We found 128 results for your search.

In the Land of Time: And Other Fantasy Tales by Lord Dunsany book review

Views: 40This great phantasy book has a difficult stumbling block at the beginning. The first few stories are so fantastic, you may be tempted to put it away forever, but if you keep up your work, you will be rewarded with many fine phantasy tales. I especially enjoyed the Jorkens stories. In my research, and… Continue reading In the Land of Time: And Other Fantasy Tales by Lord Dunsany book review

The Travels of Sir John Mandeville by John Mandeville book review

Views: 62The Travels of Sir John Mandeville by John Mandeville 1322 Here’s an ancient travel book for would-be pilgrims to the Holy Land. Don’t forget vaccine passport and biological test results when you go to the high point of the world, the very center according to their maps- The Holy Land. The crusades, the pilgrimage.… Continue reading The Travels of Sir John Mandeville by John Mandeville book review

Paracelsus The Devil’s Doctor by Philip Ball book review

Views: 92The Devil’s Doctor. They called him that because he separated the elements from the glory of God, and declared science (magick) a wholly sundered form, made available to the worst kinds of people, Doctor MDs, snake oil salesmen who follow protocols from personages like Bill Gates, and corporate organizations like CDC, the FDA, and… Continue reading Paracelsus The Devil’s Doctor by Philip Ball book review

A Marriage at Sea by William Clark Russell book review

Views: 47Go with me to the sea as a rich gentleman, stealing away your 17 year old lover from a catholic girl’s school with newly acquired yacht and crew to sail her away in this romantic seagoing elopement. If you are in the gentleman’s club, and not blocked from all paths of free action and… Continue reading A Marriage at Sea by William Clark Russell book review

Emphyrio by Jack Vance book review

Views: 101Imagine another replacement philosophy book in the garb of so-called science fiction. Eerily similar to many other “sci-fi” books I’ve read. See Childhood’s End and Gordon Eklund, Find the Changleling, and Norstrillia by Cordwainer Smith reviews. Mark Jack Vance with the number of a man. He was certainly adept at his story. Illuminating. Don’t… Continue reading Emphyrio by Jack Vance book review

Narrative of Captain James Cook’s voyages around the world by Kippis, Andrew, 1784, book review

Views: 127Captain Cook was dispatched by his Majesty to explore the Southern Ocean and take measurements of the “eclipse”. What are they measuring on the dome, what wizard tools and rituals are we talking about? It’s a long journey. Cook made three explorations. One journey lasting more than four years away from the “British” island… Continue reading Narrative of Captain James Cook’s voyages around the world by Kippis, Andrew, 1784, book review

The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut book review

Views: 47I’m glad I picked this one up. Kurt Vonnegut is always a favorite, this is my first experience with his “science fiction”. A very clever double cross story of interplanetary and time travel hijinks. My old self would’ve mused at the unique way Vonnegut routs the believers. God is a joke, and Vonnegut has… Continue reading The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut book review

Crazy Horse: A Life by Larry McMurtry book review

Views: 123Uninspired write-up on Crazy Horse, with many references to “the whites, the whites, the whites.” The whites did this, the whites did that, the whites gave the natives smallpox, the whites killed the buffalo. The word spell of the whites. Here’s the deal. Not once does McMurtry call the natives RED, what gives? It’s… Continue reading Crazy Horse: A Life by Larry McMurtry book review

Hellhound of the Cosmos by Clifford D. Simak book review

Views: 81This system introduces physical and spiritual stumbling blocks at every turn. I’ve been waylaid, threatened, and blockaded by this horrible, nightmare, system. It changes laws and times. It reverses truth, glorifies lies, condemns the righteous, and steals identities. It deceives every man at every moment. It needs to be eradicated. ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM of… Continue reading Hellhound of the Cosmos by Clifford D. Simak book review