We found 154 results for your search.

The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald book review

Views: 318Princess Irene has a silvered haired grandmother living in the garret. Irene is given a ring that provides a thread of direction spun in the light of the moon by her grandmother. The thread leads Irene to Curdie who is trapped in the caves by the goblins in the depths of the mountain. They… Continue reading The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald book review

The Devils of Loudun by Aldous Huxley book review

Views: 297When the witches speak you better listen. Especially if you’re a philandering priest, impregnating the buxom duchess who you seduce during Latin lessons. The witches will shriek and scream, strike a pose and expose themselves to their exorcists and onlookers who come from all around to see the Devils of Loudun. The witches will… Continue reading The Devils of Loudun by Aldous Huxley book review

Capturing the Light by Roger Watson book review

Views: 136I wanted to know about photography and the discovery thereof. Fixing light to film, the perfect medium for programming and deceit. The Camera Obscura, the Camera Lucida, and tools used to control our fucked up reality. How were the “masters” able to achieve perfect scales and perspectives? My original thesis: Capturing the light was… Continue reading Capturing the Light by Roger Watson book review

Infinite Fake Money for Essential Workers. USA LLC – Alphabet Inc.gov CBDC now accepting applications

Views: 37Do you want to work for Google and obtain fake money? Do you want to work for Zuckerberg and obtain fake money? Do you want to work for the FBI and obtain fake money? Do you want to work for the DHS and obtain fake money? Do you want to secure tenure at garbage… Continue reading Infinite Fake Money for Essential Workers. USA LLC – Alphabet Inc.gov CBDC now accepting applications

Wind, Sand and Stars by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry book review

Views: 39I relate to this book. How many men have locked themselves inside aluminum ships to traverse the skies? Glowing dials of instruments light up your cockpit, the vibrations of engine(s), the eddies of wind, the lights of St. Elmo’s Fire on your props, we remain transfixed to the glorious view of the firmament from… Continue reading Wind, Sand and Stars by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry book review