is not yet finished, but it is already one of considerable size and extent, and is capable of accommodating a very large number of patients.
Notes: Dickens visits the lunatic asylum everywhere he goes.
Chapter 1519: CHAPTER VI. NEW YORK Annotation Chapter progress: 69.1% Highlight: What is this intolerable tolling of great bells, and crashing of wheels, and shouting in the distance? A fire. And what that deep red light in the opposite direction? Another fire. And what these charred and blackened walls we stand before? A dwelling where a fire has been. It was more than hinted, in an official report, not long ago, that some of these conflagrations were not wholly accidental, and that speculation and enterprise found a field of exertion, even in flames: but be this as it may, there was a fire last night, there are two to-night, and you may lay an even wager there will be at least one, to-morrow. So, carrying that with us for our comfort, let us say, Good night, and climb up-stairs to bed.
Notes: NYC fire racket.
Chapter 1519: CHAPTER VI. NEW YORK Annotation Chapter progress: 69.11% Highlight: In the same neighbourhood is the Farm, where young orphans are nursed and bred. Notes: Cabbage patch kids.
Chapter 1519: CHAPTER VI. NEW YORK Annotation Chapter progress: 69.11% Highlight: Add a collection of gentle odours, such as would arise from a thousand mildewed umbrellas, wet through, and a thousand buck-baskets, full of half-washed linen — and there is the prison, as it was that day.
Notes: Dickens visited the prisons in New England.
Chapter 1520: CHAPTER VII. PHILADELPHIA, AND ITS SOLITARY PRISON Annotation Chapter progress: 69.13% Highlight: It was the Tomb of many fortunes; the Great Catacomb of investment; the memorable United States Bank. The stoppage of this bank, with all its ruinous consequences, had cast (as I was told on every side) a gloom on Philadelphia, under the depressing effect of which it yet laboured. It certainly did seem rather dull and out of spirits. Notes: Ask Circe.
Chapter 1520: CHAPTER VII. PHILADELPHIA, AND ITS SOLITARY PRISON Annotation Chapter progress: 69.14% Highlight: I was accompanied to this prison by two gentlemen officially connected with its management, Notes: Secret society escort.
Chapter 1520: CHAPTER VII. PHILADELPHIA, AND ITS SOLITARY PRISON Annotation Chapter progress: 69.15% Highlight: I never saw or heard of any kind of misery that impressed me more than the wretchedness of this man.
Notes: German in jail.
Chapter 1521: CHAPTER VIII. WASHINGTON. THE LEGISLATURE. AND THE PRESIDENT’S HOUSE Annotation Chapter progress: 69.2% Highlight: In the courts of law, the judge has his spittoon, the crier his, the witness his, and the prisoner his; while the jurymen and spectators are provided for, as so many men who in the course of nature must desire to spit incessantly. Notes: Eeewww.
Chapter 1521: CHAPTER VIII. WASHINGTON. THE LEGISLATURE. AND THE PRESIDENT’S HOUSE Annotation Chapter progress: 69.24% Highlight: the actors were all there.
Notes: Washington DC
Chapter 1522: CHAPTER IX. A NIGHT STEAMER ON THE POTOMAC RIVER. VIRGINIA ROAD, AND A BLACK DRIVER. RICHMOND. BALTIMORE. THE HARRISBURG MAIL, AND A GLIMPSE OF THE CITY. A CANAL BOAT Highlight Chapter progress: 69.31% Highlight: a visit to a tobacco manufactory, where the workmen are all slaves.
Chapter 1522: CHAPTER IX. A NIGHT STEAMER ON THE POTOMAC RIVER. VIRGINIA ROAD, AND A BLACK DRIVER. RICHMOND. BALTIMORE. THE HARRISBURG MAIL, AND A GLIMPSE OF THE CITY. A CANAL BOAT Annotation Chapter progress: 69.35% Highlight: if some of these gentlemen had not only yielded to the prejudice in favour of spittoons, Notes: They spit on the floor, carpet. Spittle everywhere in the carpet.
Chapter 1523: CHAPTER X. SOME FURTHER ACCOUNT OF THE CANAL BOAT, ITS DOMESTIC ECONOMY, AND ITS PASSENGERS. JOURNEY TO PITTSBURG ACROSS THE ALLEGHANY MOUNTAINS. PITTSBURG Highlight Chapter progress: 69.36% Highlight: Nor did I ever once, on any occasion, anywhere, during my rambles in America, see a woman exposed to the slightest act of rudeness, incivility, or even inattention.
Chapter 1523: CHAPTER X. SOME FURTHER ACCOUNT OF THE CANAL BOAT, ITS DOMESTIC ECONOMY, AND ITS PASSENGERS. JOURNEY TO PITTSBURG ACROSS THE ALLEGHANY MOUNTAINS. PITTSBURG Annotation Chapter progress: 69.37% Highlight: And, hanging up before a little looking-glass in the bar, in the immediate vicinity of the bread and cheese and biscuits, were a public comb and hair-brush.
Notes: Public comb and hairbrush.
Chapter 1523: CHAPTER X. SOME FURTHER ACCOUNT OF THE CANAL BOAT, ITS DOMESTIC ECONOMY, AND ITS PASSENGERS. JOURNEY TO PITTSBURG ACROSS THE ALLEGHANY MOUNTAINS. PITTSBURG Highlight Chapter progress: 69.39% Highlight: Down Easters and Johnny Cakes can follow if they please.
Chapter 1523: CHAPTER X. SOME FURTHER ACCOUNT OF THE CANAL BOAT, ITS DOMESTIC ECONOMY, AND ITS PASSENGERS. JOURNEY TO PITTSBURG ACROSS THE ALLEGHANY MOUNTAINS. PITTSBURG Highlight Chapter progress: 69.41% Highlight: And if passengers be decoyed in the way of trade, and people be inconvenienced in the way of trade, what man, who is a sharp tradesman himself, shall say, ‘We must put a stop to this?’
Chapter 1524: CHAPTER XI. FROM PITTSBURG TO CINCINNATI IN A WESTERN STEAMBOAT. CINCINNATI Highlight Chapter progress: 69.42% Highlight: In all modes of travelling, the American customs, with reference to the means of personal cleanliness and wholesome ablution, are extremely negligent and filthy; and I strongly incline to the belief that a considerable amount of illness is referable to this cause.
Chapter 1524: CHAPTER XI. FROM PITTSBURG TO CINCINNATI IN A WESTERN STEAMBOAT. CINCINNATI Annotation Chapter progress: 69.42% Highlight: one feels directly that the wonder is, not that there should be so many fatal accidents, but that any journey should be safely made.
Notes: River steam boat.
Chapter 1524: CHAPTER XI. FROM PITTSBURG TO CINCINNATI IN A WESTERN STEAMBOAT. CINCINNATI Highlight Chapter progress: 69.45% Highlight: The inhabitants of Cincinnati are proud of their city as one of the most interesting in America: and with good reason: for beautiful and thriving as it is now, and containing, as it does, a population of fifty thousand souls,
Chapter 1525: CHAPTER XII. FROM CINCINNATI TO LOUISVILLE IN ANOTHER WESTERN STEAMBOAT; AND FROM LOUISVILLE TO ST. LOUIS IN ANOTHER. ST. LOUIS Annotation Chapter progress: 69.47% Highlight: It was a perfect picture of justice retired from business for want of customers; her sword and scales sold off; napping comfortably with her legs upon the table.
Notes: Magistrates.
Chapter 1525: CHAPTER XII. FROM CINCINNATI TO LOUISVILLE IN ANOTHER WESTERN STEAMBOAT; AND FROM LOUISVILLE TO ST. LOUIS IN ANOTHER. ST. LOUIS Annotation Chapter progress: 69.48% Highlight: recollection of these funeral feasts will be a waking nightmare to me all my life.
Notes: Meals onboard steamships were lifeless. Nobody talked, as if they all concealed a great secret.
Chapter 1525: CHAPTER XII. FROM CINCINNATI TO LOUISVILLE IN ANOTHER WESTERN STEAMBOAT; AND FROM LOUISVILLE TO ST. LOUIS IN ANOTHER. ST. LOUIS Highlight Chapter progress: 69.48% Highlight: There was a magnetism of dulness in them which would have beaten down the most facetious companion that the earth ever knew.
Chapter 1527: CHAPTER XIV. RETURN TO CINCINNATI. A STAGE-COACH RIDE FROM THAT CITY TO COLUMBUS, AND THENCE TO SANDUSKY. SO, BY LAKE ERIE, TO THE FALLS OF NIAGARA Annotation Chapter progress: 69.56% Highlight: The landlord was a dry, tough, hard-faced old fellow (not so very old either, for he was but just turned sixty, I should think), who had been out with the militia in the last war with England, and had seen all kinds of service, — except a battle; Notes: Fake revolution. Probable insurrection.
Chapter 1527: CHAPTER XIV. RETURN TO CINCINNATI. A STAGE-COACH RIDE FROM THAT CITY TO COLUMBUS, AND THENCE TO SANDUSKY. SO, BY LAKE ERIE, TO THE FALLS OF NIAGARA Annotation Chapter progress: 69.56% Highlight: He was one of the very many descendants of Cain proper to this continent, who seem destined from their birth to serve as pioneers in the great human army: who gladly go on from year to year extending its outposts, and leaving home after home behind them; and die at last, utterly regardless of their graves being left thousands of miles behind, by the wandering generation who succeed.
Notes: Pioneer.
Chapter 1527: CHAPTER XIV. RETURN TO CINCINNATI. A STAGE-COACH RIDE FROM THAT CITY TO COLUMBUS, AND THENCE TO SANDUSKY. SO, BY LAKE ERIE, TO THE FALLS OF NIAGARA Annotation Chapter progress: 69.56% Highlight: At length, however, by going back some half a mile or so, we found a solitary house where ham and coffee were procurable; and there we tarried to wait the advent of the boat, which would come in sight from the green before the door, a long way off.
Notes: Nothing to eat in village.
Chapter 1527: CHAPTER XIV. RETURN TO CINCINNATI. A STAGE-COACH RIDE FROM THAT CITY TO COLUMBUS, AND THENCE TO SANDUSKY. SO, BY LAKE ERIE, TO THE FALLS OF NIAGARA Annotation Chapter progress: 69.56% Highlight: Looking down upon the filthy river after dark, it seemed to be alive with monsters, as these black masses rolled upon the surface, or came starting up again, head first, when the boat, in ploughing her way among a shoal of such obstructions, drove a few among them for the moment under water. Notes: Mississippi.
Chapter 1527: CHAPTER XIV. RETURN TO CINCINNATI. A STAGE-COACH RIDE FROM THAT CITY TO COLUMBUS, AND THENCE TO SANDUSKY. SO, BY LAKE ERIE, TO THE FALLS OF NIAGARA Annotation Chapter progress: 69.57% Highlight: never, I trust, to see the Mississippi more, saving in troubled dreams and nightmares. Notes: Hehe.
Chapter 1527: CHAPTER XIV. RETURN TO CINCINNATI. A STAGE-COACH RIDE FROM THAT CITY TO COLUMBUS, AND THENCE TO SANDUSKY. SO, BY LAKE ERIE, TO THE FALLS OF NIAGARA Annotation Chapter progress: 69.57% Highlight: I will take the reader as our fellow-passenger, and pledge myself to perform the distance with all possible despatch.
Notes: Stagecoach travel Cincinnati to Niagara.
Chapter 1527: CHAPTER XIV. RETURN TO CINCINNATI. A STAGE-COACH RIDE FROM THAT CITY TO COLUMBUS, AND THENCE TO SANDUSKY. SO, BY LAKE ERIE, TO THE FALLS OF NIAGARA Annotation Chapter progress: 69.57% Highlight: He always chews and always spits, and never encumbers himself with a pocket-handkerchief. The consequences to the box passenger, especially when the wind blows towards him, are not agreeable. Notes: Eeewww.
Chapter 1527: CHAPTER XIV. RETURN TO CINCINNATI. A STAGE-COACH RIDE FROM THAT CITY TO COLUMBUS, AND THENCE TO SANDUSKY. SO, BY LAKE ERIE, TO THE FALLS OF NIAGARA Annotation Chapter progress: 69.6% Highlight: pigs (who swarm in this part of the country like grains of sand on the sea-shore, to the great comfort of our commissariat in Canada Notes: Pigs are described in every city running about as stray dogs. NYC included.
Chapter 1527: CHAPTER XIV. RETURN TO CINCINNATI. A STAGE-COACH RIDE FROM THAT CITY TO COLUMBUS, AND THENCE TO SANDUSKY. SO, BY LAKE ERIE, TO THE FALLS OF NIAGARA Annotation Chapter progress: 69.6% Highlight: These stumps of trees are a curious feature in American travelling. The varying illusions they present to the unaccustomed eye as it grows dark, are quite astonishing in their number and reality. Notes: Tree stumps everywhere he visits.
Chapter 1527: CHAPTER XIV. RETURN TO CINCINNATI. A STAGE-COACH RIDE FROM THAT CITY TO COLUMBUS, AND THENCE TO SANDUSKY. SO, BY LAKE ERIE, TO THE FALLS OF NIAGARA Annotation Chapter progress: 69.6% Highlight: as I had a considerable sum in gold for our travelling expenses, in my dressing-case. Some of the luggage, however, piled against the panels, soon settled this difficulty, Notes: The doors have no locks. Traveling with gold.
Chapter 1527: CHAPTER XIV. RETURN TO CINCINNATI. A STAGE-COACH RIDE FROM THAT CITY TO COLUMBUS, AND THENCE TO SANDUSKY. SO, BY LAKE ERIE, TO THE FALLS OF NIAGARA Annotation Chapter progress: 69.61% Highlight: They were so like the meaner sort of gipsies, that if I could have seen any of them in England, I should have concluded, as a matter of course, that they belonged to that wandering and restless people.
Notes: Indians and gypsies.
Chapter 1527: CHAPTER XIV. RETURN TO CINCINNATI. A STAGE-COACH RIDE FROM THAT CITY TO COLUMBUS, AND THENCE TO SANDUSKY. SO, BY LAKE ERIE, TO THE FALLS OF NIAGARA Annotation Chapter progress: 69.62% Highlight: She was a large vessel of five hundred tons, and handsomely fitted up, though with high-pressure engines; which always conveyed that kind of feeling to me, which I should be likely to experience, I think, if I had lodgings on the first-floor of a powder-mill. Notes: He’s afraid of the boiler exploding on steam ships. Often occurence.
Chapter 1527: CHAPTER XIV. RETURN TO CINCINNATI. A STAGE-COACH RIDE FROM THAT CITY TO COLUMBUS, AND THENCE TO SANDUSKY. SO, BY LAKE ERIE, TO THE FALLS OF NIAGARA Annotation Chapter progress: 69.63% Highlight: We were at the foot of the American Fall. I could see an immense torrent of water tearing headlong down from some great height, but had no idea of shape, or situation, or anything but vague immensity.
Notes: Climbing around Niagara Falls.
Chapter 1528: CHAPTER XV. IN CANADA; TORONTO; KINGSTON; MONTREAL; QUEBEC; ST. JOHN’S. IN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN; LEBANON; THE SHAKER VILLAGE; WEST POINT Annotation Chapter progress: 69.65% Highlight: government observatory for noting and recording the magnetic variations. Notes: Tune in Tokyo.
Chapter 1528: CHAPTER XV. IN CANADA; TORONTO; KINGSTON; MONTREAL; QUEBEC; ST. JOHN’S. IN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN; LEBANON; THE SHAKER VILLAGE; WEST POINT Annotation Chapter progress: 69.65% Highlight: We had no fewer than one thousand and eighty barrels on board, between Coburg and Kingston.
Notes: Canadian flour.
Chapter 1529: CHAPTER XVI. THE PASSAGE HOME Annotation Chapter progress: 69.74% Highlight: If any class deserve to be protected and assisted by the Government, it is that class who are banished from their native land in search of the bare means of subsistence. Notes: Face mask, vaccine, track and trace, UBI social credit system required.