Sensitive Injections – Covid Memoirs

YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE Alphabet As a sovereign individual of America. I do hereby denounce all of your mandates, directives, and illegal maneuvers. You are hereby served under the following indictments: CorruptionCollusionFRAUDMalfeasanceRacketeering Whereas the following summons is served to ALL participants in COVID SCAM; Alphabet and subsidiaries. I humbly request that you… Continue reading Sensitive Injections – Covid Memoirs

Buckminster Fuller. Construction Techniques for Fallen People. re Clif High

In response to Clif High. The discernment is within me. I can see how you believe in this man’s Tetrahedron, when the Arch is the way to go. The arch is analogue tensor strength. The tetrahedron is digital geodesic math for graphic cards. And besides. Where is your great example of functional BuckMinster Fuller architecture… Continue reading Buckminster Fuller. Construction Techniques for Fallen People. re Clif High

DOD vs PharmaCIA Super Boss – Alphabet – COVID MEMOIRS

The power and glory of the DOD is well worshiped in The States. Our democracy spread most efficiently at the business end of Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and General Dynamics weapon systems. Fully outfitted Boots on Ground soldiers of fortune. You would think that would be enough to dominate the world, but it IS NOT. As… Continue reading DOD vs PharmaCIA Super Boss – Alphabet – COVID MEMOIRS


To Alphabet and CONTRACTORS thereof: Whereas Alphabet will provide the minimum amount of 10 million USD dollars credited to accounts with no withholding to the following entities: All of my neighbors within one hundred mile radius.Upon crediting their accounts,You will inform my neighbors, “Protection Funds have been gifted to you by VIP in… Continue reading RANSOMWARE – Alphabet

What Will The Collapse Look Like? Apocalypse Science

I hope they still sell necessaries at local haberdashery (without requiring microchip in rectum – digital ID bio activated ELON MUSK brain LOBOTOMY network credits). We’ll all be indebted to them, on little hand written notes that keep our accounts. They will Love God and their neighbors, and understand they were selected by the Lizards… Continue reading What Will The Collapse Look Like? Apocalypse Science

Somebody DO THE MATH. ELON MUSK IS A FRAUD. Techno Space Religion

We saw you perform the face mask launch ritual, ELON MUSK. You, and your fake money, and your fake science IS REVEALED. You ARE OWNED by Alphabet and everybody knows it. Your high priest of fake capitalism and financial lies. EXPOSED. ALL of his “businesses” are fronts for Alphabet They own this place.… Continue reading Somebody DO THE MATH. ELON MUSK IS A FRAUD. Techno Space Religion