To the People of Russia, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. Corporate Science

To the People of Russia, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. I don’t know why we are killing/saving you. My consumption of news propaganda has dropped to zero in the last 3 years, after The State required parents to put their children in face mask for “health and safety”. I’m no dummy. Of course, children… Continue reading To the People of Russia, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. Corporate Science

What is Happening? Apocalypse Science

Central Bank(s) are facing imminent destruction at the hands of decentralized networks. They must destroy all foundations of alternative networks that derive value from -their- UNACCOUNTABLE SYSTEM. They must destroy ANY MEASURE OF ACCOUNTABILITY. I remind you of our subservient population in S&M face mask with failing health through GMO procedure. (PROOF OF ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY… Continue reading What is Happening? Apocalypse Science

The Faith of Man

The absolute betrayal of the people. You live in a world of throwaway morons, who believe anything they see on their device. They came to your door with face mask ON. They knocked on your door with FACE MASK ON. They went away and returned with LAW ENFORCEMENT, with FACE MASK ON. And you are… Continue reading The Faith of Man

Report From Iron Mountain book review

Report From Iron Mountain I read this “report” and laughed. The idea of central banks around the world is stale, tired, and finished. This pitiful bit of programming for secret society members and academic morons in the paper-pushing echelon of our wicked society is the perfect example of central banking propaganda. The screed reads, “The… Continue reading Report From Iron Mountain book review


This video originally published to Google, Youtube, Alphabet LLC and BANNED, CENSORED, REMOVED. ORIGINAL PUBLISH DATE: 9 NOV 2020 NOTICE: Freedom of expression and speech violation: FIRST AMENDMENT. I AM HEALTH AUTHORITY and GOOGLE YouTube Alphabet LLC is now DISSOLVED of all protections under the law. YOU WILL PAY.

Apocalypse Science

Apocalypse Science I want you to know. “Water Lettuce” is key to aquaculture project. DO NOT ALLOW THEM to tell you what plants you can grow. You must cover the surface of your stock tanks to provide shade for invertebrates. Use excess bio-mass to build soil. Use rake to remove nutrient rich material every day.… Continue reading Apocalypse Science


This video originally published to Google, Youtube, Alphabet LLC and BANNED, CENSORED, REMOVED. EVIL AMONG US IT MUST BE DESTROYED PRAY TO GOD NOTICE: Freedom of expression and speech violation: FIRST AMENDMENT. I AM HEALTH AUTHORITY and GOOGLE YouTube Alphabet LLC is now DISSOLVED of all protections under the law. YOU WILL PAY.