Orc beings sent several satellites through gateway portals reaching their home planet signaling for assitance. They are not welcome on their home planet. They cannot stay on earth. Signalling for assistance Very heavy energy. Last will be even heavier. Intel: Energy building up all over the planet Major plasma energy storm around SEP 3rd Last… Continue reading AUG 8 and AUG 21 – Two of the last three cosmic waves will arrive – Remedy h Brother Wisdom
Police stand as protesters gather during a demonstration, Thursday, July 16, 2020 in Portland, Ore. Federal officers deployed tear gas and fired less-lethal rounds into a crowd of protesters late Thursday. The actions came just hours after the head of the Department of Homeland Security called the protesters “violent anarchists.” (Beth Nakamura/The Oregonian via AP)
Made for smartphone programming. Where are the dead people from the virus? Where are the dead people from the uprising? This entire story is a LIE.
How many billions of people have lived on earth? (more than 108 billion members of our species have ever been born.) You mean to tell me that we are the group alive during the GREAT UNVEILING? BTW: The people living NOW are considered to be 7% of the total population of humans that have ever… Continue reading What are the odds of being alive during the Apocalypse?