Working for fake money is not recommended.
Back in the day, it used to be an honest living, tramping around, building fires, riding trains, working on ships, knowing the hospitable places to bed down.
The thing is, only the downrighters made an issue of NO WORK. They refused it in all forms. They were downright honest in their game.
I need money for my bed, sustenance, and drink.
Selling shoelaces is out of the question.
Maybe, the CIA can assist with drug racket?
Perhaps, the FBI can help with weapons resell patsy scheme?
Go to work for the DOD.
JOBS at Alphabet
The Autobiography of a Super-Tramp by W.H. Davies
Highlights and annotations:
The Autobiography of a Super-Tramp by W.H. Davies
Book last read: 2023-11-03 18:31:07 Percentage read: 100%
Chapter 12: 5. A Tramps Summer Vacation Highlight Chapter progress: 17.96% Highlight: Fresh water springs were numerous, gushing joyously out of the rocks, or lying quiet in shady nooks;
Chapter 15: 8. A Prisoner His Own Judge Annotation Chapter progress: 25.71% Highlight: It simply means this,” he said, “that the marshal gets a dollar each for every arrest he makes—in our case three dollars; the judge receives three or four dollars for every conviction, and the sheriff of the jail is paid a dollar a day for boarding each prisoner under his charge; we benefit by a good rest, warmth, good food and plenty of sleep, and the innocent citizens have to pay for it all.”
Notes: Jelly jar fraternity of dunces.
Chapter 21: 14. The House-Boat Annotation Chapter progress: 42.45% Highlight: We would fill a large can and let the water settle for twenty or thirty minutes, and, after taking great care in drinking, a sediment of mud would be left at the bottom a quarter or three-eighths of an inch deep. Notes: Sediment trap. Apocalypse science.
Chapter 21: 14. The House-Boat Annotation Chapter progress: 43.67% Highlight: Everything he needed he paid for in fish, and often went months at a time without a glimpse of money of any description. Notes: Fish for money.
Chapter 29: 22. The Ark Highlight Chapter progress: 66.53% Highlight: the object of the Charity Organisation is not so much to give alms, as to prevent alms being wasted.
Chapter 32: 25. The Farmhouse Highlight Chapter progress: 75.1% Highlight: This feeling seems to be natural; that I felt inclined to see familiar faces, although they were red and blotchy with drink;
Chapter 32: 25. The Farmhouse Annotation Chapter progress: 75.1% Highlight: the very image of a Jew in features, but fair, red, Notes: ESAU born red.
Chapter 32: 25. The Farmhouse Highlight Chapter progress: 75.92% Highlight: The only difference he could see between a vicar and a curate was that one had a larger corporation and a redder nose than the other.
Chapter 32: 25. The Farmhouse Highlight Chapter progress: 77.55% Highlight: a teetotaller who lives in a common lodging house is to be heartily despised, for he shows himself to be satisfied with his conditions.
Chapter 41: 34. A House to Let Highlight Chapter progress: 99.59% Highlight: People are not to be blamed for their doubts, but that they make no effort to arrive at the truth.