Pray For Our Enemies – Elder Ahyal

The Big Reveal.Operation Looking Glass.CIA ENDOWMENT COLLAPSE.FREE THE POLICE AND FBI.CORONA COSMIC RAYS making us awake. Elder Ahyal.END OF TIME ON ARRIVALWhy are you following US?We good people.WE ARE PRAYING FOR YOU.Gone like good candy.No missing body parts.Vaporization.Why did this happen? lol


NDA Whereas Alphabet et al. will deliver the following: If you fail to agree to any of my demands, you will feel the unrelenting power of my constant FREE SPEECH. Prepare the documents, my island, my boats, and plane. Or else. pldg

Asset Backed Digital Currencies for the Field Beast

The ONLY WAY to ensure your currency is backed by an asset, IS TO ALLOW THE PEOPLE TO TRADE FOR THE “ASSET”. POINT-BLANK-PERIOD. YOU must be able to trade “currency” WITHOUT RESTRICTION, SANCTION, CRIMINALIZATION. Please note: You can’t say “China” on Tik Tok. DO NOT TRUST THEIR CRIMINAL BANKING SYSTEMS TO ACCOUNT FOR “ASSET BACKED… Continue reading Asset Backed Digital Currencies for the Field Beast

The Christmas Miracle

Late last night, reports of a fiery flame in the shape of a sword over The Federal Reserve. All of their buildings were burned. Fed presidents and secretaries were spared, now being held in dark hole. Reports are flooding in. A fiery sword has decimated The Federal Reserve and their debt based money system. Nothing… Continue reading The Christmas Miracle

Merry Christmas. Citizen Sigma. Southwest FEMA sector. GREED IS DEAD. Alphabet

Merry Christmas from me to you. Merry Christmas: ALL@Alphabet I followed your every directive. Pulled myself up by the bootstraps, examined the “market” for advantage and value, took risk where others wouldn’t- and you kicked me in the face. GREED IS DEADAlphabet OWNS EVERYTHING. Merry Christmas for the STUMBLING BLOCKS you set in… Continue reading Merry Christmas. Citizen Sigma. Southwest FEMA sector. GREED IS DEAD. Alphabet


The FEDS will come to your door with local Sheriff and demand that you take mandatory PSYCHE EVALUATION. If you fail, they put you in GULAG forever to burn in the preeminence of our pitiful CONSTITUTION. Citizen PSYCHE EVAL – USA Southwest FEMA sector 05.Which one of these statements is TRUE? Your score will be… Continue reading THE PSYCHE EVAL