Dear Elohim, It is with great satisfaction to once again welcome your kind on the firmament. Please remember not to eat innocent women and children. All men are open game. Many of the men ripe for elimination are marked with vaccine technology, emitting network location through low energy bluetooth protocols (BLE). Seek these men out… Continue reading Open Letter To Elohim UFO Arrival Force – Techno Space
Would anybody like some coffee? What are y’all doing? In the future… Do you think you’ll live? It’s a good question. Family, friends, employer. Flu shots and covid vaccine. Death Cult. What are you going to do? How are you going to survive? What have you done? Idiot box feedback loop. Scrying screen crystal. So… Continue reading When The Lights Go Out. BlackPilledHam – Alphabet
All of a sudden a great crack in the dome. From the gaping maw of the dark firmament appears the Elohim. He is bound in unbroken light, surrounded by a wheel of emerald. On his breast, illuminated from within, the urim and thummim burns like hot embers. He is holding a great sword of unimaginable… Continue reading Elohim on Arrival. Scenario. Apocalypse Science – Techno Space
Dearest God. Why have you forsaken me? The pitiful financial system continues. The fake economy. The abstraction of dignity. The rape and plunder of humanity. The tracking and tracing. The last four digits of your social security number. PLEASE GOD. Help Us. Our most valued TECHNO SNAKE CORPORATIONS are complicit in MASSIVE FRAUD. USA LLC.… Continue reading GoDaddy Credit Card Scam – Endless Loop of Fake Money. Alphabet
We all feel the changes. Try to keep up. The wine dark sea is eating you. Thundering waves of everlasting climate change. The non-stop loop of death, putrefaction, fermentation, mycelium networks, macro-nutrients, and life everlasting. Do not succumb to the dumb. Release yourself from their science. Embrace facts. Their construct is over. My thoughts: The… Continue reading We Need To Talk About The Sun and Chemtrails. Corporate Science
Kali shares video of Essau calling for forced medication of chosen people. Chosen by aliens. All these terms may confuse you. Let me break it down for you. Repent. Where is the radiation coming from?Plummeting Birthrates.What kind of radiation is it? 2.4gHz? UVC? Vaccine adversity? Unknown energies from space?
The swashbuckling adventure and delights of:Rescuing women.Feeding women.Clothing women,Bathing women.Having sex w women. DO NOT ALLOW WOMEN to FIGHT YOUR WAR. Blue Horizon. Mount your steed. You are a well-to-do colonial prince Living on The Cape. Table Mountain Harbor South Africa. Dutch Invasion. You spot a flaxen-haired nymph. You rescue the downtrodden princess. She’s got… Continue reading Blue Horizon by Wilbur Smith book review