C.S. Lewis on Eternal COG Emergency Powers – A Dream

Here is an article by C.S. Lewis entitled A Dream where he describes the eternal revocation of our rights through emergency powers enacted by Federal Government cretins. A Dream by C.S. Lewis I still think (with all respect to the Freudians) that it was the concourse of irritations during the day which was responsible for my dream.… Continue reading C.S. Lewis on Eternal COG Emergency Powers – A Dream

Keep The Aspidistra Flying by George Orwell book review

I respect Gordon Comstock for fighting the good fight. The fight against money worship. The fight against this horrible system. The wicked Bolshevik/capital/socialist/bourgeois system of sickness that has people running in circles for their very survival. The hamster wheel for humans. Corporate stimulus for the morons Sick and dying for fake money It was a… Continue reading Keep The Aspidistra Flying by George Orwell book review


WORTHLESS FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS FOR MORONS Wall Street rubes would have you believe the Federal Reserve is tapering its asset purchase program. In the mean time, wild swings in cryptocurrency prices indicate the sucking sound of institutional ‘investors‘ manipulating markets (relative to the worthless US dollar). The facts are these: THE FEDERAL RESERVE WILL NEVER STOP… Continue reading BITCOIN EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS (ETFs) and BITCOIN BONDS – What you need to know


The people are falling. Many of them physically keeling over with heart issues after injecting themselves with mystery corporate pharma fluids- not once, not twice, but three times. And many more times for the extreme morons who don’t die in a timely manner. The eyes of the face mask people are grotesque and telling. They… Continue reading COVID MEMOIRS DEC 2021

Mark Twain Autobiography – book review

Here’s a man at the peak of American liberty 1835 – 1910. Mark Twain, seduced by General Grant to help with his memoir, liberally using the ‘nigger‘ word in his novels. Canceled and censored forever, Mark Twain, a bona fide admitted liar, a humorist, excellent writer and loving father. Certainly the nigger slaves would not… Continue reading Mark Twain Autobiography – book review