The Blockchain Deception

The Blockchain Deception Is the blockchain a perfect record of all transactions on the network? Yes. Does that sound like a devilish beast system? Yes. Folks, we have to be smart about this. Why are we keeping a record of transactions? ACCOUNTABILITY. That’s why they are so frightened. (and trying to kill us) Accountability is… Continue reading The Blockchain Deception

Ark of God by David Hatcher Childress book review

It is plain to see. Nobody knows WTF OUR HISTORY IS. A book like this is a spot light of ignorance on corporate controlled ‘science’ and paid-off academic simps. Nobody can tell you what happened to the Aztecs, Incas, Tultecs, Olmecs, Mayan EMPIRES. Nobody can tell you what happened to the Ark of the Covenant.… Continue reading Ark of God by David Hatcher Childress book review

Five Weeks in a Balloon by Jules Verne book review

Five Weeks in a Balloon by Jules Verne Fantastic story about the reconnoiter and imminent colonial domain of Africa. The Euro people floated their balloons over Africa and America in search of the most valuable assets, using the basket as a floating turret to hunt wild game and savages (Hamites and Lamanites). Dropping anchor to… Continue reading Five Weeks in a Balloon by Jules Verne book review

Find the Changeling by Gregory Benford & Gordon Eklund book review

Find the Changeling by Gregory Benford & Gordon Eklund book review Excellent double and triple coding of endowment enriched chaos cult. It’s right in your face now. The REGRESSION of man. The failure of our nation, THE DESTRUCTION OF THE SYSTEM. The program failed. The changeling was successful. Chaos will now rule . You brought… Continue reading Find the Changeling by Gregory Benford & Gordon Eklund book review

Apocalypse Cabin – Poor Man’s Solar Setup

Mounting solar panels and running wire. I got the poor man’s solar setup. Four, one-hundred watt panels, fifty feet of cabling with Anderson connectors, plugged into battery AC inverter. I’m using 2×4’s for the rails, lifted off the roof with L-brackets and three inch deck screws. The system I purchased only provides detailed system info… Continue reading Apocalypse Cabin – Poor Man’s Solar Setup

The Icarus Hunt: A Novel by Timothy Zahn book review

Science fiction about a freight pilot that must make his way to Earth with valuable cargo onboard. Folks, I’ve lived this life. This isn’t science or fiction. This book is terrible. The Icarus Hunt. This humdrum book had me turning pages on the regular, like a dope fiend back on a stash. Slowly, methodologically, burning… Continue reading The Icarus Hunt: A Novel by Timothy Zahn book review