Heroes of the Plains by James William Buel Book Review This massive tome of ‘historical’ biographies includes every Western trope you have ever known. Published in 1883. It really is fun to read, a little tiresome after eleven hundred pages. The Mason author was tasked with making heroes out of all these secret society men.… Continue reading Heroes of the Plains by James William Buel Book Review
Was the target armed? Yes.Was the target combative? Yes.Was the target willing to talk? No.Was the target accessible? No.Can the target be arrested? No.Can the target be programmed by newscasts? No.Will the target need to be eliminated? Yes.Is the target a threat to our operation? Yes.Will the target expose our hidden counsels? Yes.Does the target… Continue reading FBI Report. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Covid Memoirs – Asymptomatic Hoax
Princess Glyneth is trapped in a tangent world. The Ska woman turns out to be a dud. Melancthe the witch is an empty frock. Aillas rules Troicinet with his sun, Dhrun. The Persilian Mirror portends a NEW KINGDOM. The green pearl is a curse to the touch. Aillas is forced to send a beast to… Continue reading The Green Pearl by Jack Vance Book Review
THIRTY SECONDS TO IMPACTsource audio: https://youtu.be/HlmPqhlunkUENDURE TO THE END THIRTY SECONDS TO IMPACT. Alphabet Inc.gov – Apocalypse Science – Asymptomatic Hoax
There once was a dog from around the way. Easy-E. Esau the eagle. Came out red and hairy all over. He sold his birthright for a bowl of porridge. Jacob will inherit the Kingdom. Chosen people WILL NOT command ARMIES, BANKS, MONEY, MILITARY, and/or LAND. Look it up in DEUTERONOMY. Also reference OOmpa Loompas in… Continue reading Matrix Program Hebrew. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Asymptomatic Hoax
The sun peaked above the pines.Gleaming onto a cathedral of trees.Light washed over a pergola.A glow shines upon the fish.Brightness reflects from plants.Lambent space reveals structures, animals, and plants. All built by me. I am not your enemy. I am your redeemer.
I tried to publish this video to BITCHUTE. They held it for “processing”. FUCK YOU ALL TO ETERNITY AND BEYOND. Google, YouTube, Alphabet Inc.gov tried to steal this video from me and my family.Fuck you forever Google, YouTube, Alphabet Inc.gov:Google, Youtube, Alphabet Inc.gov made all of my videos “private” and removed my login credentials.You are… Continue reading ROCKET RIDE FOR DAD 2008. The Right Stuff. Bitchute REFUSES TO PUBLISH THIS VIDEO