When the witches speak you better listen. Especially if you’re a philandering priest, impregnating the buxom duchess who you seduce during Latin lessons. The witches will shriek and scream, strike a pose and expose themselves to their exorcists and onlookers who come from all around to see the Devils of Loudun.
The witches will be unable to speak in foreign languages, levitate, or perform any outstanding supernatural feats. No matter, the priest must burn.
The chemise of the lead witch, splooged upon by the devil, is carried around like the dress of Clinton’s mistress, a relic of black magick.
The lead witch is marked with the names of holy saints on her hand, stigmata for the sheep, the priest must burn.
He had sex with a virgin. The inquisitors tie the priest up, insert wedges between his legs and hammer them home, breaking every bone. They shave his body clean of hair, including his eyebrows, they cover him with a smock soaked in sulfur, they parade him to the mound of faggots prepared for his burning.
The entire town and surrounding population is gathered to see the conflagration. The local economy is greatly stimulated. The priest is set upon an iron chair tied to a stake, the faggots set aflame, the inquisitors sprinkle holy water on the fire to bless the smoke of burning flesh.
The power of witches is undeniable.
A frightening read about the power of witches. The Devils of Loudun
Aldous Huxley includes interesting appendix on attempts by man to transcend with religious/politico gatherings, drugs, and alcohol.
Thanks to Arthur C. Clarke for recommending this book in The Fountains of Paradise
Highlights and annotations:
The Devils of Loudun by Aldous Huxley
Book last read: 2023-12-29 23:08:42 Percentage read: 100%
Chapter 7: Chapter I Highlight Chapter progress: 6.04% Highlight: some of the Jesuits’ best pupils left school to become free thinkers or even, like Jean Labadie, Protestants.
Chapter 7: Chapter I Annotation Chapter progress: 6.04% Highlight: churches fall, and Jesuits’ colleges rise everywhere. Notes: Hehe
Chapter 7: Chapter I Highlight Chapter progress: 6.34% Highlight: Their son, Pierre, is such a promising boy that they decide to send him to the Jesuits.
Chapter 7: Chapter I Annotation Chapter progress: 6.34% Highlight: and, as a prudent bourgeois, counted on the Company’s backstairs influence to help their pupil to a job, Notes: Academic fake people.
Chapter 7: Chapter I Annotation Chapter progress: 6.65% Highlight: secular priest. Notes: Wtf is this?
Chapter 7: Chapter I Annotation Chapter progress: 6.65% Highlight: Company of Jesus, Notes: LLC
Chapter 7: Chapter I Annotation Chapter progress: 8.16% Highlight: strange and alarming properties of menstrual blood; Notes: Begin witch trials.
Chapter 7: Chapter I Annotation Chapter progress: 8.16% Highlight: It was not princely; but at least it permitted a philosopher to live like a gentleman.) Notes: Academic tenure for hellspawn.
Chapter 7: Chapter I Annotation Chapter progress: 9.37% Highlight: Sex mingles easily with religion, and their blending has one of those slightly repulsive and yet exquisite and poignant flavours, which startle the palate like a revelation—of what? That, precisely, is the question. Notes: Vow of celibacy under duress.
Chapter 7: Chapter I Highlight Chapter progress: 10.27% Highlight: To be mistrusted by the stupid because he was so clever, to be envied by the inept because he had made good, to be loathed by the dull for his wit, by the boors for his breeding and by the unattractive for his success with women—what a tribute to his universal superiority!
Chapter 7: Chapter I Highlight Chapter progress: 10.57% Highlight: The untutored egotist merely wants what he wants. Give him a religious education, and it becomes obvious to him, it becomes axiomatic, that what he wants is what God wants,
Chapter 7: Chapter I Highlight Chapter progress: 10.57% Highlight: When an orator, by the mere magic of words and a golden voice, persuades his audience of the rightness of a bad cause, we are very properly shocked. Notes: Fauci
Chapter 7: Chapter I Highlight Chapter progress: 10.88% Highlight: Nature abhors a vacuum, even in the mind.
Chapter 7: Chapter I Highlight Chapter progress: 11.48% Highlight: Whoremongers and money-grubbers find it hard to feel very proud of their activities.
Chapter 7: Chapter I Annotation Chapter progress: 13.29% Highlight: The purity of the dew-dabbled lily, the innocence of lambs and little children. Notes: Virgins in the sun.
Chapter 7: Chapter I Highlight Chapter progress: 13.9% Highlight: To abuse such trust would be the blackest of crimes. And yet its very blackness was a reason for committing it. Notes: Sold out doctors and lawyers.
Chapter 8: Chapter II Highlight Chapter progress: 16.92% Highlight: This temple of science, which is at the same time a magician’s laboratory
Chapter 8: Chapter II Highlight Chapter progress: 17.52% Highlight: Religion was all very well; but it should never be allowed to invade the sanctities of private life.
Chapter 8: Chapter II Highlight Chapter progress: 22.66% Highlight: His career was a demonstration of the fact that, in certain circumstances, crawling is a more effective means of locomotion than walking upright, and that the best crawlers are also the deadliest biters.
Notes: Snake people.
Chapter 8: Chapter II Highlight Chapter progress: 22.66% Highlight: They wanted him to go; very well, he would remain, just to annoy them and because he enjoyed a fight, because, like Martin Luther, he loved to be angry.
Chapter 9: Chapter III Highlight Chapter progress: 25.98% Highlight: Union with the Son through works and union with the Holy Spirit through docility to inspiration make possible a conscious and transfiguring union with the Father.
Chapter 9: Chapter III Annotation Chapter progress: 28.1% Highlight: Many “extraordinary graces,” as we shall see, are indistinguishable in their manifestations from the workings of “evil spirits. Notes: Psychic powers.
Chapter 9: Chapter III Annotation Chapter progress: 28.1% Highlight: joins together things which in appearance are contrary, Notes: Jesuits. Techno space and holy sacraments. Science and spirit. Telescopes and trinity.
Chapter 9: Chapter III Highlight Chapter progress: 30.21% Highlight: If hell is paved with good intentions, it is because most people, being self-blinded to the inner light, are actually incapable of having a purely good intention.
Chapter 9: Chapter III Highlight Chapter progress: 30.21% Highlight: A man of prayer can do more in a single year than another can accomplish in a whole lifetime.
Chapter 10: Chapter IV Annotation Chapter progress: 33.23% Highlight: Whereas she—the little dwarf with one shoulder higher than the other—she knew practically everything.
Notes: Hunchback nun.
Chapter 10: Chapter IV Annotation Chapter progress: 35.35% Highlight: What wonder if she too fell in love with the delicious monster! Notes: The parson.
Chapter 10: Chapter IV Annotation Chapter progress: 36.56% Highlight: The matter was discussed and a plan of campaign, complete with secret weapons, psychological warfare and a supernatural intelligence service, was drawn up. Notes: Covid scam.
Chapter 11: Chapter V Annotation Chapter progress: 39.88% Highlight: materialists are ready to worship their own jerry-built creations as though they were the Absolute, Notes: Fake science. Techno space religion.
Chapter 11: Chapter V Annotation Chapter progress: 39.88% Highlight: They were regarded as the agents of a Foreign Power, unpatriotic at the best, and, at the worst, traitors, heretics, enemies of the people. Death was the penalty Notes: Face mask, lock down, vaccine people.
Chapter 11: Chapter V Annotation Chapter progress: 39.88% Highlight: In mediaeval and early modern Christendom the situation of sorcerers and their clients was almost precisely analogous to that of Jews under Hitler, capitalists under Stalin, Communists and fellow travellers in the United States. Notes: The commies have won.
Chapter 11: Chapter V Annotation Chapter progress: 39.88% Highlight: death is the penalty which awaits the political and secular devil-worshippers known here as Reds, Notes: Help us God. With these goddamn commies.
Chapter 11: Chapter V Annotation Chapter progress: 40.18% Highlight: In order to justify their behaviour, they turn their theories into dogmas, their by-laws into First Principles, their political bosses into Gods and all those who disagree with them into incarnate devils. Notes: Religion of corporate science.
Chapter 11: Chapter V Annotation Chapter progress: 40.79% Highlight: nine per cent. of all males and a little under five per cent. of all females are born with supernumerary nipples, Notes: Facts you can grow on. Extra nipples.
Chapter 11: Chapter V Annotation Chapter progress: 41.39% Highlight: Communist domination.
Notes: America
Chapter 11: Chapter V Annotation Chapter progress: 41.39% Highlight: hated class or nation. Notes: USA
Chapter 11: Chapter V Annotation Chapter progress: 41.39% Highlight: For us, Radical Evil has ceased to be something metaphysical and has become political or economic. Notes: Covid commies.
Chapter 11: Chapter V Highlight Chapter progress: 41.99% Highlight: a society that periodically lynches its witches proclaims, most emphatically, its faith in magic and its fear of the devil.
Chapter 11: Chapter V Annotation Chapter progress: 42.3% Highlight: let no man think he may escape by pleading ignorance. Notes: Covid commies.
Chapter 11: Chapter V Annotation Chapter progress: 42.3% Highlight: We see then that inarticulate Public Opinion was in full agreement with the theologians and the lawyers. Notes: Covid scam.
Chapter 11: Chapter V Highlight Chapter progress: 43.81% Highlight: Hedging their bets, they worshipped God by day and the devil at night.
Chapter 12: Chapter VI Annotation Chapter progress: 45.02% Highlight: the sorriest piece of knavery invented for many ages past. Notes: Fake pandemic.
Chapter 12: Chapter VI Annotation Chapter progress: 47.43% Highlight: centralizing all power in the absolute monarchy! Notes: Fake science. Emergency Alphabet Inc.gov absolute power.
Chapter 12: Chapter VI Annotation Chapter progress: 47.43% Highlight: As we know from our own experience of such secular devils as the Jews, the Communists, the Bourgeois Imperialists, the best way to establish and justify a police state is to keep harping on the dangers of a Fifth Column. Notes: Omg! how refreshing. Thank you, Mr. Huxley.
Chapter 12: Chapter VI Annotation Chapter progress: 47.43% Highlight: enemy even worse than the English—with the devil himself? Notes: Vacked up commies armed w fake science.
Chapter 12: Chapter VI Annotation Chapter progress: 47.43% Highlight: the man deserved to be got rid of. Notes: You know WHO.
Chapter 12: Chapter VI Annotation Chapter progress: 48.94% Highlight: calumny Notes: Fake pandemic
Chapter 12: Chapter VI Annotation Chapter progress: 48.94% Highlight: astronomer-priest Notes: Nasa moon lies.
Chapter 12: Chapter VI Annotation Chapter progress: 49.55% Highlight: able to announce that Science had now corroborated the revelations of hell.
Notes: Fauci. Doctor of Satan.
Chapter 12: Chapter VI Annotation Chapter progress: 49.85% Highlight: It was a handsome tribute and, coming, as it did, direct from hell, it could be accepted as the simple truth. Notes: Children in bondage face mask.
Chapter 13: Chapter VII Highlight Chapter progress: 50.15% Highlight: Thomas Sanchez, that learned Jesuit who, in 1592, published a folio on Marriage, which his contemporaries and immediate successors regarded as by far the filthiest book ever written.
Chapter 13: Chapter VII Annotation Chapter progress: 51.36% Highlight: catalepsy. Notes: Posession by demon.
Chapter 13: Chapter VII Annotation Chapter progress: 51.36% Highlight: The nature of hypnosis and the way in which suggestion acts upon the autonomic nervous system are still imperfectly understood; Notes: Science failures, face mask, corporate mystery injections.
Chapter 13: Chapter VII Annotation Chapter progress: 51.36% Highlight: Our conception of a vast intermediate world of subconscious mental activity, much more extensive and, in certain respects, more effective than the activity of the conscious self, was unthinkable. Notes: Introduce idiot box scrying screen to morons.
Chapter 13: Chapter VII Annotation Chapter progress: 51.66% Highlight: Note how completely the nuns have ceased to be regarded as human beings with a right to privacy or respect. Notes: Bluetooth network of track and trace protocols.
Chapter 13: Chapter VII Annotation Chapter progress: 51.96% Highlight: Today we are able to accept the facts and to explain them without having recourse to devils. Notes: Smartphone feedback loop programming the multitudes.
Chapter 13: Chapter VII Annotation Chapter progress: 52.27% Highlight: shock treatment by whipping was regularly employed in all cases of unequivocal insanity. Notes: All commies are insane and deserve the whip.
Chapter 13: Chapter VII Annotation Chapter progress: 52.57% Highlight: they keep the mind in a perpetual dungeon, and oppress it with continual fears, anxieties, sorrows, etc. Notes: Commies in control of network, idiot box, and scrying screen.
Chapter 13: Chapter VII Annotation Chapter progress: 52.57% Highlight: And where nothing can be done, very little can be understood.
Notes: Fake science.
Chapter 13: Chapter VII Annotation Chapter progress: 52.87% Highlight: Most of the nonsense derives from the current scientific theories; Notes: Corporate mytery injection by mandate of sold out doctors and government officials.
Chapter 13: Chapter VII Annotation Chapter progress: 53.47% Highlight: These were swallowed, irritated the mucous membrane as they passed through the intestine, thus acting as a purgative, and could be recovered from the chamber pot, washed and used again, indefinitely. Notes: Eeewww.
Chapter 13: Chapter VII Highlight Chapter progress: 54.68% Highlight: Those who crusade, not for God in themselves, but against the devil in others, never succeed in making the world better,
Chapter 13: Chapter VII Annotation Chapter progress: 54.68% Highlight: There are many evil ones, of whom Satan is the Chief Executive. Notes: Blackrock LLC
Chapter 13: Chapter VII Annotation Chapter progress: 54.98% Highlight: And being on the side of Darkness, they deserve to be punished and must be liquidated Notes: Commies.
Chapter 13: Chapter VII Highlight Chapter progress: 58.61% Highlight: bawdry and blasphemy were box-office.
Chapter 14: Chapter VIII Annotation Chapter progress: 60.12% Highlight: On other occasions respectable gentlemen were accused of having attended the Sabbath and kissed the devil’s rump. Notes: Secret society initiation.
Chapter 14: Chapter VIII Annotation Chapter progress: 60.42% Highlight: Doubt was no longer permissible. Notes: Covid scam. Corporate science. Dr. Fauci. Alphabet Inc.gov
Chapter 14: Chapter VIII Annotation Chapter progress: 60.42% Highlight: Duly constrained, the devil is bound to tell the truth. Notes: Not true.
Chapter 14: Chapter VIII Highlight Chapter progress: 60.73% Highlight: the infallibility of political bosses
Chapter 14: Chapter VIII Annotation Chapter progress: 60.73% Highlight: the King, the Cardinal and the Bishop of Poitiers believed in the possession, Notes: Covid scam. Corporate science
Chapter 14: Chapter VIII Highlight Chapter progress: 61.03% Highlight: stake-side seats.
Chapter 14: Chapter VIII Annotation Chapter progress: 61.33% Highlight: Pathetic illusion! Notes: Covid scam.
Chapter 14: Chapter VIII Annotation Chapter progress: 61.33% Highlight: He had done nothing, he was absolutely innocent. Notes: Rejecting fake science.
Chapter 14: Chapter VIII Annotation Chapter progress: 61.33% Highlight: shifting in their chairs with unconcealed impatience, whispering among themselves, laughing, picking their noses, doodling with squeaky quills on the paper before them. Notes: Sold out doctors. Paid off authority.
Chapter 14: Chapter VIII Annotation Chapter progress: 61.33% Highlight: huge machine of organized injustice Notes: Feds and sold out law enforcement.
Chapter 14: Chapter VIII Annotation Chapter progress: 61.33% Highlight: the methods of totalitarian dictatorship could safely be pushed.
Notes: Fema COG
Chapter 14: Chapter VIII Highlight Chapter progress: 61.63% Highlight: To stop the screaming you had to knock it over the head with a stick.
Chapter 14: Chapter VIII Annotation Chapter progress: 61.93% Highlight: It was all completely unthinkable; and yet it was a fact, it was actually happening. Notes: Covid scam. Face mask on children. Mandatory injections.
Chapter 14: Chapter VIII Highlight Chapter progress: 62.24% Highlight: All this pitting of the will against his enemies, all this defiance of unjust fate, these resolves to be heroic and indomitable—how futile,
Chapter 14: Chapter VIII Annotation Chapter progress: 63.14% Highlight: Therefore, though certainly false, it must somehow be true. Notes: Face mask on children is safe and healthy.
Chapter 14: Chapter VIII Annotation Chapter progress: 64.05% Highlight: the Collective Will is merely the dictator’s will-to-power, sometimes mitigated, sometimes distorted to the verge of lunacy, by some pseudo-scientific theory of what, in the gorgeous future, will be good for an actuarial abstraction labelled ‘Humanity. Notes: Covid scam.
Chapter 14: Chapter VIII Highlight Chapter progress: 64.35% Highlight: necessary to depersonalize the ‘enemies of Society’ in order to transform the official lie into truth.
Notes: A person.
Chapter 15: Chapter IX Annotation Chapter progress: 68.88% Highlight: he maintained that we ought to be ready to die for the people with whom we live, “while at the same time preserving ourselves from them as though they were our enemies Notes: Jesuit
Chapter 15: Chapter IX Annotation Chapter progress: 68.88% Highlight: The Jesuits had a reputation for learning and ability. Notes: Techno space religion.
Chapter 15: Chapter IX Annotation Chapter progress: 71.6% Highlight: Men are possessed by their thoughts of a hated person, a hated class, race or nation. Notes: Blackpilledham
Chapter 15: Chapter IX Highlight Chapter progress: 71.6% Highlight: To be more against the devil than for God is exceedingly dangerous.
Chapter 15: Chapter IX Annotation Chapter progress: 72.81% Highlight: Surin made her lie on a table and bound her securely with ropes, so that she could not move. Notes: Sexo strange priest.
Chapter 15: Chapter IX Annotation Chapter progress: 73.11% Highlight: But, first of all, let it be remembered that these neurotics do enormous harm to the souls of others. Notes: Fake people.
Chapter 15: Chapter IX Annotation Chapter progress: 74.32% Highlight: something obviously supernatural. Notes: Covid scam
Chapter 16: Chapter X Annotation Chapter progress: 77.64% Highlight: prolonged effort, on the part of the ruling minority, to overstep the limitations of organic existence. Notes: Alphabet Inc.gov
Chapter 16: Chapter X Annotation Chapter progress: 78.85% Highlight: separating fact from phantasy approximated to one hundred and eighty degrees. Notes: Corporate science
Notes: Hehe
Chapter 16: Chapter X Annotation Chapter progress: 80.36% Highlight: Those who decry and condemn this marvel are the enemies of the Church. Notes: Face mask and corporate injections for entire congregation.
Chapter 16: Chapter X Annotation Chapter progress: 81.27% Highlight: the breach between traditional religion and developing science should come to seem unbridgeable. Notes: Techno space religion.
Chapter 16: Chapter X Annotation Chapter progress: 81.27% Highlight: One may mean well; but if one acts in an unrealistic and inappropriate manner, the consequences can only be disastrous. Notes: Face mask on children.
Chapter 16: Chapter X Annotation Chapter progress: 82.78% Highlight: ! Sœur Jeanne, it is evident, was still under the impression that the “inner life” is a life of constant self-analysis in public. Notes: Lol
Chapter 17: Chapter XI Highlight Chapter progress: 84.89% Highlight: “Do not hunt after the truth,” advises one of the Zen masters, “only cease to cherish opinions.”
Chapter 17: Chapter XI Annotation Chapter progress: 84.89% Highlight: The Fact must be approached through the facts; it cannot be known by means of words, or by means of phantasies inspired by words. Notes: Covid scam.
Chapter 17: Chapter XI Annotation Chapter progress: 87.31% Highlight: He could not look at a knife or a rope without an intense desire to hang himself or cut his own throat.
Notes: Fauci
Chapter 17: Chapter XI Highlight Chapter progress: 87.92% Highlight: On Sundays and holidays one took the children to see the insane, as one takes them now to the zoo or the circus.
Chapter 17: Chapter XI Annotation Chapter progress: 88.52% Highlight: Desperately they pant for air; and if at last they contrive to fill their lungs, what an unspeakable blessedness!
Notes: Face mask science.
Chapter 17: Chapter XI Annotation Chapter progress: 88.82% Highlight: It was a source of terror and despair, from which the only effective distractions were pain and acute illness. Notes: Full spectrum domination by fake people.
Chapter 17: Chapter XI Annotation Chapter progress: 89.43% Highlight: language is the cause of man’s deviation from animal innocence and animal conformity to the nature of things into madness and diabolism. Notes: Social distancing.
Chapter 17: Chapter XI Highlight Chapter progress: 89.43% Highlight: If Christ came “not to send peace on earth, but a sword,” it was because He and His followers had no choice but to embody their insights in words.
Chapter 17: Chapter XI Annotation Chapter progress: 89.43% Highlight: Unhappily most of them have failed to harp on the no less essential duty of controlling words and the reasoning based upon them. Notes: Alphabet Inc.gov commies controlling words for total annihilation.
Chapter 17: Chapter XI Annotation Chapter progress: 89.73% Highlight: As a race, we have to discover how a huge and rapidly increasing population can go on existing satisfactorily on a planet of limited size Notes: Gfys Bill Gates
Chapter 17: Chapter XI Annotation Chapter progress: 89.73% Highlight: idolatrous word-worship Notes: Lock down for safety.
Chapter 17: Chapter XI Annotation Chapter progress: 90.94% Highlight: Blake’s words, “the doors of perception were cleansed. Notes: LSD Huxley via Blake. Face mask is safe. Bad trip. Globo Corp injections.
Chapter 17: Chapter XI Annotation Chapter progress: 90.94% Highlight: Nothing remains to me but the memory of a very great thing, surpassing in beauty and grandeur all that I have experienced in this world.”
Notes: Covid scam.
Chapter 17: Chapter XI Annotation Chapter progress: 91.54% Highlight: His behaviour was still somewhat odd, and his superiors thought it necessary to censor all his letters, incoming and outgoing, for fear that they might contain unorthodoxies Notes: Prophecy fulfilled. FBI social media police at your door.
Chapter 17: Chapter XI Annotation Chapter progress: 91.84% Highlight: oppression more painful than can be imagined. Notes: Free speech is dead.
Chapter 18: Appendix Annotation Chapter progress: 92.75% Highlight: The fact is strangely significant; for it seems to prove that, always and everywhere, human beings have felt the radical inadequacy of their personal existence, the misery of being their insulated selves and not something else, something wider, something in Wordsworthian phrase, “far more deeply interfused. Notes: Narco planet.
Chapter 18: Appendix Highlight Chapter progress: 93.05% Highlight: In every case, of course, what seems a god is actually a devil,
Chapter 18: Appendix Annotation Chapter progress: 93.35% Highlight: there is an elementary sexuality which is morally and aesthetically squalid. Notes: Porno
Chapter 18: Appendix Annotation Chapter progress: 93.35% Highlight: But when we pass from drug-taking and elementary sexuality to the third main avenue of downward self-transcendence, Notes: Religion.
Chapter 18: Appendix Annotation Chapter progress: 93.35% Highlight: crowd-delirium, Notes: Corporate science. Religion thereof.
Chapter 18: Appendix Annotation Chapter progress: 93.66% Highlight: Against excessive sexuality, as against excessive drug-taking, societies seem to be able to protect themselves with some degree of success. Notes: Failed prophecy.
Chapter 18: Appendix Annotation Chapter progress: 93.66% Highlight: disgusting vice of herd-intoxication—of down-ward self-transcendence into subhumanity by the process of getting together in a mob.
Notes: Religion of science, face mask, injection schedules and lock down.
Chapter 18: Appendix Highlight Chapter progress: 93.96% Highlight: Herded into mobs, the same men and women behave as though they possessed neither reason nor free will.
Chapter 18: Appendix Annotation Chapter progress: 93.96% Highlight: To men and women under the influence of herd-poison, “whatever I say three times is true”—and whatever I say three hundred times is Revelation, is the directly inspired Word of God. Notes: Scrying screen crystal smartphone device.
Chapter 18: Appendix Highlight Chapter progress: 94.86% Highlight: Being in a crowd is the best known antidote to independent thought.
Chapter 18: Appendix Annotation Chapter progress: 94.86% Highlight: Intellectuals of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your brains.”
Notes: Endowment collapse.