Reports are being made available to all spirit workers: WE ARE WINNING WE WILL WIN WE WILL NOT COMPLY RESIST
Month: September 2021
You cannot silence me.I know why you cancel me.The reason you will not let me speak.The reason people have difficulty comprehending. The things I say.It’s a spell, a prayer, a certain amount of magic. It may be all magic? I don’t know. AT ANY RATE:The things I say. It all comes true. To understand my… Continue reading BANNING THE SENSES mp3
12/14/12 Impossible rituals. Eyes closed. All heads bowed. The blood of the anointed. Simultaneous release of disharmony. Quantum explosions of anti-matter. Large Hadron Collider of sin. Synchronize the mourning. All systems GO begin_program
It’s a shadow ban. All uploads stuck in “Process and Publish“– forever unavailable to view. The question is: Why did BITCHUTE ban me? Here’s the deal. The things that are said in the videos have been repeated on BITCHUTE and other authoritarian platforms (like YouTube) by a myriad of other content creators. That rules out… Continue reading HOW TO GET BANNED ON BITCHUTE
Shakespeare’s Planet by Clifford Simak book review
Are you living in the material world? Are you afraid of dying? Has pseudo-science brought you to the brink of suicide? Have you selected suicide through pseudo-science? What is trans-humanism? Do not worship the robots. Elayne will follow the slug people through the portal. But not before CARTER HORTON makes love to her. Carnivore is… Continue reading Shakespeare’s Planet by Clifford Simak book review