More confirmation of “orbital cascade failure”. THE CHARIOTS ARE APPROACHING. ORBITAL CASCADE FAILURE
Author: tandem
At The Back Of The North Wind by George MacDonald book review
You may be asking, “Why are you reading phantasy during The War?” It’s a good question. George MacDonald (1824-1905) is the prototype author for the “fantastic” predictive programming that followed. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Lewis Carroll, have all named George MacDonald as their mentor. So, let’s go direct to source. George MacDonald, super phantasy with minimal… Continue reading At The Back Of The North Wind by George MacDonald book review
Destination space. Offensive satellite maneuvers to capture and alter the orbit of enemy space assets has set off incalculable destruction of orbital grid. A total cascade failure. A million-billion orbits of tiny satellite particles that will light up the night sky and block out the sun. Is it orbital cascade failure, OR, the return of… Continue reading ORBITAL CASCADE FAILURE. Techno Space
Phantastes a Faerie Romance for Men and Women by George MacDonald book review
Phantastes a Faerie Romance for Men and Women by George MacDonald You are more likely to experience Fairy Land when on a quest. So let’s begin. The trees are all around. The White Fairy is waiting in a marble castle. Strange occurrences in dreamy forest landscapes. You find yourself on a moonlit precipice. Be certain… Continue reading Phantastes a Faerie Romance for Men and Women by George MacDonald book review
That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis book review
Three cheers for C.S. Lewis and the prophecy of That Hideous Strength, the final book in The Cosmic Trilogy. C.S. Lewis is here with us now. Let’s witness THE END in real time. Strange energies from space (The Awakening), mystery vaccines by immutable corporations, genetic manipulation inside chimera MRNA ‘technology’. This is the way the… Continue reading That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis book review
Perelandra by C.S. Lewis book review
Is C.S. Lewis a sexless eunuch? Let’s find out. In this too long of a story about Ransom going to Venus, we all get bowled over by the Holy Spirit and/or the asexual aliens. Here is a book about the gospel of trans-asexual C.S. Lewis, a prudish Christian “writer” of great fantasy. I mean, what… Continue reading Perelandra by C.S. Lewis book review
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Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis book review
The secret meaning behind the off-world fiction of C.S. Lewis– Out of the Silent Planet I pretend to know what the hell is going on, how the lost tribes according to the ancient text are found in the writing of C.S. Lewis. How did the Sumerians learn to write? Where are the Hebrews? How did… Continue reading Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis book review
S. stop T. think E. evaluate P. proceed good results smart decisions.
C.S. Lewis on Eternal COG Emergency Powers – A Dream
Here is an article by C.S. Lewis entitled A Dream where he describes the eternal revocation of our rights through emergency powers enacted by Federal Government cretins. A Dream by C.S. Lewis I still think (with all respect to the Freudians) that it was the concourse of irritations during the day which was responsible for my dream.… Continue reading C.S. Lewis on Eternal COG Emergency Powers – A Dream