HOW THE SPIRIT TALKS My mind is digesting the future. I’m frantically cleaning the entire house cause I know this place needs to be liquidated. I must leave but I don’t know where to go or how to get there. I’m confused and indecisive. That’s when I find an old dusty book in the corner… Continue reading It’s Time For Me To Leave Your Fake World
Design things. In your mind. They will come true if you are a good person. I swear unto you. Here, take myself for instance. I am a good person and the Father has provided everything I could ever need. Now, I say unto thee. Go out and preach the good news. We DON’T NEED these… Continue reading WELL TEMPERED CLAVIER mp3
Many reports coming in from the front lines. Enemy confusion is growing. They will begin kinetic infighting VERY SOON. DO NOT ENGAGE WITH THEIR SPECTACLES. FAST PRAY REPENT REPEAT
In my dreams last night I traveled to you. I see how you are living. How you are making it. I went through all your stuff. All through your domain. I know what you smell like. I can travel to you in my dreams. I get up close to your face. I’m right there in… Continue reading YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE
Are you living in the material world? Are you afraid of dying? Has pseudo-science brought you to the brink of suicide? Have you selected suicide through pseudo-science? What is trans-humanism? Do not worship the robots. Elayne will follow the slug people through the portal. But not before CARTER HORTON makes love to her. Carnivore is… Continue reading Shakespeare’s Planet by Clifford Simak book review
Who are the beings that seeded earth? Where are they? Are they among us? Are they hybridized ape people? Can you discern the ancient lineage just by looking? I’m getting old. Not unlike my complaint with Octavia E. Butler’s Parable of the Sower, this book is heavy on amorous propositions at inoperative times and location.… Continue reading LILITH’S BROOD Octavia Butler book review