Trump Wallet. QFS Transactional Services. Premiere chattel management for Zion. Corporate Science

The most marvelous thing is happening. It’s a prehensile conduit to all of your material goods. A quantum frequency that snakes like a river. Premiere chattel management for Zion. The TRUMP Wallet. QFS Transactional Services. NDA Required* Virgin daughters. First born sons. Background check. The kneeling bow of all chosen people. Respect.

Zuckerberg KILLED ME ON FACEBOOK. The time facebook marked my profile AS DEAD. Alphabet

I remember when Zuckerberg marked my facebook profile with a bereavement notice saying I was recently passed. All of my friends and family thought I was dead for 24 hours. Zuckerfake told me it was “in error” and removed the DEATH LABEL from my profile after a few days. You fake Zuckerberg fuck. Your fake… Continue reading Zuckerberg KILLED ME ON FACEBOOK. The time facebook marked my profile AS DEAD. Alphabet


It’s all making sense now. They are frightened of me. They hate me cause I’m different. When I was little they called me Cliff, because I have a physical remnant of elongated skull. A cliff head, if you will. I always thought the term was endearing cause it was true. Indeed, my head carries the… Continue reading HELLO FELLOW CONEHEADS. I AM ALIEN TO THIS PLACE. Apocalypse Science

Targeted Individual – Update Prayer – Apocalypse Science

Hello Father. Last night they were on the easement. They brought their four wheeler onto the land and did donuts outside my greenhouse. I understand they can do whatever they want- paid-off secret society officials from local, state, federal, fake money positions. Extorted to arrest and kill your saints. Essential Commie Worker Bastards of America.… Continue reading Targeted Individual – Update Prayer – Apocalypse Science

What is the GROW BARREL by Pepper.Works

The GROW BARREL is a design of my creation that incorporates hydro/aquaponics, auto bell-siphon, and deep grow-bed technologies. The sound of the bell siphon like a verdant waterfall. Nutrients in porous crags of pleasant pebbles, the music of moving water. The roots of your plants alive in oxidizing rivers, feeding from even tide of water… Continue reading What is the GROW BARREL by Pepper.Works

Alphabet Permissions and Settings

I’m over here, building a site that accepts Monero, using technology without permission. That’s the point. But really, I don’t WANT TO BUILD SITES THAT REQUIRE ALL KINDS OF FUCKED UP PERMISSIONS. GO FUCK YOURSELF, Alphabet Inc.govCEASE AND DESIST.Malfeasance.Corruption.FRAUD.Collusion.Extortion.Murder.Malpractice.Unlawful Information Embargo.Treason.