What The Fuck Is Going On


Views: 132https://www.theblockcrypto.com/post/61529/htc-to-allow-mining-monero-directly-via-its-exodus-blockchain-phone I wish I could tell you that everything is looking up after reading this article. But I’m afraid. COVID-19 paranoia and the Fibonacci sequences of satanic shit that is possibly brewing  for us all.

COVID Memoirs of the Working Class

Views: 344Calling the bank. Attempting to get mortgage payment deferred. I have enough food to last 14 days. They still allow free access in our designated tract-home sector. School is canceled. The neighbor’s kids are restless. The rosiness in their ignorant cheeks a foreshadow of the sickness to come. Toilet paper rationing and panic buying… Continue reading COVID Memoirs of the Working Class