Is your miserable artistic lifestyle making you sick?
Take the correct drugs.
Straighten up your act.
Even if you eat out of gutters, making miserable passes at the house maids, fumbling with their underclothes, amusing THE COMMANDER, that bastard can’t even loan me ten kroner.
Being poor is an artistic choice.
Sponsored by Lizard People.
Hunger by Hamsun
Brought to mind the excellent, “Keep The Aspidistra Flying by Orwell .”
Living hellscape, nobody knows who is giving the orders, being poor is a choice. Keep writing as if your life depends on it.
Somebody help us.
My highlights:
Hunger (Sverre Lyngstad 1998 Translation) by Knut Hamsun
Book last read: 2023-08-19 21:41:44 Percentage read: 100%
Chapter 1: Introduction Highlight Chapter progress: 9.29% Highlight: happiness is aesthetically uninteresting,
Chapter 5: (section 1) Highlight Chapter progress: 14.75% Highlight: In the end, strange to say, I was stripped of everything under the sun, I didn’t even have a comb anymore or a book to read when life became too dreary.
Chapter 5: (section 1) Highlight Chapter progress: 16.94% Highlight: and I gradually felt that
Chapter 5: (section 1) Annotation Chapter progress: 18.03% Highlight: so completely at the mercy of invisible influences, Notes: Bluetooth vax signals from MAC address.
Chapter 5: (section 1) Highlight Chapter progress: 19.67% Highlight: caprice of divine grace.
Chapter 5: (section 1) Annotation Chapter progress: 19.67% Highlight: swarm of tiny vermin had forced its way inside me and hollowed me out. Notes: The vax people are emiiting coded bluetooth frequencies.
Chapter 5: (section 1) Annotation Chapter progress: 20.77% Highlight: I sit up halfway and look down at my feet, and at this moment I experience a fantastic, alien state I’d never felt before; a delicate, mysterious thrill spreads through my nerves, as though they were flooded by surges of light. Notes: The vax people are broadcasting MAC addresses.
Chapter 5: (section 1) Annotation Chapter progress: 21.31% Highlight: it was as though a wind swept through my head. Notes: The vax people are possessed.
Chapter 5: (section 1) Annotation Chapter progress: 21.86% Highlight: I lied automatically, without meaning to and with no ulterior motive, Notes: Edomite Essau.
Chapter 5: (section 1) Highlight Chapter progress: 22.4% Highlight: I felt like stuffing him full of lies come what may,
Chapter 5: (section 1) Highlight Chapter progress: 22.4% Highlight: I came up with a couple of other desperate lies,
Chapter 5: (section 1) Highlight Chapter progress: 22.4% Highlight: one lie after another sprang up in my head.
Chapter 5: (section 1) Highlight Chapter progress: 22.95% Highlight: I felt chagrined, and indignation began to stir in my heart against this person
Chapter 5: (section 1) Annotation Chapter progress: 23.5% Highlight: the roses have an inflamed flush, their blood-red color tinged with a wonderfully hectic hue.
Notes: Roses in Autumn
Chapter 6: (section 2) Highlight Chapter progress: 25.14% Highlight: I write as if possessed,
Chapter 6: (section 2) Highlight Chapter progress: 28.42% Highlight: fantasize about a great council in heaven where it had just been decided that I should win,
Chapter 6: (section 2) Highlight Chapter progress: 28.96% Highlight: I began cursing quite loudly and didn’t care if someone could hear me.
Chapter 7: (section 3) Highlight Chapter progress: 30.6% Highlight: to call yourself a crook to your face and hide from your own eyes—never! Never!
Chapter 7: (section 3) Annotation Chapter progress: 30.6% Highlight: a tissue in my brain had snapped. Notes: Vaccine anureism.
Chapter 7: (section 3) Highlight Chapter progress: 32.24% Highlight: The lady’s words to the effect that she had nothing to give me today had struck me like a cold shower.
Chapter 7: (section 3) Highlight Chapter progress: 33.88% Highlight: Oh God, I’m so miserable! Oh God, I’m so miserable!”
Chapter 9: (section 1) Highlight Chapter progress: 36.61% Highlight: There wasn’t a cloud in my mind, nor did I feel any discomfort, and I hadn’t a single unfulfilled desire or craving as far as my thought could reach.
Chapter 9: (section 1) Annotation Chapter progress: 36.61% Highlight: I was drunk with starvation, my hunger had made me intoxicated.
Notes: Usa
Chapter 9: (section 1) Highlight Chapter progress: 39.34% Highlight: I lied unnecessarily.
Chapter 9: (section 1) Highlight Chapter progress: 39.34% Highlight: Then you’d better go to the officer on duty and report yourself as homeless,” he said.
Chapter 9: (section 1) Highlight Chapter progress: 39.89% Highlight: How could I wish for anything better than such an excellent cell!
Chapter 9: (section 1) Highlight Chapter progress: 42.08% Highlight: affecting a bureaucratic style.
Chapter 10: (section 2) Annotation Chapter progress: 46.45% Highlight: Everything you write probably costs you some effort; but you are much too high-strung. If you could just be a little more level-headed! Notes: Lol
Chapter 10: (section 2) Annotation Chapter progress: 46.99% Highlight: A policeman came up to me Notes: Concerning amount of police officers in this society.
Chapter 10: (section 2) Highlight Chapter progress: 47.54% Highlight: No nonsense now; you’re too poor to afford a conscience.
Chapter 10: (section 2) Highlight Chapter progress: 47.54% Highlight: Look, you are sorely troubled, fighting an awesome battle with the powers of darkness and with big, silent monsters at night, and you hunger and thirst for wine and milk and receive them not.
Chapter 10: (section 2) Highlight Chapter progress: 48.09% Highlight: the hour of grace was past.
Chapter 10: (section 2) Highlight Chapter progress: 50.82% Highlight: every time I saw a policeman ahead of me, I shuffled into a side street to avoid meeting him.
Chapter 12: (section 1) Highlight Chapter progress: 54.64% Highlight: I wasn’t nearly as good at starving as I used to be;
Chapter 13: (section 2) Annotation Chapter progress: 63.39% Highlight: Won’t you, please, lift your veil for just a moment?” I said, “so I can see who I’ve been talking with. One moment, that’s all. Because, you know, I must see who I’ve been talking with.”
Notes: Face mask people.
Chapter 15: (section 4) Highlight Chapter progress: 77.05% Highlight: But, good God, I’m not insane.
Chapter 17: (section 1) Annotation Chapter progress: 79.23% Highlight: I no longer distinguished between debit and credit but mixed it all up. Notes: Alphabet
Chapter 17: (section 1) Highlight Chapter progress: 79.78% Highlight: You see, it’s not the same with my work as with other people’s; I can’t just sit down and get so much done every day, I have to wait for the right moment. And nobody can tell the day or the hour when the spirit will come upon him.
Chapter 17: (section 1) Annotation Chapter progress: 80.33% Highlight: Go and fry in hell, you Chaldean beast! Notes: !
Chapter 17: (section 1) Highlight Chapter progress: 90.71% Highlight: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m lost!