Three cheers for C.S. Lewis and the prophecy of That Hideous Strength, the final book in The Cosmic Trilogy.
C.S. Lewis is here with us now. Let’s witness THE END in real time. Strange energies from space (The Awakening), mystery vaccines by immutable corporations, genetic manipulation inside chimera MRNA ‘technology’.
This is the way the prophecy is playing out. And I’ll be damned if C.S. Lewis didn’t nail WHO and ALL beast system governments (vaccine 666 passport) now being issued by our CORPORATE HEALTH AUTHORITIES.
(The National Institute for Co-ordinated Experiments)
Read the Script.
Some of my highlights:
That Hideous Strength by C. S. Lewis
Book last read: 2022-01-19 18:31:26
Percentage read: 100%
Chapter 7: 1 Sale of College Property
Chapter progress: 3.81%
Highlight: Mark was silent. He did not like things which reminded him that he had once been not only outside the Progressive Element but even outside the College.
Notes: Mark is a sycophant narc
Chapter 7: 1 Sale of College Property
Chapter progress: 4.9%
Highlight: The NICE was the first-fruits of that constructive fusion between the state and the laboratory on which so many thoughtful people base their hopes of a better world.
Notes: NIH Fauci nightmare
Chapter 8: 2 Dinner with the Sub-Warden
Chapter progress: 8.99%
Highlight: This is going to put science itself on a scientific basis.
Notes: Covid religion
Chapter 8: 2 Dinner with the Sub-Warden
Chapter progress: 9.26%
Highlight: The real thing is that this time we’re going to get science applied to social problems and backed by the whole force of the state,
Notes: CDC FDA circle jerk
Chapter 8: 2 Dinner with the Sub-Warden
Chapter progress: 10.35%
Highlight: Quite simple and obvious things, at first–sterilisation of the unfit, liquidation of backward races (we don’t want any dead weights), selective breeding. Then real education, including pre-natal education. By real education I mean one that has no “take-it-or-leave-it” nonsense. A real education makes the patient what it wants infallibly: whatever he or his parents try to do about it. Of course, it’ll have to be mainly psychological at first. But we’ll get on to biochemical conditioning in the end and direct manipulation of the brain
Notes: Bill Gates. Anthony Fauci and Elon Musk.
Chapter 8: 2 Dinner with the Sub-Warden
Chapter progress: 10.35%
Highlight: The second problem is our rivals on this planet. I don’t mean only insects and bacteria. There’s far too much life of every kind about, animal and vegetable. We haven’t really cleared the place yet.
Notes: Bill Gates population control
Chapter 8: 2 Dinner with the Sub-Warden
Chapter progress: 11.72%
Highlight: neurasthenic.
Chapter 9: 3 Belbury and St Anne’s-on-the-Hill
Chapter progress: 17.44%
Highlight: Remedial treatment, on the other hand, need have no fixed limit; it could go on till it had effected a cure, and those who were carrying it out would decide when that was. And if cure were humane and desirable, how much more prevention?
Notes: CDC treatment protocol
Chapter 9: 3 Belbury and St Anne’s-on-the-Hill
Chapter progress: 17.44%
Highlight: . You’ve got to get the ordinary man into the state in which he says “Sadism” automatically when he hears the word Punishment.
Chapter 10: 4 The Liquidation of Anachronisms
Chapter progress: 19.62%
Highlight: That is precisely the subterfuge by which the World, the organisation and body of Death, has sidetracked and emasculated the teaching of Jesus, and turned into priestcraft and mysticism the plain demand of the Lord for righteousness and judgment here and now.
Notes: Repent
Chapter 10: 4 The Liquidation of Anachronisms
Chapter progress: 19.89%
Highlight: If they think that Theology is a sort of cotton wool which will keep them safe in the great and terrible day, they’ll find their mistake. For, mark my words, this thing is going to happen. The Kingdom is going to arrive: in this world: in this country. The powers of science are an instrument. An irresistible instrument, as all of us in the NICE know. And why are they an irresistible instrument?’
‘Because science is based on observation,’ suggested Mark.
Chapter 10: 4 The Liquidation of Anachronisms
Chapter progress: 19.89%
Highlight: . I knew that He was coming in power. And therefore, where we see power, we see the sign of His coming. And that is why I find myself joining with communists and materialists and anyone else who is really ready to expedite the coming.
Notes: It’s the end
Chapter 10: 4 The Liquidation of Anachronisms
Chapter progress: 20.16%
Highlight: For it’s all true, you know. It is the Saints who are going to inherit the Earth–here in England, perhaps within the next twelve months–the Saints and no one else. Know you not that we shall judge angels?’ Then, suddenly lowering his voice, Straik added: ‘The real resurrection is even now taking place. The real life everlasting. Here in this world. You will see it.
Notes: Prepare for the end
Chapter 11: 5 Elasticity
Chapter progress: 27.52%
Highlight: The National Institute for Co-ordinated
Notes: Nice
Chapter 12: 6 Fog
Chapter progress: 31.06%
Highlight: Those who were left were hammered closer together by the unpopularity they had to face.
Notes: Covid cdc people
Chapter 12: 6 Fog
Chapter progress: 31.88%
Highlight: Man,’ said the Captain, ‘once you’re in the Institute, God bless it, you needn’t bother your head about that. Aren’t we going to take over the whole currency question? It’s we that make money.
Notes: World Health Organization
Chapter 12: 6 Fog
Chapter progress: 32.97%
Highlight: Here’s the very man.’ A glow of sheer pleasure passed over Mark’s whole body. Never had the fire seemed to burn more brightly nor the smell of the drinks to be more attractive. He was actually being waited for. He was wanted.
Notes: The administrators are waiting for you.
Chapter 12: 6 Fog
Chapter progress: 33.24%
Highlight: Emergency regulations,’ said Feverstone. ‘You’ll never get the powers we want at Edgestow until the Government declares that a state of emergency exists there.
Notes: Continuity of Government emergency powers to kill constitution.
Chapter 13: 7 The Pendragon
Chapter progress: 37.87%
Highlight: . No one has ever told you that obedience–humility –is an erotic necessity.
Notes: C.S. Masachism Lewis
Chapter 13: 7 The Pendragon
Chapter progress: 37.87%
Highlight: Ah, equality!’ said the Director. ‘We must talk of that some other time. Yes, we must all be guarded by equal rights from one another’s greed, because we are fallen. Just as we must all wear clothes for the same reason. But the naked body should be there underneath the clothes, ripening for the day when we shall need them no longer. Equality is not the deepest thing, you know.
Chapter 14: 8 Moonlight at Belbury
Chapter progress: 41.42%
Highlight: Is it in a bad temper?
Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 14: 8 Moonlight at Belbury
Chapter progress: 41.69%
Highlight: She had an idea that if once she were ‘up and about’ all sorts of pleasant and interesting things might happen.
Notes: Its war
Chapter 14: 8 Moonlight at Belbury
Chapter progress: 42.51%
Highlight: . The Director’s idea is that men and women can’t do housework together without quarrelling.
Chapter 14: 8 Moonlight at Belbury
Chapter progress: 43.32%
Highlight: All were agreed that the government would follow the almost unanimous opinion of the nation (as expressed in the newspapers) and put it temporarily under the control of the Institutional Police.
Notes: CDC corporate policy
Chapter 14: 8 Moonlight at Belbury
Chapter progress: 43.87%
Highlight: The forest tree is a weed.
Chapter 14: 8 Moonlight at Belbury
Chapter progress: 44.14%
Highlight: And you, especially you English, are you not hostile to any organic life except your own on your own body? Rather than permit it you have invented the daily bath.
Chapter 14: 8 Moonlight at Belbury
Chapter progress: 44.14%
Highlight: Do you mean,’ put in a man called Gould, ‘that we are to have no vegetation at all?’
‘Exactly. You shave your face: even, in the English fashion, you shave him every day. One day we shave the planet.’
Chapter 14: 8 Moonlight at Belbury
Chapter progress: 44.14%
Highlight: The impure and the organic are interchangeable conceptions.
Chapter 14: 8 Moonlight at Belbury
Chapter progress: 44.41%
Highlight: By little and little, of course. Slowly we learn how. Learn to make our brains live with less and less body: learn to build our bodies directly with chemicals, no longer have to stuff them full of dead brutes and weeds. Learn how to reproduce ourselves without copulation.
Notes: Corporate science
Chapter 14: 8 Moonlight at Belbury
Chapter progress: 44.41%
Highlight: What are the things that most offend the dignity of man? Birth and breeding and death. How if we are about to discover that man can live without any of the three?
Notes: happening now
Chapter 14: 8 Moonlight at Belbury
Chapter progress: 44.41%
Highlight: Who would try to work with stallions and bulls? No, no; we want geldings and oxen. There will never be peace and order and discipline so long as there is sex. When man has thrown it away, then he will become finally governable.
Chapter 14: 8 Moonlight at Belbury
Chapter progress: 45.23%
Highlight: Nature is the ladder we have climbed up by, now we kick her away.
Notes: Anthony Fauci
Chapter 14: 8 Moonlight at Belbury
Chapter progress: 45.23%
Highlight: This Institute–Dio meo; it is for something better than housing and vaccinations and faster trains and curing the people of cancer. It is for the conquest of death: or for the conquest of organic life, if you prefer. They are the same thing.
Notes: Bill Gates World Health Organization
Chapter 14: 8 Moonlight at Belbury
Chapter progress: 45.23%
Highlight: . If you could see the other side you would see year by year the clean rock–like this side of the Moon–encroaching: the organic stain, all the green and blue and mist, growing smaller. Like cleaning tarnished silver.
Notes: Hygenic moon people
Chapter 14: 8 Moonlight at Belbury
Chapter progress: 45.5%
Highlight: ‘At first, of course,’ said Filostrato, ‘the power will be confined to a number–a small number–of individual men. Those who are selected for eternal life.
Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 15: 9 The Saracen’s Head
Chapter progress: 47.14%
Highlight: It must be remembered that in Mark’s mind hardly one rag of noble thought, either Christian or Pagan, had a secure lodging. His education had been neither scientific nor classical–merely ‘Modern
Notes: Modern education
Chapter 15: 9 The Saracen’s Head
Chapter progress: 47.14%
Highlight: He recommended that certain classes of people should be gradually eliminated: but he had never been there when a small shopkeeper went to the workhouse or a starved old woman of the governess type came to the very last day and hour and minute in the cold attic. He knew nothing about the last half cup of cocoa drunk slowly ten days before.
Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 15: 9 The Saracen’s Head
Chapter progress: 48.77%
Highlight: The eldila that have for many centuries concentrated on our own planet. We seem to have had no luck at all in choosing our particular complement of parasites. And that, Mrs Studdock brings me to the point.
Notes: Insectoid bug interfering on planet
Chapter 15: 9 The Saracen’s Head
Chapter progress: 50.14%
Highlight: Then what we are up against,’ said Dimble, ‘is a criminal’s brain swollen to superhuman proportions and experiencing a mode of consciousness which we can’t imagine, but which is presumably a consciousness of agony and hatred.
Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 15: 9 The Saracen’s Head
Chapter progress: 50.14%
Highlight: It is the beginning of what is really a new species–the Chosen Heads who never die.
Notes: Anthony Fauci
Chapter 15: 9 The Saracen’s Head
Chapter progress: 50.68%
Highlight: . It is, no doubt, an organisation: but we are not the organisers.
Notes: the elect
Chapter 15: 9 The Saracen’s Head
Chapter progress: 51.5%
Highlight: It told them that the NICE, at its core, was not concerned solely with modern or materialistic forms of power.
Notes: CIA black ops
Chapter 15: 9 The Saracen’s Head
Chapter progress: 51.77%
Highlight: Despair of objective truth had been increasingly insinuated into the scientists; indifference to it, and a concentration upon mere power, had been the result.
Chapter 15: 9 The Saracen’s Head
Chapter progress: 51.77%
Highlight: The physical sciences, good and innocent in themselves, had already, even in Ransom’s own time, begun to be warped, had been subtly manœuvred in a certain direction.
Notes: CDC death protocol
Chapter 15: 9 The Saracen’s Head
Chapter progress: 51.77%
Highlight: panpsychism
Chapter 15: 9 The Saracen’s Head
Chapter progress: 51.77%
Highlight: Not all the times that are outside the present are therefore past or future.
Chapter 15: 9 The Saracen’s Head
Chapter progress: 52.04%
Highlight: What should they find incredible, since they believed no longer in a rational universe? What should they regard as too obscene, since they held that all morality was a mere subjective by-product of the physical and economic situations of men?
Notes: repent
Chapter 15: 9 The Saracen’s Head
Chapter progress: 52.04%
Highlight: . If this succeeded, Hell would be at last incarnate.
Notes: Vaccine passport
Chapter 16: 10 The Conquered City
Chapter progress: 52.32%
Highlight: Materialism is in fact no protection.
Notes: Repent
Chapter 16: 10 The Conquered City
Chapter progress: 54.22%
Highlight: Its claws were embedded in every country:
Notes: Corporate incoherence. World health organization
Chapter 16: 10 The Conquered City
Chapter progress: 55.04%
Highlight: About half the shops had their windows boarded up.
Notes: Nyc chi town 2022
Chapter 16: 10 The Conquered City
Chapter progress: 56.68%
Highlight: . I don’t trust you. Why should I? You are (at least in some degree) the accomplice of the worst men in the world. Your very coming to me this afternoon may be only a trap.
Notes: Anthony Fauci to Bill Gates
Chapter 17: 11 Battle Begun
Chapter progress: 59.4%
Highlight: . Death–the thing one had always heard of (like love), the thing the poets had written about.
Chapter 17: 11 Battle Begun
Chapter progress: 59.67%
Highlight: Because, really, it now appeared that almost anything might be true.
Chapter 17: 11 Battle Begun
Chapter progress: 63.22%
Highlight: His ‘scientific’ outlook had never been a real philosophy believed with blood and heart.
Chapter 18: 12 Wet and Windy Night
Chapter progress: 64.31%
Highlight: I hope you won’t imagine for a moment that I’m trying to find out anything you don’t choose to tell me.
Notes: Anthony Fauci to Bill Gates
Chapter 18: 12 Wet and Windy Night
Chapter progress: 65.12%
Highlight: Our reactions to one another are chemical phenomena. Social relations are chemical relations.
Notes: Bug talk
Chapter 18: 12 Wet and Windy Night
Chapter progress: 65.12%
Highlight: Those, as I have said, are chemical phenomena. They could all in principle be produced by injections.
Notes: Mystery vaccine formula
Chapter 18: 12 Wet and Windy Night
Chapter progress: 65.67%
Highlight: Their effect on human history has been far greater than that of the microbes, though, of course, equally unrecognised.
Chapter 18: 12 Wet and Windy Night
Chapter progress: 66.21%
Highlight: A large, unintelligent population is now becoming a deadweight.
Chapter 18: 12 Wet and Windy Night
Chapter progress: 66.21%
Highlight: The effect of modern war is to eliminate retrogressive types, while sparing the technocracy and increasing its hold upon public affairs.
Chapter 18: 12 Wet and Windy Night
Chapter progress: 66.21%
Highlight: Even if they could, the day for a large population has passed. It has served its function by acting as a kind of cocoon for Technocratic and Objective Man. Now, the macrobes, and the selected humans who can co-operate with them, have no further use for it.’
Chapter 18: 12 Wet and Windy Night
Chapter progress: 66.21%
Highlight: The individual is to become all head. The human race is to become all Technocracy.
Chapter 18: 12 Wet and Windy Night
Chapter progress: 66.48%
Highlight: For here, here surely at last (so his desire whispered to him) was the true inner circle of all, the circle whose centre was outside the human race–the ultimate secret, the supreme power, the last initiation.
Chapter 19: 13 They Have Pulled Down Deep Heaven on Their Heads
Chapter progress: 73.84%
Highlight: For the Hideous Strength confronts us and it is as in the days when Nimrod built a tower to reach heaven.
Chapter 19: 13 They Have Pulled Down Deep Heaven on Their Heads
Chapter progress: 74.93%
Highlight: They have an engine called the Press whereby the people are deceived. We should die without even being heard of.
Chapter 20: 14 ‘Real Life Is Meeting’
Chapter progress: 75.48%
Highlight: And the actual tendency of events,’ said Mark, ‘would still be self-justified and in that sense “good” when it was working for the extinction of all organic life, as it presently will?’
Chapter 20: 14 ‘Real Life Is Meeting’
Chapter progress: 75.75%
Highlight: ‘I get the idea,’ said Mark though with an inward reservation that his present instinctive desire to batter the Professor’s face into a jelly would take a good deal of destroying.
Notes: Anthony Fauci jelly face
Chapter 20: 14 ‘Real Life Is Meeting’
Chapter progress: 77.66%
Highlight: Why should anyone be particularly interested in what she said?
Chapter 20: 14 ‘Real Life Is Meeting’
Chapter progress: 81.2%
Highlight: What is above and beyond all things is so masculine that we are all feminine in relation to it.
Chapter 21: 15 The Descent of the Gods
Chapter progress: 83.38%
Highlight: But I wouldn’t be easy in my grave if I knew they’d won and I’d never had my hands on them.
Notes: Covid corporation
Chapter 23: 17 Venus at St Anne’s
Chapter progress: 93.19%
Highlight: For he now thought that with all his life-long eagerness to reach an inner circle he had chosen the wrong circle.
Notes: Covid beast system people
Chapter 23: 17 Venus at St Anne’s
Chapter progress: 94.28%
Highlight: aweful,
Notes: Awful is word spell garbage. Like good mourning.
Chapter 23: 17 Venus at St Anne’s
Chapter progress: 96.19%
Highlight: Who are you lamenting?’ said MacPhee. ‘The jobbing town council that’d have sold their own wives and daughters to bring the NICE to Edgestow?
Notes: Corporate whores
Chapter 23: 17 Venus at St Anne’s
Chapter progress: 97.55%
Highlight: Seeing people off is always folly. It’s neither good mirth nor good sorrow.
Chapter 23: 17 Venus at St Anne’s
Chapter progress: 98.09%
Highlight: We are now as we ought to be–between the angels who are our elder brothers and the beasts who are our jesters, servants and playfellows.