What is the GROW BARREL by Pepper.Works

Views: 89The GROW BARREL is a design of my creation that incorporates hydro/aquaponics, auto bell-siphon, and deep grow-bed technologies. The sound of the bell siphon like a verdant waterfall. Nutrients in porous crags of pleasant pebbles, the music of moving water. The roots of your plants alive in oxidizing rivers, feeding from even tide of… Continue reading What is the GROW BARREL by Pepper.Works

Free e-book – Covid Memoirs

Views: 98History is written by the victors. Thanks to Americans for standing against the COVID SCAM, temperature check points, contact tracing, vaccine passport, corrupt medical officials, fake health authorities, The FBI, CDC, WHO, Facebook, Google, Youtube, and Alphabet Inc.gov. YOU ARE LOSERS. WE WIN. Free e-book brought to you by Pepper.Works First of a kind… Continue reading Free e-book – Covid Memoirs


Views: 90The people that believe the “news” will think the technology can’t be trusted because our wicked politicians and “investment firms” used it for “money laundering“. All of our illegal wars up to this point did not require elaborate money laundering systems outside of their own (Federal Reserve) zero accountability, NO oversight, criminal banking systems.… Continue reading FTX SCAM for MORONS


Views: 183If you want to see what the techno space religion has in store for the transhuman people, I gladly offer my own website pepper.works as an example. It uses “digital currency” for “engagement”. However, in place of an OPEN SOURCE “token” like XMR Monero, they will provide their own, centralized, social/carbon credit tracking system.… Continue reading WHY DO THE ALPHABET.GOV PEOPLE HATE US?

The Blockchain Deception

Views: 48The Blockchain Deception Is the blockchain a perfect record of all transactions on the network? Yes. Does that sound like a devilish beast system? Yes. Folks, we have to be smart about this. Why are we keeping a record of transactions? ACCOUNTABILITY. That’s why they are so frightened. (and trying to kill us) Accountability… Continue reading The Blockchain Deception


Views: 64WORTHLESS FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS FOR MORONS Wall Street rubes would have you believe the Federal Reserve is tapering its asset purchase program. In the mean time, wild swings in cryptocurrency prices indicate the sucking sound of institutional ‘investors‘ manipulating markets (relative to the worthless US dollar). The facts are these: THE FEDERAL RESERVE WILL NEVER… Continue reading BITCOIN EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS (ETFs) and BITCOIN BONDS – What you need to know

ZEC Zcash Goes Proof of Stake

Views: 81According to this article: https://cointelegraph.com/news/zec-price-jumps-20-in-one-day-as-zcash-devs-unveil-transition-to-proof-of-stake THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ZCASH ANNOUNCEMENT If you read the first sentence of the article, you will find the clue you need to SPOT THE SCAM. Consider reading: The massive upside move comes as a part of a rebound that started Friday after Electric Coin Company discussed the… Continue reading ZEC Zcash Goes Proof of Stake

Adding Roles

Views: 294Can you not see what is happening? The policies put into place by our corporate/government overlords will eliminate most of the issues you describe. IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE: “First-world” populations cannot access legacy banking refusing to take part in medical apartheid. Entire segments of working class people unable to engage with ‘transaction’ services… Continue reading Adding Roles

Is it possible?

Views: 54To be a magician Is magic real Do WHAT THOU WILT. Father, forgive us of our sins and the sins of our forefathers.

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