BREAKING NEWS! New guidelines from top officials. Prevent and cure COVID-19! Please share!

ALL MEDIA OUTLETS PLEASE FORWARD: Alice and Bob (names changed for privacy) both had COVID-19. Due to recent flood events around the world they were forced to sleep on their roof. After three nights they are virus free. SLEEP ON YOUR ROOF! New federal and state mandates pending. Please note: Sleeping on your roof may… Continue reading BREAKING NEWS! New guidelines from top officials. Prevent and cure COVID-19! Please share!


Catholic faithful wear face masks as they arrive in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican for the weekly general audience on February 26, 2020. (Photo by Tiziana FABI / AFP) (Photo by TIZIANA FABI/AFP via Getty Images)

They are among us.

They’re Going To Get The Virus

Imagine how miserable they are, wearing the mask, afraid of their surroundings. Hypertension will cause radical health problems for the mask wearers. C02 re-breathing. The mask wearers will succumb if they don’t get fresh air, fresh food, fresh SUN LIGHT. STOP BREATHING YOUR BREATH BREATHE FRESH AIR Remove your mask or get the virus.