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Views: 412The aliens aren’t putting us on watch list. Welcome.The aliens aren’t coming to our door. FBI WELLNESS CHECK. Welcome.The aliens aren’t killing us. I welcome the aliens.The aliens aren’t closing our accounts. Welcome aliens.The aliens aren’t reversing our transactions. Welcome aliens.The aliens aren’t canceling and banning us. Welcome the aliens.The aliens aren’t censoring us.… Continue reading WE WELCOME THE ALIENS. HELLO, HOW CAN WE HELP YOU? Techno Space

Targeted Individual – A personal recollection. Alphabet Inc.gov

Views: 3711My voice is disallowed. Removed, canceled, shadow-banned, (try searching my channel name on Bitchute, senses, NOT LISTED) You’ll see what I say is true. I’m a targeted individual. (The FBI came to my home for speaking against WHO, the fake pandemic, and children in face mask.) They only allow the morons to have a… Continue reading Targeted Individual – A personal recollection. Alphabet Inc.gov

I AM SAFE TO BE HERE. PTSD in America. CODE COMPLIANCE. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Commies Everywhere – Covid Memoirs

Views: 35The door bell rings. Several knocks on the door. Fat Man taking pictures of your home. (Officer Franco) Compliance people in your back yard. Law Enforcement in face mask performing Wellness Check. FBI at door for social media infractions. (Covid Rejection) Bank Accounts Closed. Transaction Reversed. Ticketed for parking in driveway. Stickers in arrears.… Continue reading I AM SAFE TO BE HERE. PTSD in America. CODE COMPLIANCE. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Commies Everywhere – Covid Memoirs

Foucault’s Pendulum by Umberto Eco book review

Views: 275The androgynous virgin prostitute wears a muslin veil standing on a stone alter. The men of (insert impotent secret society name here) await their turn with Sophia. Sick, disgusting, sad, weak, men; like faggots of wood burning in a fire. Kissing each other’s ass to release The Kundalini, diddling each other’s lower chakras in… Continue reading Foucault’s Pendulum by Umberto Eco book review


Views: 86It’s all making sense now. They are frightened of me. They hate me cause I’m different. When I was little they called me Cliff, because I have a physical remnant of elongated skull. A cliff head, if you will. I always thought the term was endearing cause it was true. Indeed, my head carries… Continue reading HELLO FELLOW CONEHEADS. I AM ALIEN TO THIS PLACE. Apocalypse Science

Merry Christmas. Citizen Sigma. Southwest FEMA sector. GREED IS DEAD. Alphabet Inc.gov

Views: 94Merry Christmas from me to you. Merry Christmas: ALL@Alphabet Inc.gov. I followed your every directive. Pulled myself up by the bootstraps, examined the “market” for advantage and value, took risk where others wouldn’t- and you kicked me in the face. GREED IS DEADAlphabet Inc.gov OWNS EVERYTHING. Merry Christmas for the STUMBLING BLOCKS you set… Continue reading Merry Christmas. Citizen Sigma. Southwest FEMA sector. GREED IS DEAD. Alphabet Inc.gov