City by Clifford D Simak book review

Views: 62Leave the City. Don’t look back. You’ll be a pillar of salt for eternity. What is this book about? I was made to believe that TRANS-HUMAN is something new. COVID parishioners, solving pathetic lives with corporate fluids and perpetual injections. MRNA TRANS-HUMAN INOCULATION. It turns out the TRANS part of HUMAN is SATAN’S plan… Continue reading City by Clifford D Simak book review

It’s Time For Me To Leave Your Fake World

Views: 102HOW THE SPIRIT TALKS My mind is digesting the future. I’m frantically cleaning the entire house cause I know this place needs to be liquidated. I must leave but I don’t know where to go or how to get there. I’m confused and indecisive. That’s when I find an old dusty book in the… Continue reading It’s Time For Me To Leave Your Fake World


Views: 96Many reports coming in from the front lines. Enemy confusion is growing. They will begin kinetic infighting VERY SOON. DO NOT ENGAGE WITH THEIR SPECTACLES. FAST PRAY REPENT REPEAT

Shakespeare’s Planet by Clifford Simak book review

Views: 117Are you living in the material world? Are you afraid of dying? Has pseudo-science brought you to the brink of suicide? Have you selected suicide through pseudo-science? What is trans-humanism? Do not worship the robots. Elayne will follow the slug people through the portal. But not before CARTER HORTON makes love to her. Carnivore… Continue reading Shakespeare’s Planet by Clifford Simak book review