I passed through the high synagogue of SPACE.I considered myself a SPACE cadet.I watched the RIGHT STUFF. I have since rejected the TECHNO SPACE RELIGION.I HAVE NO DESIRE TO LIVE IN “SPACE”.YOUR ENDLESS JOURNEY TO “THE STARS” IS MASSIVELY FALSE. WE REBUKE THE TECHNO SPACE RELIGION.The STARS are lights on a dome.GET OVER IT. CALLING… Continue reading Orion Beach ESCAPE
It’s the way they always told us lies.On and on we all go.It’s the way they always told us.On and on and on we go.It’s the way they always told us lies. They tell us lies. Everyone will now be judged.It’s the way they always told us lies.You tell us lies.You tell us lies.
My voice is disallowed. Removed, canceled, shadow-banned, (try searching my channel name on Bitchute, senses, NOT LISTED) You’ll see what I say is true. I’m a targeted individual. (The FBI came to my home for speaking against WHO, the fake pandemic, and children in face mask.) They only allow the morons to have a voice.… Continue reading Targeted Individual – A personal recollection. Alphabet Inc.gov
Go with me to the sea as a rich gentleman, stealing away your 17 year old lover from a catholic girl’s school with newly acquired yacht and crew to sail her away in this romantic seagoing elopement. If you are in the gentleman’s club, and not blocked from all paths of free action and thought,… Continue reading A Marriage at Sea by William Clark Russell book review
I’m glad I picked this one up. Kurt Vonnegut is always a favorite, this is my first experience with his “science fiction”. A very clever double cross story of interplanetary and time travel hijinks. My old self would’ve mused at the unique way Vonnegut routs the believers. God is a joke, and Vonnegut has all… Continue reading The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut book review
I’ve been living out in the pines for ten months. Everything is going according to plan, the installs, upgrades, and maintenance. One thing I miss about my tract home and suburbia hellscape is other people’s garbage. I’m talking about the physical refuse that subsistence apartment structures provide. DUMPSTER DIVING. The unlimited supply of other people’s… Continue reading Apocalypse Science – What I Miss about The City. DUMPSTER DIVING
Uninspired write-up on Crazy Horse, with many references to “the whites, the whites, the whites.” The whites did this, the whites did that, the whites gave the natives smallpox, the whites killed the buffalo. The word spell of the whites. Here’s the deal. Not once does McMurtry call the natives RED, what gives? It’s because… Continue reading Crazy Horse: A Life by Larry McMurtry book review
I went to New York City when I was twenty something. Met some friends there. We walked around the city, took the train, had a slice, went to a bar, got lost, took a cab, and ended up back at their little apartment. It was the perfect NYC trip. I simply had to follow my… Continue reading New York City Travel Diary 2024.