Curious book about discovery, direction, and predetermined destination by secret society. An alter is prepared covered in green tapestry. Wilhelm enters the inner sanctum, his life revealed as a program, a stage act; all his movements known and precalculated by mysterious hidden hand. Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship, published 1795 Greg.
I dislike Wilhelm. He’s the kind of man you tolerate only because his actresses are fluttering nearby and you want access. Wilhelm is a fool. Everybody knows it.
Goethe taunts us the entire book calling him, “Our friend.”
Note to self : Don’t become a Wilhelm. You cannot be actor and manager at same time.
The other actors will disdain you, the public will call you amateur, real talent will pass you by like a freight train.
What is real talent? It’s Mignon of course. Her skill and performance like a nesting doll of surprise, intrigue, and glamour. She knows more about life than Wilhelm. She’s thirteen, she dresses like a boy, she dances the egg dance, she sings the sweetest refrain.
Phelina, now here’s one to watch. A chameleon cat that fits herself into every fancy her adoring suitors and patrons want to see and feel. She immediately senses your thoughts and affects her character to match. Watch out for this one.
I also enjoyed Mariana, in a white negligee, free and easy like a nightingale song.
Aurelia, she’s a scorned lover and sister of Serlo. Too spiteful and crestfallen for my taste.
Brothers and Sisters: I’ll never understand you.
Serlo is the real man and actor of the book. If you could act like Serlo you would. He’s got talent, looks, money, and mistresses. He plays Wilhelm like a Texas fiddle. His insights are always correct. He’s the manager and only takes Wilhelm on for money and sport.
The story goes on and on. Mignon is dangled before us like sweetmeats on a serving tray. Mariana is reintroduced, Phelina goes missing, your musician friend is in the asylum.
Mignon with Musician
Goethe introduces the book within a book, “Confessions of a Fair Saint “. Using the effect to juxtapose the actor’s life to that of a penitent daughter from noble German family. I can’t tell you how many times I praised the text, thinking it right, good, and true, and then, before the paragraph is through, I throw up my hands and call bullshit on the entire proceedings.
Double entendre by Goethe in Confessions of a Fair Saint, “how thankful did I feel that he had pleased to quicken me with the breath of his mouth! “
Her journal of deep pious insight secret code for constrained, artificial subsistence with invisible friend(s).
Book VI in Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship; “Confessions of a Fair Saint ” – A stand alone novella – Read it here –
The brother sister Sperata story is uncomfortable. I want to say more, but afraid to reveal malformed conceptions and inappropriate wrongness.
Brothers and Sisters; I’ll never understand you.
The Mignon reveal
The Mignon reveal . I raced through the last one hundred and fifty pages. I don’t give a damn about Wilhelm, Natalia, Teresa, Lothorio, Jarno, the Abbe. What’s to happen with our sweet Mignon? Get to the payoff already.
Schadow’s Mignon (1828)
Schadow’s Mignon (1828)’s_Apprenticeship#/media/File:Schadow,Friedrich_Wilhelm_von –Mignon -_1828.jpg
Confluence of Synchronicity . I keep seeing you everywhere. Mignon is a miracle. A lion sits beside Venus . Our meetings are a pleasure. You are the spark. I love you.
Finally, I would like to say to Mr. Goethe. I will never read your miserable text ever again. Fuck you very much.
Full disclosure: I may read your Elective Affinities in the future, but certainly not now. My brains are thoroughly whipped by your crazy German metaphysics.
Back to the fairy romantics.
Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Book Review
My highlights and annotations:
Works of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Book last read: 2025-01-19 11:56:18
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 2.91% Highlight: tyro Notes: Beginner or novice.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 3.14% Highlight: callow Notes: Inexperienced and immature.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 3.16% Highlight: I love him! I love him! With what rapture do I now, for the first time, speak the word! This is the passion I have mimicked so often, when I knew not what it meant. Yes! I will throw myself about his neck: I will clasp him as if I could hold him forever. I will show him all my love, will enjoy all his in its whole extent.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 3.29% Highlight: for she had first appeared before him in the flattering light of theatric pomp, and his passion for the stage combined itself with his earliest love for woman. Notes: Peter Pan .
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 3.29% Highlight: III. If the first love is indeed, as I hear it everywhere maintained to be, the most delicious feeling which the heart of man, before it or after, can experience, then our hero must be reckoned doubly happy, as permitted to enjoy the pleasure of this chosen period in all its fulness. Notes: First love!
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 3.29% Highlight: they are at length constrained to renounce their dearest wishes, and to learn forever to dispense with what once hovered before them as the highest happiness of existence. Notes: Grow up. To renounce dreams and embrace reality.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 3.32% Highlight: A very little thing will entertain two lovers; and accordingly our friends, this evening, were as happy as they wished to be.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 3.34% Highlight: they ate and drank, and enjoyed themselves.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 3.34% Highlight: It is so pleasant to think, with composure and satisfaction, of many obstacles, which often with painful feelings we may have regarded as invincible, — pleasant to compare what we now are with what we then were struggling to become. Notes: So far so good.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 3.42% Highlight: These enigmas perplexed me the more, as I wished to be at the same time among the enchanters and the enchanted, at the same time to have a secret hand in the play, and to enjoy, as a looker-on, the pleasure of illusion. Notes: The spectacle. To be enchanted and the enchanter.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 3.44% Highlight: After a little, it first struck me that I yet comprehended nothing: and here I was right; for the connection of the parts with each other was entirely unknown to me, and every thing depends on that. Notes: Understanding the connexion.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 3.49% Highlight: In idea I myself became David and Goliath by turns.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 3.52% Highlight: proscenium Notes: Part of a theatre stage in front of the curtain.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 3.57% Highlight: I found stormy seas, gods descending in chariots of cloud, and, what most of all delighted me, abundance of thunder and lightning. Notes: The stories.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 3.59% Highlight: the fragrance which the puppets had acquired from the storeroom added not a little to my satisfaction. Notes: Aromatics
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 3.62% Highlight: I surrendered myself to my imagination; I rehearsed and prepared forever; built a thousand castles in the air,
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 3.62% Highlight: tell me what were your first childish joys. Notes: Good question.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 3.64% Highlight: who knows whether we shall soon all sit together so quiet and cheery again?”
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 3.67% Highlight: Koppen’s translation of ‘Jerusalem Delivered’ at length fell into my hands, and gave these wandering thoughts a settled direction.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 3.7% Highlight: Destiny had marked him out ever unwittingly to injure what he loved beyond all else. Notes: I’m sorry. I love you.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 3.75% Highlight: lacuna Notes: An unfilled space or gap.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 3.77% Highlight: I wanted to have every thing before my eyes, every thing brought forth upon the stage. Notes: I want it all.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 3.8% Highlight: easier to write or represent a tragedy than to attain proficiency in comedy. Notes: Prefer happy ending.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 3.82% Highlight: Formed as a queen, in her thoughts and looks she announced herself the child of freedom. The feeling of her own worth gave her dignity without pride: her apparel became her, it veiled her form without constraining it; and the rich folds repeated, like a thousand-voiced echo, the graceful movements of the goddess. Notes: Hello my love!
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 3.82% Highlight: penurious, Notes: Characterized by poverty. Poor.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 3.85% Highlight: disinherited and naked, I gave myself up to the Muse; she threw her golden veil over me, and called me hers. Notes: I am yours!
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 3.87% Highlight: what a miserable creature is the woman, who, inspiring desire, does not also inspire reverence and love:
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 3.87% Highlight: He was grateful and devoted without limit.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 3.9% Highlight: She is mine! She has given herself up to me! She, the loved, the wished for, the adored, has given herself up to me in trust and faith: she shall not find me ungrateful for the gift.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 3.97% Highlight: What advantages does he derive from the system of book-keeping by double entry! It is among the finest inventions of the human mind: every prudent master of a house should introduce it into his economy. Notes: Credit/debit unaccountable system financial scam.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 4.13% Highlight: need we ask if he was happy, if he was blessed? Notes: You are a blessing.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 4.13% Highlight: how beautiful, how lovely! She received him in the new white negligée: Notes: Nice to see you.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 4.2% Highlight: What can I wish?” said Mariana; “I am miserable, miserable for life: I love him, and he loves me; yet I see that I must part with him, and know not how I shall survive it. Norberg is coming, to whom we owe our whole subsistence, whom we cannot live without. Wilhelm is straitened in his fortune: he can do nothing for me. Notes: The rival is more succesful.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 4.25% Highlight: sibyl. Notes: A woman able to foretell the future.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 4.35% Highlight: I freely gave him all that love requires,
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 4.38% Highlight: magnanimity, Notes: Generosity.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 4.38% Highlight: timorous Notes: Nervousness or lack of confidence.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 4.43% Highlight: In truth, one would need to have a hide like a bear’s, that is led about in a chain along with apes, and dogs of knowledge, and cudgelled into dancing at the sound of a bagpipe before the populace and children. Notes: Acting for profession.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 4.45% Highlight: Nothing upon earth without its difficulties! It is the secret impulse within, it is the love and the delight we feel, that help us to conquer obstacles, to clear out new paths, and to overleap the bounds of that narrow circle in which others poorly toil. Notes: The Experience.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 4.45% Highlight: equanimity. Notes: Calmness and composure.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 4.48% Highlight: pleasant fantasies softly conducted him into the kingdom of sleep, and then gave him up to their sisters, sweet dreams, who received him with open arms, and encircled his Notes: Dreaming of you.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 4.63% Highlight: Wilhelm had been openly visiting an actress, had often spoken with her at the theatre, and accompanied her home.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 4.63% Highlight: ebullience. Notes: Cheerful. Full of energy.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 4.68% Highlight: The first steps that introduce us to the enchanted garden of love are so full of pleasure, the first prospects so charming, that every one is willing to recall them to his memory. Each party seeks a preference above the other; each has loved sooner, more devotedly; and each, in this contest, would rather be conquered than conquer. Notes: When first we meet.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 4.76% Highlight: we two shall yet appear to men as a pair of chosen spirits, to unlock their hearts, to touch the recesses of their nature, and prepare for them celestial joys, as surely as the joys I have tasted with thee deserved to be named celestial,
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 4.88% Highlight: but when I consider that it was a necessary means of awakening a taste in me, of developing a talent, which will operate far more powerfully on my history than ever those lifeless pictures could have done, I easily content myself, and honor destiny, which knows how to bring about what is best for me, and what is best for every one. Notes: Art and destiny.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 4.91% Highlight: But the art of living rightly is like all arts: the capacity alone is born with us; it must be learned, and practised with incessant care. Notes: Art of living.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 4.94% Highlight: He again sat still for a moment, and figured her behind her curtains in the white night-gown, with the red ribbon round her head, in sweet repose:
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 4.94% Highlight: he felt his existence like a golden dream. “She, too, hears these flutes,” said he within his heart: “she feels whose remembrance, whose love of her, it is that makes the night full of music. In distance, even, we are united by these melodies, as in every separation, by the ethereal accordance of love.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 5.11% Highlight: For, if it is hard to give up a woman’s love, no less painful is the task to part from the fellowship of the Muses, to declare ourselves forever undeserving to be of their community, Notes: She has left me.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 5.14% Highlight: approbation, Notes: Approval or praise.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 5.14% Highlight: For each man commonly defends himself as long as possible from casting out the idols which he worships in his soul, from acknowledging a master Notes: Repentance and atonement for error.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 5.16% Highlight: Because each man who has no gift for producing first-rate works, should entirely abstain from the pursuit of art, and seriously guard himself against every deception on that subject. Notes: Misery.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 5.19% Highlight: What is it that keeps men in continual discontent and agitation? It is, that they cannot make realities correspond with their conceptions, that enjoyment steals away from among their hands, that the wished-for comes too late, and nothing reached and acquired produces on the heart the effect which their longing for it at a distance led them to anticipate. Notes: Anticipation is half the fun.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 5.32% Highlight: augury Notes: An omen. Sign of the future.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 5.37% Highlight: The youngest child came forward dressed in white, and made a speech in verse; by which the whole family, and even the head forester himself, whom it brought in mind of his own children, were melted into tears.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 5.42% Highlight: A short silk waistcoat with slashed Spanish sleeves, tight trousers with puffs, looked very pretty on the child. Its long black hair was curled, and wound in locks and plaits about the head. He looked at the figure with astonishment, and could not determine whether to take it for a boy or a girl. Notes: Peter Pan
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 5.47% Highlight: We must lose no time,” said she: “who knows how short a while we may all be together?”
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 5.62% Highlight: cozened Notes: Trick or deceive.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 5.62% Highlight: Yes: I am her friend, because she represents the sex so truly, which I have so much cause to hate. To me she is another genuine Eve, the great mother of womankind: so are they all, only they will not all confess it.” Notes: Hello Eve. I love you.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 5.64% Highlight: Men who put a great value on gardens, buildings, clothes, ornaments, or any other sort of property, grow less social and pleasant: they lose sight of their brethren, whom very few can succeed in collecting about them and entertaining. Notes: Fact check.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 5.64% Highlight: But who would think a moment on the music or the weather? It is the dancer that interests us, not the violin; and to look upon a pair of bright black eyes is the life of a pair of blue ones. Notes: Hmmmm.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 5.67% Highlight: Philina was a beautiful dancer: she animated both her companions.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 5.72% Highlight: : he declared that she was fully worthy to be and to remain a woman.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 5.75% Highlight: What a precious emotion would it give, if one could disseminate generous, exalted, manly feelings with electric force and speed, and rouse assembled thousands into such rapture, as these people, by their bodily alertness, have done! Notes: The actor.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 6.07% Highlight: Wilhelm thanked her for having executed, so prettily and unexpectedly, a dance he had long wished to see.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 6.1% Highlight: dissimulation, Notes: Concealment of one’s thoughts, feelings, or character.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 6.18% Highlight: Let no one think that he can conquer the first impressions of his youth. Notes: Impressions in error.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 6.23% Highlight: while he was endeavoring to conquer it, his whole being has become inseparably combined with it. Notes: Ego
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 6.28% 0Highlight: never had his judgment of a lovely form been more favorable. How dangerous, in such a situation, this wild girl must have been to him, is but too easy to conceive. Notes: Danger!
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 6.5% Highlight: She did not cease with her entreaties; nay, suddenly she threw her arm round his neck, and kissed him with the liveliest expression of fondness.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 6.53% Highlight: The charge of providing for a wife, perhaps soon for a child, forbids me from day to day to live at peace, or spend my time as you may do, in the enjoyment of pleasant feelings. Notes: Pleasant feelings abound.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 6.61% Highlight: Ye lead us forth into this life, Where comfort soon by guilt is banished, Abandon us to tortures, strife; For on this earth all guilt is punished. Notes: Clean up your act.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 6.63% Highlight: All that was lying frozen at my heart thou hast melted, and put in motion. Let me not disturb thee, but continue, in solacing thy own sorrows, to confer happiness upon a friend. Notes: I love you.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 6.63% Highlight: prolixity, Notes: Using or containg too many words.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 6.66% Highlight: they can edify each other in a purer, more affecting, and more spiritual manner,
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 6.71% Highlight: dudgeon. Notes: Feeling of offence or deep resentment.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 6.73% Highlight: he was on his guard against any word or movement that could possibly betray his feelings:
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 6.76% Highlight: But he could not clearly see what insatiable want it was that nature had made the law of his being, and how this want had been only set on edge, half satisfied, and misdirected by the circumstances of his life. Notes: Circumstances of my own creation.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 6.76% Highlight: Nothing is more touching than the first disclosure of a love which has been nursed in silence, of a faith grown strong in secret, and which at last comes forth in the hour of need, and reveals itself to him who formerly has reckoned it of small account. The bud, which had been closed so long and firmly, was now ripe to burst its swathings; Notes: …s
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 6.78% Highlight: Her long hair had loosened, and was hanging down before her: it seemed as if her whole being was melting incessantly into a brook of tears. Notes: Pretty whilst crying.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 7.09% Highlight: he durst not confess how greatly he wished again to be near the beautiful countess.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 7.09% Highlight: From their very birth, they are placed, as it were, in a ship, which, in this voyage we have all to make, enables them to profit by the favorable winds, and to ride out the cross ones; while others, bare of help, must wear their strength away in swimming, can derive little profit from the favorable breeze, and in the storm must soon become exhausted, and sink to the bottom. Notes: Lizard people own everything.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 7.09% Highlight: unwilling to let slip this opportunity of examining the great world, where he expected to obtain much insight into life, into himself, and the dramatic art. Notes: Let’s meetup.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 7.11% Highlight: So he thanked his own happy stars, that seemed preparing to grant this mighty blessing to himself. Notes: Gratitude for protectiom and promotion.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 7.42% Highlight: Be prepared, therefore, to come over at a moment’s notice; for, the first morning she is at leisure, you will certainly be called on. Notes: Hello
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 7.42% Highlight: sedulous Notes: Showing dedication and dilligence.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 7.44% Highlight: he was longing too eagerly to lay before the lovely countess some performance that might interest and gratify her.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 7.57% Highlight: The beautiful eyes of the countess, and her lovely demeanor, would easily have moved him to sin against his conscience as a poet; to abandon the finest and most interesting invention, the keenly wished-for unity of his composition, and all its most suitable details.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 7.62% Highlight: Montfaucon, the collections of antique statues, gems, and coins, all sorts of mythological writings, Notes: Ask Circe.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 7.62% Highlight: Minervas Notes: Goddess of handicrafts.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 7.67% Highlight: it came into her head for once in her life to play the prude, and, in a quiet, gradual way, to take upon herself a certain dignity of manner to which she had not before aspired.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 7.8% Highlight: To look upon each other, was to them the sweetest satisfaction; to which their harmless souls yielded without reserve, without cherishing a bolder wish, or thinking about any consequence.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 7.82% Highlight: Man, youth, or boy, be who he like, each must devote himself to her service for a season, must hang about her, and toil and long to gain her favor.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 7.87% Highlight: I know not whether I should now rejoice that an old taste, and occupation of my youth, has been by chance renewed.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 7.9% Highlight: cavil Notes: Petty or unnecessary objections.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 8.23% Highlight: renounce not the purpose of embarking in active life. Make haste to employ with alacrity the years that are granted you. If I can serve you, I will with all my heart. Notes: Let me know if there’s ANYTHING I can do for you.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 8.33% Highlight: as that gentleman and she already stood in a relation to each other where it is not usual to be very cautious in keeping secrets. Notes: Relations.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 8.38% Highlight: A thousand thoughts flitted up and down his soul: what follows might be nearly their substance.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 8.38% Highlight: Every time he looked at the countess, it seemed to him as if a spark of electric fire were glancing before his eyes.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 8.4% Highlight: The countess seemed embarrassed, yet without displeasure. Notes: Hehe.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 8.4% Highlight: As Minerva sprang in complete armor from the head of Jove; so does this goddess seem to have stepped forth with a light foot, in all her ornaments, from the bosom of some flower. Notes: A Lion Sits Beside You
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 8.45% Highlight: their warm mutual kisses were yielding them that blessedness which mortals sip from the topmost sparkling foam on the freshly poured cup of love.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 8.53% Highlight: Money is a fine thing, when any matter is to be completely settled
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 8.53% Highlight: If genius procures us a good name and good will from men, it is fair likewise, that, by our diligence and efforts, we should earn the means to satisfy our wants; since, after all, we are not wholly spirit. Notes: She is the Holy Spirit.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 8.58% Highlight: It seemed as if the worth and dignity of gold, not usually felt till later years, had now, by anticipation, twinkled in his eyes for the first time, as the fine, glancing coins rolled out from the beautiful purse. Notes: To hold you in hand.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 8.63% Highlight: The count thinks it contributes very much to the completeness of theatrical illusion if the actor continues to play his part, and to sustain his character, even in common life. Notes: It’s all a show.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 8.63% Highlight: More grateful I cannot show myself than by forsaking you. Notes: Inexorable destiny.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 8.66% Highlight: unite thyself to my good fortune, and let us see which genius is the stronger, thy dark or my bright one.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 8.68% Highlight: the process of self-deception, to which already he displayed an almost invincible tendency, was thereby very much facilitated. Notes: Invincible tendency.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 8.76% Highlight: one must love them for their own sake, or entirely renounce them. And neither of them is acknowledged and rewarded, except when their possessor can practise them unseen, like a dangerous secret. Notes: Talent and virtue.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 8.88% Highlight: Thus learning, thus practising, I doubted not but I should by and by become one person with my hero. Notes: Playing a part.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 9.06% Highlight: In this character he talked with those around him, and figured out the fantasy of the moment as poetically as he could.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 9.21% Highlight: the lively impression of her presence worked so strongly on his senses, already caught and bewildered, that all at once it appeared to him as if her head were encircled with rays; and a glancing light seemed by degrees to spread itself over all her form. Notes: she’s an angel.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 9.24% Highlight: The lovely being, whom this garment lately covered, had affected him to the very heart. He still saw the coat falling down from her shoulders; saw that noble form, begirt with radiance, stand beside him; and his soul hied over rocks and forests on the footsteps of his vanished benefactress. Notes: Excellent work.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 9.44% Highlight: She laughed in his face when he had ended. “Thou art a fool,” she said: “thou wilt not gather wisdom. I know better what is good for thee: I will stay, I will not budge from the spot. I have never counted on the gratitude of men, and therefore not on thine; and, if I have a touch of kindness for thee, what hast thou to do with it?”
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 9.44% Highlight: your presence disturbs me more than you can fancy.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 9.44% Highlight: He saw the garment she was wrapped in fall down from her shoulders: he saw her countenance, her figure, vanish in their radiance. All the dreams of his youth now fastened on this image. Notes: Hot and bothered.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 9.47% Highlight: surtout Notes: A man’s greatcoat.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 9.52% Highlight: The disorder of sleep enlivened her charms more than art or purpose could have done: a childlike smiling rest hovered on her countenance. He looked at her for a time, and seemed to blame himself for the pleasure this gave him. Notes: hehe – watching you sleep.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 9.54% Highlight: she again came forth with her attentions and her love, again was eager in serving, and lively in entertaining, him.
Notes: Filet Mignon.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 9.62% Highlight: He fell into a dreamy longing;
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 9.74% Highlight: asseverated Notes: Declare or state solomemnly or emphatically.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 9.79% Highlight: The whole being of Ophelia floats in sweet and ripe sensation. Notes: Ripe sensation.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 9.79% Highlight: Decorum, like the thin lawn upon her bosom, cannot hide the soft, still movements of her heart: it, on the contrary, betrays them. Her fancy is smit; her silent modesty breathes amiable desire; and, if the friendly goddess Opportunity should shake the tree, its fruit would fall. Notes: Opportunity goddess.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 9.97% Highlight: Why are we so wise when young, — so wise, and ever growing less so?” Notes: Good question.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 10.05% Highlight: What business she with sharp steel? Do but look at it. That dagger is unfit for any actress, — point like a needle’s, edge like a razor’s! Notes: She’s got a blade!
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 10.07% Highlight: Aurelia put the dagger carefully into its sheath, and placed it in her bosom. “Let us now resume the conversation which our foolish brother has disturbed, Notes: Curious.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 10.07% Highlight: the deepest abysses of invention are not hidden from you, the finest touches of representation cannot escape you. Without ever having viewed the objects in nature, you recognize the truth of their images: there seems, as it were, a presentiment of all the universe to lie in you, which by the harmonious touch of poetry is awakened and unfolded. Notes: Agreed.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 10.12% Highlight: And if you reflect, that up from the whisking shopman and the conceited merchant’s son, to the polished, calculating man of the world, the bold soldier, and the impetuous prince, all in succession passed in review before me, each in his way endeavoring to found his small romance, you will pardon me if I conceived that I had gained some acquaintance with my nation. Notes: hehe – how are they measuring up, my dear?
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 10.15% Highlight: I knew not, in the end, to what hand I should turn: themselves they thought too clever to be entertained; and me they imagined they were well entertaining, Notes: Are you not entertained?
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 10.15% Highlight: They appeared to me so clownish, so ill-bred, so wretchedly instructed, so void of pleasing qualities, so tasteless, I frequently exclaimed, “No German can buckle his shoes, till he has learned to do it of some foreign nation!” Notes: Most men are clowns.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 10.15% Highlight: all these I have seen in motion; and I swear to you, that there were few among them fitted to inspire me even with a sentiment of toleration: on the contrary, I felt it altogether irksome to collect, with tedium and annoyance, the suffrages of fools; Notes: Hehe. foolish parade of dunces. these Gd men are sad.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 10.23% Highlight: for the first time I enjoyed the pleasure of perceiving my existence reflected in the being of another. Notes: Love.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 10.25% Highlight: Is it necessary, is it possible, that individual men should generally interest us much? Not at all! The only question is, whether in the great mass there exists a sufficient quantity of talent, force, and capability, which lucky circumstances may develop, which men of lofty minds may direct upon a common object. Notes: Talent, force, and capability.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 10.28% Highlight: He took an interest in the smallest circumstance that concerned me: more complete, more intimate, no union ever was than ours.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 10.28% Highlight: I blushed at having formed my judgment of a nation from the motley crowd that squeeze into the wardrobe of a theatre. Notes: Don’t judge us too harshly. We love you.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 10.33% Highlight: he became aware that he had much to say about emotions and thoughts, and many experiences of the heart and spirit, but not a word concerning outward objects, on which, as he now discovered, he had not bestowed the least attention. Notes: Lol
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 10.4% Highlight: They were a set of clever, strong-headed, lively geniuses, who saw well enough that the sum of our existence, divided by reason, never gives an integer number, but that a surprising fraction is always left behind. Notes: Remainder of the day.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 10.6% Highlight: We seem to be so intimate with nothing as we are with our own wishes and hopes, which have long been kept and cherished in our hearts; yet when they meet us, when they, as it were, press forward to us, then we know them not, then we recoil from them. Notes: living the dream
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 10.63% Highlight: it is the nature of the Germans, that they bear heavily on every thing, that every thing bears heavily on them. Notes: give me contentment and confidence, Father.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 10.63% Highlight: I am a poor, wretched, lovelorn creature, — lovelorn, that is all!
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 10.63% Highlight: there is not any thing more heavenly than the soul of a woman giving herself to the man she loves!
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 10.71% Highlight: Forgive a half-crazed being,” cried she, “and regret not these few drops of blood. I am appeased. I am again myself. On my knees will I crave your pardon: leave me the comfort of healing you. Notes: Blood oath.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 10.91% Highlight: Coffee-houses and clubs for the husband, walks and drives for the wife, and pleasant country jaunts for both. Notes: To do list.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 10.91% Highlight: how can one conceive any pleasure in a dead capital? Notes: Agreed.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 11.04% Highlight: my present business is to meet my own case, as matters actually stand; to consider by what means I may save myself, and reach the object which I cannot live in peace without.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 11.31% Highlight: In this romping, her long hair got loose, and floated round the group; the chair overset; Notes: OMG
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 11.36% Highlight: Hecuba! Notes: Greek mythology. Trojan woman.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 11.44% Highlight: away with your fat Hamlets! Do not set your well-fed prince before us! Notes: Fat Hamlet.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 11.44% Highlight: The actor fits himself to his part as he can, and the part to him as it must.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 11.52% Highlight: there is nothing more amusing than to hear an actor speak of study: it is as if freemasons were to talk of building.” Notes: Lol
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 11.52% Highlight: That internal strength of soul, by which alone deception can be brought about; that lying truth, without which nothing will affect us rightly, — have, by most men, never even been imagined. Notes: Acting. Lying truth.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 11.74% Highlight: doubtless at the proper season he will come, and astonish us as much as the spectators. Notes: Getting ready for the big scene.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 11.77% Highlight: But no enjoyment can be transitory; the impression which it leaves is permanent: and what is done with diligence and effort communicates to the spectator a hidden force, of which we cannot say how far its influence may reach. Notes: Hold for applause. Let it simmer.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 11.77% Highlight: How many years the stag must wander in the forest, the fish in the river or the sea, before they can deserve to grace our table! Notes: What’s really in the food?
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 11.79% Highlight: Therefore, on all fit occasions, Mark it, maidens, what I sing: Every day its own vexations, And the night its joys, will bring.” Notes: Daytime is for hay raking. Night for love making. Phalina verse.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 11.79% Highlight: O you men! It is so like you! These are the women you deserve!
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 11.95% Highlight: the actors seemed to rise in heart and spirits every scene.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 11.95% Highlight: he seemed so unsettled and perplexed, so attentive and so absent-minded, that his acting caused a universal admiration, Notes: not an act.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 12.02% Highlight: She beat the tambourine with the greatest liveliness and grace: now, with her finger pressed against the parchment, she hummed across it swiftly to and fro; now rattled on it with her knuckles, now with the back of her hand; nay, sometimes, with alternating rhythm, she struck it first against her knee and then against her head; and anon twirling it in her hand, she made the shells jingle by themselves; and thus, from the simplest instrument, elicited a great variety of tones. Notes: Wow. I just wrote about you playing the tambourine . And now reading this passage. synchronicity and coicidence seem strange. Fantastic even.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 12.05% Highlight: she now sprang up, and raved, and shook her tambourine, and capered round the table. With her hair flying out behind her, with her head thrown back, and her limbs, as it were, cast into the air, she seemed like one of those antique Mænads, whose wild and all but impossible positions still, on classic monuments, often strike us with amazement. Notes: Tambourines and venus statues.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 12.1% Highlight: practice and habit must, in every art, fill up the voids which genius and temper in their fluctuations will so often leave. Notes: Make it a habit.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 12.12% Highlight: thou wilt not bolt the door? Notes: Bolt the door song by me.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 12.22% Highlight: every one had more than usual susceptibility for what was strange and moving. Notes: prepare room for magic.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 12.38% Highlight: she is mine; she is my Mariana! She for whom I have longed all the days of my life, she who is still more to me than all the women in this world!
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 12.4% Highlight: one had rather see a spectre than a former lover at an inconvenient time. Notes: Hehe
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 12.43% Highlight: it is likely he has cozened from his friends a fresh supply of money, so that he can once more live with her in peace for a while. Notes: From the chalet. All nice and cozen.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 12.45% Highlight: Men are easily astonished and misled by wild and barbarous exhibitions;
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 12.45% Highlight: Every good society submits to certain conditions and restrictions; so also must every good theatre. Notes: Peter Pan is a girl.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 12.48% Highlight: Perfide means faithless with pleasure, with insolence and malice.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 12.5% Highlight: Serlo could not live without some little passion of the love sort.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 12.58% Highlight: nothing more exposes us to madness than distinguishing ourselves from others, and nothing more contributes to maintain our common sense than living in the universal way with multitudes of men. Notes: Cut your clown hair and get some new shoes. Clean up your act.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 12.68% Highlight: Serlo and he at last agreed, with full conviction, that the sole concern was, how to gather money, and grow rich, or live a joyous life; Notes: Serlo
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 12.73% Highlight: He distinguishes himself from others, yet he may not stand apart; for as in all arts, so in this, the hardest must at length be done with ease: the well-bred man of rank, in spite of every separation, always seems united with the people round him; he is never to be stiff or uncomplying; he is always to appear the first, and never to insist on so appearing. Notes: The well-bred man.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 12.73% Highlight: to seem well-bred, a man must actually be so. It is also clear why women generally are more expert at taking up the air of breeding than the other sex;
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 12.73% Highlight: Nothing must appear to touch you, nothing to agitate: you must never overhaste yourself, must ever keep yourself composed, retaining still an outward calmness, whatever storms may rage within. The noble character at certain moments may resign himself to his emotions; the well-bred never. Notes: Well bred.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 12.78% Highlight: She was the only person that had truly wished him well:
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 12.81% Highlight: She begged of him the pearl necklace which had once been Mariana’s. He could not refuse to gratify the dear little creature, and he gave it her: the neckerchief she had already. Notes: Mignot dresses herself in items of Wilhelm’s old girlfriend.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 12.86% Highlight: I suffered and I loved: this was the peculiar form of my heart.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 12.88% Highlight: immodest writings I would, of my own accord, have cast away; for my princes and my princesses were all extremely virtuous.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 12.88% Highlight: With suppressed joy he would often call me his misfashioned son. Notes: Daughter
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 12.88% Highlight: The “Roman Octavia” was the book I liked beyond all others. Notes: Ask Circe.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 12.88% Highlight: It was a lamb which a peasant-girl took up and nourished in a wood; but, in the guise of this pretty beast, an enchanted prince was hid, who at length appeared in his native shape, a lovely youth, and rewarded his benefactress by his hand. Such a lamb I would have given the world for. Notes: Prince in sheep’s clothing.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 13.09% Highlight: I had what I required, — health and conveniences: if God should please to think of me, well; if not, I reckoned I had done my duty.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 13.14% Highlight: the bridegroom does not govern like the husband; he only asks: but his mistress seeks to discover what he wants,
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 13.24% Highlight: ! I knew, from experiences which had reached me unsought, that there are loftier emotions, which afford us a contentment such as it is vain to seek in the amusements of the world; and that, in these higher joys, there is also kept a secret treasure for strengthening the spirit in misfortune. Notes: Fact check.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 13.34% Highlight: many persons felt a curiosity to see the woman who had valued God above her bridegroom.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 13.39% Highlight: I could not help, in secret, smiling at the character, which now as canoness, as young and pious canoness, I was enacting in the world.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 13.41% Highlight: It was now that I could try whether the path which I had chosen was the path of fantasy or truth;
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 13.44% Highlight: When I sought God sincerely, he let himself be found of me, and did not reproach me about by-gone things.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 13.46% Highlight: Such determination to withdraw from the advices and the influence of my friends, in spiritual matters, produced the consequence, that also in my temporal affairs I gained sufficient courage to obey my own persuasions. But for the assistance of my faithful, invisible Leader, I could not have prospered here. I am still gratefully astonished at his wise and happy guidance. No one knew how matters stood with me: even I myself did not know.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 13.49% Highlight: Of worldly things, I loved to get a clear though unconcerned perception: feeling, sympathy, affection, I reserved for God, for my people, and my friends.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 13.49% Highlight: My most peculiar advantage lay in this, that love for quiet was my ruling passion, and that in the end I still drew back to it. I perceived, as in a kind of twilight, my weakness and my misery, and tried to save myself by avoiding danger and exposure.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 13.49% Highlight: But it was with me as with sick persons who have no medicine, and try to help themselves by diet: something is accomplished, but far from enough.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 13.54% Highlight: Was it, then, an unavoidable infirmity of human nature? Must we just content ourselves in feeling and acknowledging the sovereignty of inclination? And, with the best will, is there nothing left for us but to abhor the fault we have committed, and on the like occasion to commit it again? Notes: I am inclined to think so.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 13.57% Highlight: I became convinced that my soul had acquired a power of soaring upwards which was altogether new to it. Notes: Faith
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 13.59% Highlight: noxious images and their baneful consequences are by that means kept away.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 13.59% Highlight: I could pick the golden apple of the Word from the common fruit, with which on earthen platters it was mingled.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 13.62% Highlight: For my soul has only feelers, and not eyes: it gropes, but does not see. Ah! that it could get eyes, and look!
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 13.69% Highlight: I have never seen a man without his weaknesses: only in distinguished men they strike us more.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 13.77% Highlight: seek out every property and beauty by which our pretension to a similarity with the Divinity may be made good. Notes: You are the sun.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 13.77% Highlight: I reverence the individual who understands distinctly what it is he wishes; who unweariedly advances, who knows the means conducive to his object, and can seize and use them.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 13.79% Highlight: decision and perseverance are, in my opinion, the noblest qualities of man. You cannot have the ware and the money both at the same time; and he who always hankers for the ware without having heart to give the money for it, is no better off than he who repents him of the purchase when the ware is in his hands. Notes: Ware in hand. I deliver the money.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 13.82% Highlight: It is always a misfortune for him when he is induced to struggle after any thing with which he cannot connect himself by some regular exertion of his powers. “ Notes: How far reaching are the powers?
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 13.82% Highlight: Sisyphus! Notes: Punished in hades forced to push stone up hill forever.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 13.82% Highlight: Danaides Notes: Punished in hades forced to fill leaky jar w water. Greek
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 13.95% Highlight: The death of my beloved father altogether changed my mode of life. From the strictest obedience, the narrowest confinement, I passed at once into the greatest freedom: I enjoyed it like a sort of food from which one has long abstained.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 14.0% Highlight: how thankful did I feel that he had pleased to quicken me with the breath of his mouth! Notes: Bingo
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 14.38% Highlight: Is not my income still increasing? And shall I alone enjoy this growing benefit? Shall not those who labor with and for me partake, in their degree, of the advantages which expanding knowledge, which a period of improvement, are procuring for us? Notes: Abundance.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 14.43% Highlight: Had he sacrificed a small portion of his revenue, he might have rendered many people happy, might have made for them and for himself a heaven upon earth.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 14.48% Highlight: Poor, dear actors!
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 14.5% Highlight: All faults of the man I can pardon in the player: no fault of the player can I pardon in the man.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 14.63% Highlight: The new, near hope of once more seeing that beloved and honored being awoke a thousand feelings in his heart. Notes: The Experience
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 14.73% Highlight: The history of every person paints his character.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 14.73% Highlight: The world is so waste and empty, when we figure only towns and hills and rivers in it; but to know of some one here and there whom we accord with, who is living on with us, even in silence, — this makes our earthly ball a peopled garden. Notes: So good to know you exist.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 14.73% Highlight: They took a walk through fields, meadows, and some orchards.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 14.76% Highlight: Whoever can administer what he possesses has enough; and to be wealthy is a burdensome affair, unless you understand it.” Notes: You hire and manage the people. I sit in office and smoke cigars.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 14.78% Highlight: How far the influence of manliness and dignity extends!
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 14.81% Highlight: Here,” said she, “beneath this German tree, will I disclose to you the history of a German maiden: listen to me patiently. Notes: Rapt with awe and attention.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 14.93% Highlight: What you do not speak of, you will seldom accurately think of. Notes: Synchronicity.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 15.01% Highlight: We talked, I may say, of every thing; yet in some degree our conversation always in the end grew economical, if even but in a secondary sense. What immense effects a man, by the continuous application of his powers, his time, his money, even by means which seem but small, may bring about, was frequently and largely spoken of. Notes: Business time.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 15.11% Highlight: I, for my share, cannot understand,” continued she, “how men have made themselves believe that God speaks to us through books and histories. The man to whom the universe does not reveal directly what relation it has to him, whose heart does not tell him what he owes to himself and others, that man will scarcely learn it out of books, which generally do little more than give our errors names.” Notes: book learning
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 15.24% Highlight: I thought I saw a tint of redness on her neck and on the ear, which were uncovered.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 15.29% Highlight: Alas! she was not lovely when she loved, — the greatest misery that can befall a woman.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 15.29% Highlight: order in prosperity, courage in adversity, care for the smallest, and a spirit capable of comprehending and managing the greatest. Notes: Life
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 15.64% Highlight: the artist ought not to demand an unconditional approval of his work. Unconditional approval is always the least valuable:
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 15.69% Highlight: Tell me, girl, how hast thou got such power over me? I would not have believed that a goddess herself could make a sighing lover of me. Notes: Venus
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 15.79% Highlight: it is the manner of all persons who attach importance to their inward cultivation altogether to neglect their outward circumstances. Notes: Get a haircut. U look like a clown.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 15.89% Highlight: but the error which has clung to me through my whole life, — that I sought for cultivation where it was not to be found; that I fancied I could form a talent in me, while without the smallest gift for it?” Notes: No gift for it.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 15.95% Highlight: The excellent is rarely found, more rarely valued. Notes: You are excellent.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 15.95% Highlight: No one knows what he is doing while he acts aright, but of what is wrong we are always conscious. Notes: Sin is illusion.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 15.95% Highlight: The instruction which the true artist gives us opens the mind; for, where words fail him, deeds speak. Notes: action louder than words.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 15.95% Highlight: Imitation is born with us: what should be imitated is not easy to discover. Notes: What to imitate?
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 15.95% Highlight: Words are good, but they are not the best. The best is not to be explained by words. The spirit in which we act is the highest matter. Notes: Perfect love.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.02% Highlight: with such a figure thou shalt buy some rich and beautiful heiress. Notes: Hello ladies.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 16.05% Highlight: More than one obliging friend assured me thou wert living with a wild young nobleman, wert supplying him with actresses, helping him to waste his money;
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.07% Highlight: Are not the actors and actresses in a play set up on boards before them; lamps are lit on every side; the whole transaction is comprised within three hours; yet scarcely one of them knows rightly what to make of it.” Notes: What the hell kind of show is this?
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.07% Highlight: The women in our house,” said he, “are satisfied and happy; we are never short of money. Notes: Blessings abound.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.2% Highlight: it appeared with certainty enough that, in very many actions of his life, in which he had conceived himself to be proceeding freely and in secret, he had been observed, nay guided; and perhaps the thought of this had given him an unpleasant feeling; Notes: Guided by unseen forces.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.22% Highlight: The winning or the losing must soon be decided. Notes: We can’t lose.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.25% Highlight: How much happier were men and women in our rank of life, if they might with unforbidden eyes look round them, and elevate by their selection, here a worthy maiden, there a worthy youth, regarding nothing farther than their own ideas of happiness Notes: You are the sun.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.35% Highlight: Shall I not fail, and sink to the earth, at sight of her? Notes: Be cool.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.38% Highlight: He recognised a Muse, Notes: Indeed.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.38% Highlight: He felt as if a fairy tale had turned out to be true. Notes: I found Venus.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.4% Highlight: he was altogether occupied convincing himself that it was she, closely examining her features, shaded by the screen, and accurately recognizing them. Notes: first meeting.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.4% Highlight: One curious change,” Natalia added, “You will find in her: she now wears women’s clothes, Notes: Mignon has blossomed.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.43% Highlight: I had her suitably equipt in a long light snow white dress. She was, of course, provided with a golden girdle round her waist, and a golden fillet on her hair. Notes: She is an angel. Of course.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.43% Highlight: tales of angels, of Knecht Rupert and such shadowy characters, Notes: Ask Circe. German Santa Clause –
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 16.45% Highlight: And those calm shining sons of morn They ask not who is maid or boy; No robes, no garments there are worn, Our body pure from sin’s alloy. Through little life not much I toil’d, Yet anguish long this heart has wrung, Untimely woe my blossom spoil’d; Make me again forever young!
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 16.53% Highlight: It is no house, it is a temple, and you are the priestess, nay the Genius of it:
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.53% Highlight: Heavens! in what society, in what connexions! Notes: Hello 33.3
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.55% Highlight: It is our ambiguous dissipating education that makes men uncertain: it awakens wishes, when it should be animating tendencies; instead of forwarding our real capacities, it turns our efforts towards objects which are frequently discordant with the mind that aims at them. Notes: Dissipating education.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.55% Highlight: I augur better of a child, a youth who is wandering astray on a path of his own, than of many who are walking aright upon paths which are not theirs. Notes: Make your own way.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.58% Highlight: and the desire for you, my friend, are, I might almost say, the only earthly things about her. Notes: She loves me!
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.76% Highlight: “I am yours, as I am and as you know me. I call you mine, as you are and as I know you. Notes: Precious love note.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.81% Highlight: When we take people,’ thou wouldst say, ‘merely as they are, we make them worse; when we treat them as if they were what they should be, we improve them as far as they can be improved. Notes: I love you.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.91% Highlight: sport of hidden plans? Notes: Wtf is really going on?
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.96% Highlight: Nay, I may truly say, through him alone I have experienced that the heart can be affected and exalted; that in the world there may be joy, love and an emotion which contents the soul beyond its utmost want.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 16.98% Highlight: It is not my fault,’ said he, ‘if I have not brought my inclinations and my reason into perfect harmony. Notes: I don’t know what I’m doing. Or why I’m doing it.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 17.08% Highlight: The dear little creature could not be recalled to life. Notes: they killed Mignon. This god damed book.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 17.19% Highlight: he had himself been joined to an association, which appears to have accomplished many things in secret. Notes: 33.3
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 17.24% Highlight: we should guard against a talent which we cannot hope to practise in perfection. Improve it as we may, we shall always in the end, when the merit of the master has become apparent to us, painfully lament the loss of time and strength devoted to such botching. Notes: Wasted time.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 17.29% Highlight: learn to understand Lothario’s superiority; Notes: Never!
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 17.31% Highlight: Peacefully and reasonably to contemplate is at no time hurtful,
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 17.36% Highlight: at times he is in love, yet he never hates his rivals.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 17.39% Highlight: “I confess, it was a while before I could get rid of the impression, which her looks and manner made on me; but that was all. Notes: I can’t rid myself of your impression.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 17.39% Highlight: when a German gives, you may be sure he loves.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 17.41% Highlight: library, consisting of a folio Bible, Gottfried’s Chronicle, two volumes of the Theatrum Europœum, an Acerra Philologica, Gryphius’ Writings, Notes: Look for secret society spells here.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 17.41% Highlight: At last, Philina hit upon the royal plan of laying all the tomes, opened at once, upon a large table: we sat down opposite to one another: we read to one another; always in detached passages, first from this book, then from that. Here was a proper pleasure! Notes: Romance.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 17.54% Highlight: As matters go, it is anything but prudent to have property in only one place, to commit your money to a single spot; and it is difficult again to guide it well in many. Notes: Get second spot.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 17.57% Highlight: it is all but a risk; chance does it all.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 17.59% Highlight: The love of which another is the object, charms me almost more than that which is directed to myself. I see the strength, the force of a tender soul, and my self-love does not trouble the delightful vision. Notes: Strength.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 17.72% Highlight: It being observed that excellent works of art were very rare in latter times, Notes: You are the spark.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 17.72% Highlight: the diligence required in cultivating his endowments is unspeakable. Notes: Golden wedge of Ophir.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 17.74% Highlight: which could not fail in some degree to lead him to a sort of painful martyrdom. Notes: The artist.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 17.79% Highlight: exequies Notes: Funeral rights.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 17.79% Highlight: The walls were hung with azure tapestry almost from ceiling to floor, so that nothing but the friezes and socles, above and below, were visible. On the four candelabra in the corners, large wax-lights were burning; smaller lights were in the four smaller candelabra placed by the sarcophagus in the middle. Notes: See you on the altar.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 17.89% Highlight: Wilhelm trembled in every joint as she entered: she herself, though forewarned, kept close by her sister, who speedily reached her a chair. How singularly simple was her attire, how altered was her form; Notes: Meeting the Countess.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 17.89% Highlight: he never could attain to enjoyment, for nothing ever was completed as he had forecast it. Notes: Life makes the man. you cannot control everything w your powers.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 17.92% Highlight: I was of a lively temper; fiery, active, quick, apt for corporeal exercises: Notes: Corporeal exercises.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 17.92% Highlight: At last he came to live almost entirely alone.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 17.94% Highlight: Sperata, our fair neighbour.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 17.97% Highlight: it was necessary that we should, as soon as possible, apprise him of the danger he Notes: His lover is his sister.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 17.97% Highlight: Sperata had a child by him within her bosom. Notes: Uh oh. It’s too late.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 17.97% Highlight: Were there not noble nations which admitted marriage with a sister? Name not your gods! You never name them but when you wish to befool us, to lead us from the paths of nature, and, by scandalous constraint, to transform the noblest inclinations into crimes. Notes: Its a crime to marry sister?
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 18.0% Highlight: Look at the lilies: do not husband and wife shoot forth on the same stalk. Does not the flower, which bore them, hold them both? And is not the lily the type of innocence; is not their sisterly union fruitful? Notes: Sisterly union.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 18.02% Highlight: The man who has suffered as I have done has a right to be free. Sperata is mine; Notes: Right to sister.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Highlight Chapter progress: 18.05% Highlight: Our sister they would spare; she was not to be told that her lover was her brother. Notes: Sister doesn’t know her boyfriend is her brother!
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 18.15% Highlight: You could persuade him to do anything, by threatening him with dangerous sickness or with death. Notes: USA media
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 18.2% Highlight: has not God promised ever to renew his miracles among a people that believe? Notes: Every day is a miracle.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 18.25% Highlight: What I purposed to hold fast, I must let go; and benefits which I have not deserved, descend upon me of their own accord.” Notes: Let go. I can’t control this.
Chapter 2: WILHELM MEISTER’S APPRENTICESHIP Annotation Chapter progress: 18.32% Highlight: you do me too much honour when you take me for an Englishman, Notes: Limey brits.
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