About the author

Views: 484Here are some FACTS about the author.I was born in DFW suburbia North Sector.Graduated from large Public High School.Acquired Private Pilot License at 16.Graduated from large State College.Human Resource Management and Organizational Development.Acquired Commercial Multi-Instrument CFI.CIA/DOD 911 attack.Process bank loans for corporate organization.Met wife.Acquired hrs. PIC multi engine Cessna 310,401,402,421.Acquired PSA Dornier 328 First… Continue reading About the author


Views: 184If you want to see what the techno space religion has in store for the transhuman people, I gladly offer my own website pepper.works as an example. It uses “digital currency” for “engagement”. However, in place of an OPEN SOURCE “token” like XMR Monero, they will provide their own, centralized, social/carbon credit tracking system.… Continue reading WHY DO THE ALPHABET.GOV PEOPLE HATE US?

Paracelsus The Devil’s Doctor by Philip Ball book review

Views: 88The Devil’s Doctor. They called him that because he separated the elements from the glory of God, and declared science (magick) a wholly sundered form, made available to the worst kinds of people, Doctor MDs, snake oil salesmen who follow protocols from personages like Bill Gates, and corporate organizations like CDC, the FDA, and… Continue reading Paracelsus The Devil’s Doctor by Philip Ball book review

Emphyrio by Jack Vance book review

Views: 36Imagine another replacement philosophy book in the garb of so-called science fiction. Eerily similar to many other “sci-fi” books I’ve read. See Childhood’s End and Gordon Eklund, Find the Changleling, and Norstrillia by Cordwainer Smith reviews. Mark Jack Vance with the number of a man. He was certainly adept at his story. Illuminating. Don’t… Continue reading Emphyrio by Jack Vance book review


Views: 161Millions of Men died for your RIGHT/DUTY TO SAY IT. Put on the full armor of God and quit being a Google, Alphabet Inc.gov sycophant. It’s time to be fearless. It is your GOD GIVEN RIGHT and DUTY as AMERICANS TO SAY WHAT YOU MEAN. Stop telling your followers you “aren’t allowed to say… Continue reading 1ST AMENDMENT AUDIT DHS,DOJ,FBI,FEMA,CDC,FDA,CIA,NSA,DOD,NIH,WHO,WEF, ALPHABET INC.GOV, ET. AL.

Capture, Convict, Indict, and Punish THE FACE MASK PEOPLE. covid memoirs

Views: 1197This video originally recorded at the height of the fake covid “pandemic” and BANNED, CENSORED, REMOVED by Alphabet Inc.gov. Shortly thereafter, FED agents wearing N95 face mask arrived at my door. The ignorant public whipped into a fantastic frenzy about wearing unhealthy mask over mouth and nose. Only self-respectable people who managed to stay… Continue reading Capture, Convict, Indict, and Punish THE FACE MASK PEOPLE. covid memoirs