We found 128 results for your search.

LILITH’S BROOD Octavia Butler book review

Views: 142Who are the beings that seeded earth? Where are they? Are they among us? Are they hybridized ape people? Can you discern the ancient lineage just by looking? I’m getting old. Not unlike my complaint with Octavia E. Butler’s Parable of the Sower, this book is heavy on amorous propositions at inoperative times and… Continue reading LILITH’S BROOD Octavia Butler book review

Inheritors of The Earth by Gordon Eklund and Poul Anderson – book review

Views: 142There are three types of people on the planet: The Robots, the Superiors, and the Inheritors. The NPCs, the HUMANS, and the ELITE The zombies, the humans, and the Orcs The normies, the humans, and the cave beast. The Edomites, the humans, and the Amolokites. The Gentiles, the humans, and the Jacobites. You see… Continue reading Inheritors of The Earth by Gordon Eklund and Poul Anderson – book review

Predictive Programming by CIA Counter Intelligence agent Lou Elizondo – Chains of the Sea – book review

Views: 250It’s not often you get to read a book recommended by a bloated CIA counter-intelligence agent. Lou Elizondo is the point-man for the UFO ‘alien threat’ operation. All ‘news’ outlets and social media overlords are inundating the populace with the UFO threat op. Mr. Elizondo recommends the book ‘Chains of the Sea’ according to… Continue reading Predictive Programming by CIA Counter Intelligence agent Lou Elizondo – Chains of the Sea – book review

America Before The Key To Earth’s Lost Civilization by Graham Hancock – book review

Views: 106At this point in the game you should understand: ALL HISTORY the endowment enriched ‘academic’ organizations have shoveled into the debt-ridden student-plebes is complete BULLSHIT. None of it is true. Your history is FAKE AS FUCK. Just like the PCR test, just like this FAKE PANDEMIC, just like face mask wearing children— CDC, WHO… Continue reading America Before The Key To Earth’s Lost Civilization by Graham Hancock – book review


Views: 198Do you want to read a book about burning a 19 year old girl alive at the stake? If so, allow me to introduce you to this Mark Twain book: Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc. The first part of Joan’s story begins in Domremy in 1410. The children in the village dance with… Continue reading PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF JOAN OF ARC by Mark Twain – book review

A TALE OF TWO CITIES by CHARLES DICKENS a revolutionary book review

Vintage engraving from the works of Charles Dickens. From A Tale of Two Cities. Dragged, and struck at, and stifled by the bunches of grass and straw that were thrust into his face by hundreds of hands.

Views: 138The French Revolution (1789) should be trending on moron social media spaces. Instead, you are watching make believe cop stories whilst fitting a face mask snugly over your child’s mouth and nose, sending them off to worship CDC, the new enemy of the people, NIAID–  Babylon is falling, your medical facilities will burn. Begin… Continue reading A TALE OF TWO CITIES by CHARLES DICKENS a revolutionary book review

The Prince and The Pauper by Mark Twain – book review

Views: 125I was fearful this book would be a terrible reminder of our Disney hellscape, croney crapitalism, changing places, freaky Friday, Cinderella garbage story. Even the fine vaccinated morons at Pixar couldn’t mess this up. Mark Twain is a master. His writing is transcendent. In this time of great revelations (of morons exposing themselves to… Continue reading The Prince and The Pauper by Mark Twain – book review


Views: 132This short story by Francis Bacon describes a Utopia replete with Adam and Eve pools – a place to go for men and women to inspect the physical bodies of their prospective mates to ensure they are not deformed. Yes, Mr. Bacon is describing the New World. Yes, all of the technologies encountered in… Continue reading THE NEW ATLANTIS by FRANCIS BACON – a book review

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay – book review

Views: 215I suppose you don’t need a book to drive home the point. Men have climbed the mountain of moron countless times in the past. Even if such a mole hill were made in the days of Charles Mackay (1814 – 1889), you can be sure man has figured a way to traverse the well… Continue reading Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay – book review

The Tower Of Babel Moment by Joseph P. Farrell – book review

Views: 185The amazing evidence of linguistic monogenesis, one mother language of the planet from ancient prehistory purposely confused by God to stem the power of the people. Linguistic punctuated equilibrium; the leap of language that matches the strides of evolutionary development exactly. Matching petroglyphs from around the world, similar stories that codify the scattering of… Continue reading The Tower Of Babel Moment by Joseph P. Farrell – book review