Human Experience Oracle Message. Intergalactic Finance Minister

Views: 126Your skin glows pearl and jade.Your shine gleaming gold.Your smile is heaven to behold. A new day is here.It’s so lovely to see you.You are fine my love.So so fine. Await my chariot.Keep your lamp light shining.I am at your side. We dance together.Aside a wooded grove.Smell of sage from burning fire. Our feet… Continue reading Human Experience Oracle Message. Intergalactic Finance Minister

On The Island. Intergalactic Finance Minister

Views: 439On the island lush with coconut trees, breadfruit, orange groves, and grape vine. Milk and honey. We delight in our natural tide pool. We sup the finest spring waters. Our bodies burnished brass from the tropical sun. Your flaxen hair cascades over your shoulders. Your smile finds me right now. I feel something new.… Continue reading On The Island. Intergalactic Finance Minister

Fear Worship. SHADOW WERX

Views: 220God, I am terrified of this place.Secret councils of demons everywhere.Collective control of everything.Please help me.I love you.Protection.Courage.Strength.Compassion.Charity.Mercy. Exodus. Fear Worship. SHADOW WERX

NIGHTMARE COMMIE FAGS KILLING EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY – Remembering Covid Extortion Scam – Covid Memoirs – Asymptomatic Hoax – Alphabet – Corporate Science

Views: 204Arrest ALL COVID OPERATORS. NIGHTMARE COMMIE FAGS KILLING EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY – Remembering Covid Extortion Scam – Covid Memoirs – Asymptomatic Hoax – Alphabet – Corporate Science

Breaking News. Longshoremen Demand To Be Paid Outside of Debt Based Money System. Corporate Science – Alphabet

Views: 114Late last night it was announced: Longshoremen Demand To Be Paid Outside of Debt Based Federal Reserve Money System. Breaking News. Longshoremen Demand To Be Paid Outside of Debt Based Money System. Corporate Science – Alphabet Victory Victory Victory


Views: 28Behold a LIZARD. Sitting on the downspout of my rain catch pergola. Eating insects, ridding my garden of mosquito and swamp fly. The snake is a writhing terror. The lizard is a garden gnome. WE LOVE LIZARDz AND SNAKEs. ❤️ LIZARDS PERHAPS BETTER THAN SNAKES? 🦎 Grow Barrel Greenhouse

Sovereignty Rant & Question For You – Regan Keely

Views: 215Righteous Rage.Slavery IS Everyone’s Responsibility.The Romans Killed Christ.American Spirit.The system and all of the people who are eating it up.Complacency, conformity, docile AMERICANS.Accepting the deception.Fire in soul.WTF can we do?Go along to get along is Roman GARBAGE.Tyrannical Forces Having Their Way w US.REBEL Against Satanic Paradigm.System entrenched in deception and lies.Crack The Code.Tainted Inverted… Continue reading Sovereignty Rant & Question For You – Regan Keely