Just a few short months ago the revelations found in this book would have been more difficult, if not impossible, for me to accept. This book introduces the Two Space Program hypothesis and public consumption physics. One being appropriate for public disclosure and the other a deeply held secret of technology and alchemical science used… Continue reading SS Brotherhood of the Bell by Joseph P. Farrell book review
I came out against The Mask on social media and the FBI visited my home on Jan 20, 2021. I’m not exactly sure what they wanted as I didn’t allow them to say much. It was the rookie goons, a male and female dressed in standard business casual, wearing the latest in N95 face mask… Continue reading The Visit. Alphabet Inc.gov
https://youtu.be/wwKO51OdwvA This link illegally removed, banned, censored by Youtube, Alphabet Inc.gov. More info here: https://pepper.works/pepper-works-search/
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https://youtu.be/ii7a3JqqIss Video removed by Alphabet Inc.gov, YouTube, Google et. al. Illegal official declaration censure here > https://pepper.works/pepper-works-search/