Apocalypse Science – Collecting My Urine.

Apocalypse Science – Collecting my urine. Why are you collecting your urine? I bet you’d like to know. Building fermentation tea for nutrient rich broth. Peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes and melons seem to enjoy it. Extreme righteous wizardry. Dearest Father, The UV is working perfectly. Thank you for answering prayer. The system is rapidly being destroyed.… Continue reading Apocalypse Science – Collecting My Urine.

ELON MUSK IS A LOSER (occult secret agent) by GiGi Young – Techno Space

ELON MUSK IS A LOSER (occult secret agent) by GiGi Young We’re NOT all in this together. You WILL NOT BE MY SPACE PRESIDENT. Nobody wants to go to Mars or connect to your “neural” network. GET OFF THE PLANET ELON MUSK. Take Bazos, Buffet, Gates and Fink w you. We saw your MASK LAUNCH… Continue reading ELON MUSK IS A LOSER (occult secret agent) by GiGi Young – Techno Space

Apocalypse Science – Parasite Poultice

In the end, there will be pestilence, famine, swarms of parasites, earthquakes in divers places, and signs in the heavens. All of the prophecies are being fulfilled. I’m dealing with the most significant flea infestation. The old dog is absolutely covered in these damn pests. You may be experiencing your own infestation and pestilence? REPENT.… Continue reading Apocalypse Science – Parasite Poultice

Ancient Technology in Peru and Bolivia by David Hatcher Childress book review

You can’t fit a piece of paper between the megalithic stones. The building process cannot be duplicated today. Nobody knows how the stones were worked, dressed, polished or placed on the highest, most inaccessible part of the mountains. Nobody knows the original purpose of the keystone cuts, the impossible inside corners and exacting standards of… Continue reading Ancient Technology in Peru and Bolivia by David Hatcher Childress book review


[CDC] illegal monitor of the people to put on domestic terror list. [FBI] illegal monitor of the people to put on domestic terror list. [DHS] illegal monitor of the people to put on domestic terror list. [USA] totally sold out to SATAN. [COG] 911 emergency ‘power’ still in place. [DJI] Wall street reaping CIA chaos.… Continue reading DHS EXTRA-CONSTITUTIONAL BASTARDS – Techno Space