I am Jason of Argo. I feel her keel vibrating in the sea. The slap of water against her prow. Our connection is surreal. My memory of you is undeniable. You were a light warrior. I was your lover. Now I find you here. Strange, wonderful, electrifying. I know I’m jumping timelines. But what the… Continue reading The Mask of Circe by Henry Kuttner book review
American Beauty – Intergalactic Finance Minister
Wild, unharnessed, illogical love.Running round in a cloud.Can’t think about anything but her. It feels great. I was wondering.Can I still love American Beauty? Yes, Yes, Yes.I Love Her The Best. I smile and laugh.My heart skips beats.American Beauty is a treasure so sweet. American Beauty – Intergalactic Finance Minister
This Is The Start of Something Beautiful. I Can Feel It. Intergalactic Finance Minister
Success, smiles, celebration. Car rides, catering, cottages. Trees, flowers, patchouli oil. Secluded field of poppies. It’s you in a sun bath. It’s YOU in the sun. You are the light. Your body is reflecting. It’s you on the green. It’s you on the heath. A sheen of dew drops on your nape. Your light shines… Continue reading This Is The Start of Something Beautiful. I Can Feel It. Intergalactic Finance Minister
Little Black Dress. Intergalactic Finance Minister
How can you be so beautiful?How can it be? Your lightYour light It burns inside me.Please, why does it have to be this way? I see you on a shorein a little black dress.You are everything. The entire system is crashingand I don’t give a damn. I see you on a shorein a little black… Continue reading Little Black Dress. Intergalactic Finance Minister
Please let me know if there’s ANYTHING I can do for you. Intergalactic Finance Minister
Please let me know if there’s ANYTHING I can do for you. Just let me know.let me know.let me know. Please let me know if there’s ANYTHING I can do for you. I’ll do ANYTHING.Please Let Me Know. Please let me know if there’s ANYTHING I can do for you. let me knowlet me knowlet… Continue reading Please let me know if there’s ANYTHING I can do for you. Intergalactic Finance Minister
Thank you for your spirit and lessons.Gift and blessings.Would you like to say a prayer together?New way of doing things.Exodus. Visions of future?Having faith.Docile people.WTF are we gonna do?Exodus.New experience. New feeling.Forgiveness? Forgiveness.Fear WorshipFaithLoveGratitudePeaceStrengthCourageAuthenticMusicBookAlbumArtLoveLoveLoveWe Win!xoxoxo
Robur The Conqueror by Jules Verne Book Review
Arrange first class travel on your finest sailing vessel. I’ll take you to X Island. The lady and I will stroll the decks, play guitars in our cabin, and eat like rabbits. Salad mostly. Red wine on full moons only. Several pounds of fresh coffee and freshly rolled Turkish cigars. At the end of the… Continue reading Robur The Conqueror by Jules Verne Book Review
Film Teaser – Clearing The Land – For Immediate Release – Notify All Bureaus.
Pepper.Works in association with Grow Barrel Greenhouse is proud to announce the soon to be released short film, CLEARING THE LAND. Many Thanks to The Holy Spirit and Her Holy Angels, Release Date: Third star apex origin. “The Film Will Release Very Soon” I have to ride my bike to WiFi cafe.
Techno Snake ReligionMkUltra Programming USA MKULTRA BOYHOOD RECALL. Techno Snake Religion