I was fearful this book would be a terrible reminder of our Disney hellscape, croney crapitalism, changing places, freaky Friday, Cinderella garbage story. Even the fine vaccinated morons at Pixar couldn’t mess this up. Mark Twain is a master. His writing is transcendent. In this time of great revelations (of morons exposing themselves to corporate… Continue reading The Prince and The Pauper by Mark Twain – book review
Here’s my experience after spending 3 months with the Kobo Libra H2O. My previous e-readers were both kindles, paperwhite, and i don’t remember the name of the original– so this is what I’ll be comparing the Kobo Libra H20. I don’t use the moron’s operating system apple or windows. This prevents me from using the… Continue reading KOBO Libra H20 e-reader – review APR 2021
This short story by Francis Bacon describes a Utopia replete with Adam and Eve pools – a place to go for men and women to inspect the physical bodies of their prospective mates to ensure they are not deformed. Yes, Mr. Bacon is describing the New World. Yes, all of the technologies encountered in this… Continue reading THE NEW ATLANTIS by FRANCIS BACON – a book review
The amazing evidence of linguistic monogenesis, one mother language of the planet from ancient prehistory purposely confused by God to stem the power of the people. Linguistic punctuated equilibrium; the leap of language that matches the strides of evolutionary development exactly. Matching petroglyphs from around the world, similar stories that codify the scattering of language… Continue reading The Tower Of Babel Moment by Joseph P. Farrell – book review
Have you ever wondered how plants and animals on the Sun, Saturn, and Moon; in the form of aetheric, astral, and physical energy evolved from living minerals? If so, perhaps you will like this book by Rudolf Steiner. Cosmic Memory (Prehistory of Earth and Man) by Rudolf Steiner Let’s face it; In the last year… Continue reading COSMIC MEMORY – RUDOLF STEINER – book review
Fools support the dollar empire, in league and step with Satan’s army, to vaccinate the carnal twit. Money money money is all you see, and now you are sterile as a cat’s eye can be. Your children are brain dead to the face. They cannot procreate. They are dead in soul and vein. Because you… Continue reading HELL DOTH WAIT FOR THOSE WHO VACCINATE covid memoir