On The Island. Intergalactic Finance Minister

On the island lush with coconut trees, breadfruit, orange groves, and grape vine. Milk and honey. We delight in our natural tide pool. We sup the finest spring waters. Our bodies burnished brass from the tropical sun. Your flaxen hair cascades over your shoulders. Your smile finds me right now. I feel something new. The… Continue reading On The Island. Intergalactic Finance Minister


If you say anything. This is what you will say.That I let their visitations get to me.That I let their compliance visits take me out.That I let their account closures end me.That I let their censorship censor me.That I let their shadow ban extinguish my light.That I let their REVERSE TRANSACTIONS finish my existence.That I… Continue reading Don’t Be A VICTIM. SHADOW WERX

Looking For High-Up Sponsor.

(c) Manchester City Galleries; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation

Hello, I am in need of assistance. I need protection and safety. Please take me under your wings and guide my path. Protect me from secret society, local, state, federal, foreign/domestic essential personnel, agents, operatives, and controllers. You will benefit from our connexion. I can help with Intergalactic Finance. I have skills in moving water.… Continue reading Looking For High-Up Sponsor.

Far From The Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy Book Review

Far From The Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy Book Review. It’s a love story! Published 1874 Gregorian. Meet the suitors: Gabriel Oak. The shepherd, strong as oak, always at the heels of our fine heroine. Mr. Boldwood. Gentleman farmer, waste of space. Totally taken by her beauty, lured in and dumbstruck by her siren call.… Continue reading Far From The Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy Book Review

Entering Dark Forest. Intergalactic Finance Minister.

We walk into the beach house to shower. Pretty flowers on your blouse. Smell of gardenias and orange peels. Our sedan is waiting, hired post-chaise with team of foals. Springtime feelings abound. Singing birds and verdant buds. The hayricks stand like sentinels of Neverland. Cotton ball clouds and raven calls from approaching wooded forest. Shadows… Continue reading Entering Dark Forest. Intergalactic Finance Minister.