Marble Encased Underground Swimming Grotto. Intergalactic Finance Minister Compensation Package

mars and venus

We take the stairs down several flights and exit into a rock cave with fine gravel path and lighted torches on the walls. The cave leads to an immense STONE SWIMMING GROTTO, statues of cherubs, venus, mars, and bachhus. A great vaulted ceiling. Translucent superstructure. We bathe together in our UNDERGROUND MARBLE ENCASED SWIMMING GROTTO… Continue reading Marble Encased Underground Swimming Grotto. Intergalactic Finance Minister Compensation Package


I want to know if people are waking up?I want to break out of this box.It’s time for my SOUL to sit back on the throne of life again and call the shots.I need a catalyst and assistance in these turbulent times.I wanted to meet you and create something magical together.Love, gratitude, joy, abundance, peace,RespectIf… Continue reading Notes

A Tour On The Prairies by Washington Irving Book Review

A Tour On The Prairies by Washington Irving Book Review I’ll meet you at Fort Gibson in Oklahoma on October 28, 1832. We’ll hire a couple of indians and a creole. Their orders are to help provision our larder during a 30 day march into the Autumnal Pawnee hunting grounds. We meet the captain two… Continue reading A Tour On The Prairies by Washington Irving Book Review

Pictures From Italy by Charles Dickens Book Review

Pictures From Italy by Charles Dickens Book Review The Italian countryside is full of ruins, temples, churches, relics, and wicked Roman rituals. Venice is a dream scene. Rome is a disgusting show of pageantry, relic worship, and tall hats on ugly men. Dickens Necromancy. Dickens describes execution he attended in Rome. Chop goes the chopping… Continue reading Pictures From Italy by Charles Dickens Book Review

Official Application For Intergalactic Finance Minister. Sidereal Money Minister.

Hello, my name is Peter. I am officially announcing my desire to partner with your organization to help enable new finance systems throughout the realm. Sidereal Money Minister. My knowledge of intergalactic transactional proofs and pitfalls of current lizard system makes me a perfect candidate. I am a trusted and distinguished member of my community.… Continue reading Official Application For Intergalactic Finance Minister. Sidereal Money Minister.

Categorized as Charms

Knickerbocker’s History of New York by Washington Irving Book Review

Knickerbocker’s History of New York by Washington Irving Book Review There are numerous reasons to turn down a book entitled, “History of New York”, not the least of which is the Damn Yankees and their insufferable New Englander ways. (Washington Irving calls them Amphictyons) Add to this major demerit the author, Washington Irving, who is… Continue reading Knickerbocker’s History of New York by Washington Irving Book Review


Entering the copse from the Northwest, we find our way through a tangled mess of thickets and briers. Brambles tossed about like kelp on a shore line. The men make slow time with their march, some of them tired from the day’s journey, others bewildered by the landscape. The sound of moving water from melted… Continue reading FANFARE mp3