What The Fuck Is Going On


https://www.theblockcrypto.com/post/61529/htc-to-allow-mining-monero-directly-via-its-exodus-blockchain-phone I wish I could tell you that everything is looking up after reading this article. But I’m afraid. COVID-19 paranoia and the Fibonacci sequences of satanic shit that is possibly brewing  for us all.

Chris Hedges on Truthdig

https://www.truthdig.com/articles/america-land-of-make-believe/ A delight of sobering reality. Chris Hedges is worth a YouTube search. Chris Hedges has since revealed himself to be a TOTAL PHARMA WHORE. BUYER BEWARE. May 3, 2023

Personal Voodoo Manifesto Against Corporate American Force

I am against American corporate forces. With this manifesto it is my intention to conjure up real and magical armies against the Corporate State and the mindless zombies that fight for imaginary value on a rigged market. I’m Building a Voodoo doll house with Ken and Barbie. Their dumbass kids will be there, glued to… Continue reading Personal Voodoo Manifesto Against Corporate American Force