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Views: 41THE LAST DAY.THIS IS IT.The next day will be the end of time.Do the right thing.This is real.All of time is ending.The wicked will pay.Google Bunkers cannot save you.Facebook will fall.Amazon LLC is an embarrassment.Alphabet Inc.gov USA is over.THE FANG IS CUT OFF. REPENT. or burn in FIRE.The lawless one is REVEALED.the son of… Continue reading THE LAST DAY.


Views: 75At 0700 UTC on DEC 21 a great object will be reported approaching earth. Media mockingbird will allow for massive amounts of speculation. They will tell the citizens, “You must wear a face mask and lock down your life, restrict your child’s breathing with S&M gimp device, and get injected. YOU MUST SHELTER IN… Continue reading The LAST CHRISTMAS


Views: 89The people that believe the “news” will think the technology can’t be trusted because our wicked politicians and “investment firms” used it for “money laundering“. All of our illegal wars up to this point did not require elaborate money laundering systems outside of their own (Federal Reserve) zero accountability, NO oversight, criminal banking systems.… Continue reading FTX SCAM for MORONS

A Marriage at Sea by William Clark Russell book review

Views: 47Go with me to the sea as a rich gentleman, stealing away your 17 year old lover from a catholic girl’s school with newly acquired yacht and crew to sail her away in this romantic seagoing elopement. If you are in the gentleman’s club, and not blocked from all paths of free action and… Continue reading A Marriage at Sea by William Clark Russell book review

Emphyrio by Jack Vance book review

Views: 101Imagine another replacement philosophy book in the garb of so-called science fiction. Eerily similar to many other “sci-fi” books I’ve read. See Childhood’s End and Gordon Eklund, Find the Changleling, and Norstrillia by Cordwainer Smith reviews. Mark Jack Vance with the number of a man. He was certainly adept at his story. Illuminating. Don’t… Continue reading Emphyrio by Jack Vance book review

Capture, Convict, Indict, and Punish THE FACE MASK PEOPLE. covid memoirs

Views: 667This video originally recorded at the height of the fake covid “pandemic” and BANNED, CENSORED, REMOVED by Alphabet Inc.gov. Shortly thereafter, FED agents wearing N95 face mask arrived at my door. The ignorant public whipped into a fantastic frenzy about wearing unhealthy mask over mouth and nose. Only self-respectable people who managed to stay… Continue reading Capture, Convict, Indict, and Punish THE FACE MASK PEOPLE. covid memoirs

Narrative of Captain James Cook’s voyages around the world by Kippis, Andrew, 1784, book review

Views: 127Captain Cook was dispatched by his Majesty to explore the Southern Ocean and take measurements of the “eclipse”. What are they measuring on the dome, what wizard tools and rituals are we talking about? It’s a long journey. Cook made three explorations. One journey lasting more than four years away from the “British” island… Continue reading Narrative of Captain James Cook’s voyages around the world by Kippis, Andrew, 1784, book review


Views: 308ABSOLUTE DESTRUCTION, DEATH, and DAMNATION.The collective EVIL WILL BURN.THE MASK COLLECTIVE IS DEAD.CORPORATE SCIENCE IS BANKRUPT.WE ARE WINNING.WE CANNOT BE DEFEATED.KNOCKOUT PUNCH TO THE DOME. Who are these lords that lord over me? Show your faces. Your lying minions were rejected by my GUARDIAN ANGELS. When USA Corporate Government finally goes tits up (bankrupt),… Continue reading THE PROPHESY OF THE END

Moon Man by Bart Sibrel book review

Views: 67You are conditioned to believe ignorant nonsense. Including the Moon Landing hoax perpetrated by our captured, corrupt government, and their paid-off, mockingbird counterparts. You sleep very soundly with the words of Neil Armstrong, Wernher von Braun, and Walter Cronkite dancing through your fluoride addled brain, like a Norman 666 Rockwell painting. To you and… Continue reading Moon Man by Bart Sibrel book review

The Regression of Science. Secret space program. Dead end religion. Techno Space

Views: 64Let’s make a list. Science is a failure. Academic garbage people, your endowment is over. Many of you will say, “The missing science is on the moon via their secret space program.” But No. There is nothing. There’s no third-way being developed behind our backs, no underground cities of Oz, no colony of space… Continue reading The Regression of Science. Secret space program. Dead end religion. Techno Space